Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Usage of Prepositions

 Preposition Basics

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."

Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic. Although there are some rules for usage, much preposition usage is dictated by fixed expressions. In these cases, it is best to memorize the phrase instead of the individual preposition.

Usage of Prepositions

A Few Rules

Prepositions of Direction

To refer to a direction, use the prepositions "to," "in," "into," "on," and "onto."

She drove to the store.

Don’t ring the doorbell. Come right in(to) the house.

Drive on(to) the grass and park the car there.


Prepositions of Time

To refer to one point in time, use the prepositions "in," "at," and "on."

Use "in" with parts of the day (not specific times), months, years, and seasons.

He reads in the evening.

The weather is cold in December.

She was born in 1996.

We rake leaves in the fall.

Use "at" with the time of day. Also use "at" with noon, night, and midnight.

I go to work at 8:00.

He eats lunch at noon.

She often goes for a walk at night.

They go to bed at midnight.

Use "on" with days.

I work on Saturdays.

He does laundry on Wednesdays.

To refer to extended time, use the prepositions "since," "for," "by," "during," "from…to," "from…until," "with," and "within."

I have lived in Minneapolis since 2005. (I moved there in 2005 and still live there.)

He will be in Toronto for 3 weeks. (He will spend 3 weeks in Toronto.)

She will finish her homework by 6:00. (She will finish her homework sometime between now and 6:00.)

He works part time during the summer. (For the period of time throughout the summer.)

I will collect data from January to June. (Starting in January and ending in June.)

They are in school from August until May. (Starting in August and ending in May.)

She will graduate within 2 years. (Not longer than 2 years.)


Prepositions of Place

To refer to a place, use the prepositions "in" (the point itself), "at" (the general vicinity), "on" (the surface), and "inside" (something contained).

They will meet in the lunchroom.

She was waiting at the corner.

He left his phone on the bed.

Place the pen inside the drawer.

To refer to an object higher than a point, use the prepositions "over" and "above." To refer to an object lower than a point, use the prepositions "below," "beneath," "under," and "underneath."

The bird flew over the house.

The plates were on the shelf above the cups.

Basements are dug below ground.

There is hard wood beneath the carpet.

The squirrel hid the nuts under a pile of leaves.

The cat is hiding underneath the box.

 To refer to an object close to a point, use the prepositions "by," "near," "next to," "between," "among," and "opposite."

The gas station is by the grocery store.

The park is near her house.

Park your bike next to the garage.

There is a deer between the two trees.

There is a purple flower among the weeds.

The garage is opposite the house.


Prepositions of Location

To refer to a location, use the prepositions "in" (an area or volume), "at" (a point), and "on" (a surface).

They live in the country. (an area)

She will find him at the library. (a point)

There is a lot of dirt on the window. (a surface)


Prepositions of Spatial Relationships

To refer to a spatial relationship, use the prepositions "above," "across," "against," "ahead of," "along," "among," "around," "behind," "below,"

"beneath," "beside," "between," "from," "in front of," "inside," "near," "off," "out of," "through," "toward," "under," and "within."

The post office is across the street from the grocery store.

We will stop at many attractions along the way.

The kids are hiding behind the tree.

His shirt is off.

Walk toward the garage and then turn left.

Place a check mark within the box.

Prepositions Following Verbs and Adjectives

Some verbs and adjectives are followed by a certain preposition. Sometimes verbs and adjectives can be followed by different prepositions, giving the phrase different meanings. To find which prepositions follow the verb or an adjective, look up the verb or adjective in an online dictionary, such as Merriam Webster, or use a corpus, such as The Corpus of Contemporary American English. Memorizing these phrases instead of just the preposition alone is the most helpful.


Some Common Verb + Preposition Combinations

About: worry, complain, read

He worries about the future.

She complained about the homework.

I read about the flooding in the city.

At: arrive (a building or event), smile, look

He arrived at the airport 2 hours early.

The children smiled at her.

She looked at him.

From: differ, suffer

The results differ from my original idea.

She suffers from dementia.

For: account, allow, search

Be sure to account for any discrepancies.

I returned the transcripts to the interviewees to allow for revisions to be made.

They are searching for the missing dog.

In: occur, result, succeed

The same problem occurred in three out of four cases.

My recruitment strategies resulted in finding 10 participants.

She will succeed in completing her degree.

Of: approve, consist, smell

I approve of the idea.

The recipe consists of three basic ingredients.

The basement smells of mildew.

On: concentrate, depend, insist

He is concentrating on his work.

They depend on each other.

I must insist on following this rule.

To: belong, contribute, lead, refer

Bears belong to the family of mammals.

I hope to contribute to the previous research.

My results will lead to future research on the topic.

Please refer to my previous explanation.

With: (dis)agree, argue, deal

I (dis)agree with you.

She argued with him.

They will deal with the situation.

Although verb + preposition combinations appear similar to phrasal verbs, the verb and the particle (in this case, the preposition) in these combinations cannot be separated like phrasal verbs.

Ending a Sentence With a Preposition

At one time, schools taught students that a sentence should never end with a preposition. This rule is associated with Latin grammar, and while many aspects of Latin have made their way into English, there are times when following this particular grammar rule creates unclear or awkward sentence structures. Since the purpose of writing is to clearly communicate your ideas, it is acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition if the alternative would create confusion or is too overly formal.

Example: The car had not been paid for. (Ends with a preposition but is acceptable)

Unclear Revision: Paid for the car had not been. (Unclear sentence.)


Example: I would like to know where she comes from. (Ends with a preposition but is acceptable)

Overly Grammatical Revision: I would like to know from where she comes. (Grammatical but overly formal. Nobody actually speaks like this.)


However, in academic writing, you may decide that it is worth revising your sentences to avoid ending with a preposition in order to maintain a more formal scholarly voice.

Example: My research will focus on the community the students lived in.

Revision: My research will focus on the community in which the students lived.


Example: I like the people I am working with.

Revision: I like the people with whom I am working.

Prepositional Phrases and Wordiness

Like with pronouns, too many prepositional phrases can create wordiness in a sentence:

Example: The author chose the mixed-method design to explain that the purpose of the study was to explore the leadership qualities of the principals in the schools as a means to gauge teacher satisfaction in the first year of teaching.

This type of sentence could be shortened and condensed to minimize the prepositional phrases and bring.

*Compulsory General* 



It is show party, place,

festival, function, rate, speed, time,

village, town, and ability of subject


It is used to show physical

contact, attachment, day, about


It is used to show city, country,



It is used to show rest,

change in position


It is used to show relation,

consisting of, making of, about,

due to


It is used to show away from,

aside from and it gives different 

meanings in different sentences


It is used to show

inferior to in ability, status, position,

and gives meaning of unworthy


It is used to show close

against, in subordination, and work

in progress


It is used to show

accompanied by against, work done

by an instrument


It is used to show near, by

means of, according to, quantities,

by which things are sold, and work

done by an agent


It is used in comparison

b/w two subjects



It is used to show

comparison b/w many subjects


It is used to show position


It is used to show in

addition to (Kay ilawa )


It is Used to show later(baad



It is used to show position

which means at the back of


It is used to show inferior to in ability, status, position, figure


It is used to show superior

to in every part and also gives

meaning of towards


Point of time


-Period of time, Length of

time , exchanging of things,



 It is used to show place of

coming, place of leaving  , start of

time , and place.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

How to Apply Online in Sindh Rangers Pakistan

Pakistan Rangers (Sindh)-Recruitment/Jobs Program.

                      🔹Jobs/Post Title🔹



3:Sepoy Clerk

4:Sepoy General Duty-etc.


Matric/Intermediate & Class 8th/5th Passed.

How to Apply for Sindh Rangers Jobs 2021? How to submit the application form?  Interested candidates should submit the application for Sindh Rangers jobs 2021 Karachi Online Apply form along with required documents at the given address before the closing date Address: Training Center and School Pakistan Rangers (Sindh), Karachi  Zip Code: 74600  Late submission of form/application  Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained. 04-09-2021


Registration will be at the given address in the advertisement with places/dates.

i.e: for sindh: 17/18 August training center & School Pakistan Rangers Near Toll-Plaza Super-Highway Karachi.

   🔹Documents Required For Registration🔹

•Orginal Marks-certificate Matric/Intermediate & Class 5th/8th.

•Orginal CNIC.

•Orginal Domicile.

•4 Colour-Passport Size Photos.

How to Apply for Sindh Rangers Jobs 2021?

How to submit the application form?

Interested candidates should submit the application for Sindh Rangers jobs 2021 Karachi Online Apply form along with required documents at the given address before the closing date


Training Center and School Pakistan Rangers (Sindh), Karachi

Zip Code:


Late submission of form/application

Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained.



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Sunday, August 15, 2021

English Synonyms and Antonyms

 English - STBB - Class 7 

Synonyms - Antonyms 

(Complete Book Exercise) 

English - Class 7 - (STBB)

Vocabulary- words - meaning 

1. Enthusiastic = very excited or interested 

2. Social campaigns = activities to make people aware about something 

3. Involved = made them take part 

4. Honked = blew the horn

5. Fumes = dangerous smoke having a strong smell 

6. Emitted = produced 

7. Purposeless = with out any purpose or reason 

8. Assign = give 

9. Deadlines = the date by which something will be completed 

10. Tasks = work that has to be done 

11. Reviewed = check something to see if any change is needed 

12. Attendees = people who attend a programme/ meeting 

13. Upsets = makes unhappy 

14. Harsh = say things in a rough manner 

15. Irritated = angry / annoyed 

16. Handicapped = having some disability 

17. Mock = make fun of 

18. Honoured = a person given a special award 

19. Joint family = a family where a husband,  wife , their children,  parents ,and other family members live together. 

20. Slurp = make a loud noise with the lips while eating or drinking 

21. Burp = making a noise while letting out air from the stomach through the mouth 

22. Diversity = variety 

23. Rituals = actions done at a fixed time in a fixed way 

24. Traditions = beliefs/  practices passed down from elders 

25. Complexion = nature colour of the skin

26. Fairer = lighter in colour 

27. Backbite = say bad things about people when they are not present 

28. Unharmed = not hurt in any way 

29. Gushing = moving with great force 

30. Clung = hold on 

31. Bumping = hitting 

32. Numb = without feeling 

33. Exhausted = very very tired 

34. Yelled = shouted 

35. Relief camp = a place where people who have lost their homes get food and shelter 

36. Evacuate = leave when there is danger 

37. Nightmare = a bad and frightening dream 

38. Glittered = shone 

39. Energetic = active 

40. Blessings = favour from God 

41. Wondrous = wonderful 

42. Mourn = show Sorrow over the loss of something 

43. hapless = unlucky 

44. Woe = sorrow 

45. Patience = with out complaint 

46. Cheer = give happiness,  joy 

47. Thrived = grew and developed 

48. Abandoned = left forever 

49. Preserved = kept in its original shape 

50. Urban settlement = city like places where people live 

51. Prehistoric = before the time since history was record 

52. Mound = a small hill 

53. Ruins = remaining parts of a destroyed building 

54. Fortified = surrounded by high walls to defend against enemy 

55. Stupas = buildings in the shape of a dome , built as a place of worship for Buddhists 

56. Meditation = thinking deeply in silence,  often for religious purposes 

57. Accompanying = going with someone 

58. Rescued = out of danger 

59. Survivors = those who lived 

60 stable = saved 

61. Heritage = things passed down by people before us 

62. Significant = important 

63. Reflect = show 

64. Literary = related to literature 

65. Amphitheatere = a room with theatre like seating 

66. Unusually = different from normal 

67. Talented = a person with a natural ability 

68. Critical = serious 

69. Beef = cow/ buffalo meat 

70. Pounced = attacked suddenly 

71. Denied = said it was not true 

72. Awareness = make people understand 

73. Threat = danger 

74. Collective = everyone doing something together 

75. Participated = took part 

76. Larva = insects that have just come out of the egg 

77. Vehicles = cars , buses , lorries , etc 

78. Engulfed = surrounded 

79. Occupants = persons in a given space (in a car , house ,etc .)

80. Escaped = got away from the danger 

81. Downhearted = sad ; in low spirits 

82. Collapsed = fell down

83. Fractured = broken a bone 

84. Bruised = has Marks of injury 

85. Cooperative = being helpful 

86. Console = give comfort or sympathy 

87. Expenses = money spent 

88. Budget = go beyond a set limit 

89. Exceed = amount of money available and how will it will be spent 

90. Slaughter = killing an animal for food 

91. Bother = cause trouble

English Synonyms and Antonyms of class seven and eight

English STBB class 8 

 Synonyms - Antonyms

 (Complete book exercise) 

English - class 8 

Vocabulary - Words - Meaning

1. Sympathetic = Kind to someone who is sad or hurt 

2. Nature lovers = Those who enjoy nature

3. Curious = wanted to know

4. Wandered = walked around without any purpose

5. Dense = Thick 

6. In vain = with out any success

7. Abandon = leave someone because it is dangerous to stay 

8. Paralyzed = unable to move 

9. . Apologizing  = Saying sorry 

10. Whisper = speak very softly 

11. Embarrassed = ashamed

12. Spell binding = holding one's attention completely

13. Astound = surprise a lot 

14. Mighty = very high 

15. Snow-Crowned = peaks covered with snow 

16. Safe and sound = in good condition

17. Browned = turned brown in colour 

18. Lofty = very high 

19. Precious = valuable

20. Fearless = brave 

21. Abound = found in large numbers

22. Fertile = soil or land in which crops grow well 

23. Plains = a large area of flat land.

24. Renowned = famous

25. Tales = exciting stories 

26. Legends = old stories that may or may not be true 

27. Profound = having a great effects

28. Delta = the mouth of a river where it spreads out before entering the sea 

29. Mound = a small hill 

30. Ancient = very old 

31. Resound =  loud , deep sound

32. Echoes = repeated  sound 

33. Resourceful = someone who is good at finding new ways to do things 

34. Undisciplined = people who break rules

35. Pedestrians = people who use road for walking

36. Stunts = actions that are often danger

37. Strategies = ways of doing things 

38. Appealing = always like to watch 

39. Under - age = less than 18 years old

40. Impart education = Provide Education

41. Pillion riders = people on a cycle or motorbike who sit behind the driver 

42. Dangle = hang in the air 

43. Distract = take away their attention

44. Scope = range of choices 

45. Opportunities = chances 

46. Myth = stories that many people believe but are not true

47. Reflects = shows 

48. Breeding = increasing the number of animals through birth 

49. Curiosity = wanting to know about everything

50. Exposed = shown what something is like 

51. Global = at the world level 

52. Challenges = possible problems and issues

53. Valuable = useful or important

54. Rapidly = quickly

55. Communication = get in touch with or talk to

56. Dramatic = sudden and great 

57. Animated = pictures tht move 

58. Backbone = the most important

59. Currently = at present

60. Amazing = Pleasurable

61. Convince = try and make someone accept something

62. Dental = related to the teeth 

63. Optimism = a feeling that good things will happen

64. Rehabilitation centers = a place where people learn to live a useful life once again 

65. Charitable = helping people who are poor or in need 

66. Humanitarian work = work that helps in making people's lives better 

67. Operate = work in a particular way 

68. Network = a group of organizations working together

69. Humble = low 

70. Voluntary = work done by people who are not paid 

71. Drug - addicts = people who regularly use harmful drugs 

72. Single - handedly = all by himself

73. Optimistic = always expecting good things to happen 

74. Conflicts = disagreements

75. Content = satisfied

76. Fondly = in a loving way 

77. Disputes = fights 

78. Moral standards = levels of right and wrong behavior

79. Recalls = think back about something

80. Surpluses = extra things

81. Mentally challenged = not able to use their mind properly 

82. Arrogance = proud behavior

83. Humility = considering oneself as someone very small 

84. Curb = control 

85. Appreciated = recognise something good 

86. Distraction = something tht takes away your attention

87. Handicapped = not able to use a particular part of the body

88. Mean = selfish

89. Ensured = made sure 

90. Idly = doing nothing 

91. Nutured = developed

92. Disadvantaged = not having things that one needs for a proper living 

93. Confessed = admit having done something wrong

94. Fortunate = lucky 

95. Priority = something that is more important than the other

96. Challenging = difficult

97. Integrity = honesty 

98. State funeral = a burial with honour given to the head of a state 

99. Outlook = the way one looks at something

100. Regardless = not to give importance to something

101. Insurmountable = something that cannot be overcome

102. Associate = a person whom you work with or spend time with 

103. Vision = ability to think about the future in an intelligent way 

104. Transformation = complete change

105. Broke into applause = clapped very loudly 

106. Went to his head = behave in a proud manner 

107. Rude = made him very proud

108. Arrogant = not show/ have respect

109. Irritating = something that makes people a little angry 

110. Counselled = advised 

111. To no avail = it did not have any effect 

112. Resounding = fair , generous and polite behavior

113. Well-suited = well dressed

114. Awe = very great 

115. Renowned = famous 

116. Chatting = talking in a friendly way 

117. Pranks = tricks played on someone as a joke

118. Scrap-book = a book in which one sticks pictures or newspaper article

119. Intolerable = unacceptable

120. Sportsmanship = feeling of respect

121. Economic activity= work that is done to earn some money

122. Hovering = stand or move about near someone without any purpose

123. Chores = Everyday work

124. Weave = make cloth with thread 

125. Pasttime = a thing done for enjoyment

126. Nation building = Developing the country

127. Development sector = a field in which progress and improvement is studied 

128. Conference / seminar / Community = a gethering of people for exchanging ideas and discussing.

129. Discussion = to share information and thought

130. Multi-tasking = Doing two or more work at the same time / Simultaneously = at the same time 

131. Issue = an important topic / problem for debate or discussion

Saturday, August 14, 2021

1000 English Opposites

 1000 Opposite Words in English

1000 Opposite Words in English

about – exactly

above – below

absence – presence

abundance – lack

accept – refuse

accidental – intentional

active – lazy

add – subtract

admit – deny

adult – child

advanced – elementary

affirmative – negative

afraid – brave

after – before

against – for

alike – different

alive – dead

all – none

allow – forbid

already – not yet

always – never

ancient – modern

ancestor – descendant

agree – refuse

amateur – professional

amuse – bore

ancestor – descendant

angel – devil

animal – human

annoy – satisfy

answer – ask

answer – question

antonym – synonym

apart – together

approximately – exactly

argue – agree

arrest – free

arrival – departure

arrive – depart

artificial – natural

ascent – descent

ask – answer

asleep – awake

attack – defend

attack – defence

attic – cellar

autumn – spring

awake – asleep

awful – nice


Mathematics Mock Test Online

back – in front of

background – foreground

backward – forward

bad – good

bad luck – fortune

beauty – ugliness

before – after

begin – end

beginning – end

behind – in front of

below – above

best – worst

better – worse

beautiful – ugly

big – small

birth – death

bitter – sweet

black – white

blunt – sharp

body – soul

bore – amuse

boring – exciting

borrow – lend

bottom – top

boy – girl

brave – cowardly

break – fix

broad – narrow

brother – sister

build – destroy

busy – lazy

buy – sell

calm – excited

careful – careless

careless – careful

catch – miss

ceiling – floor

cellar – attic

centre – outskirts

certainly – probably

changeable – constant

cheap – expensive

child – adult

children – parents

clean – dirty

clear – cloudy

clever – stupid

close – open

closed – open

cloudy – clear

cold – hot

cold – heat

come – go

comedy – drama

complicated – simple

compliment – insult

compulsory – voluntary

connect – separate

consonant – vowel

constant – changeable

construction – destruction

continue – interrupt

cool – warm

correct – wrong

courage – fear

courageous – cowardly

cowardly – brave

create – destroy

cruel – human

cry – whisper

cry – laugh


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damage – repair

danger – security

dangerous – safe

dark – light

daughter – son

dawn – dusk

day – night

dead – alive

death – birth

deep – shallow

defeat – victory

defence – attack

defend – attack

delicious – awful

deny – admit

depart – arrive

departure – arrival

descendant – ancestor

descent – ascent

desperate – hopeful

destroy – build

destruction – construction

devil – angel

dictatorship – republic

die – live

different – alike

difficult – easy

dirty – clean

disease – health

distant – near

divide – unite

division – unity

divorce – marry

divorce – marriage

divorced – married

domestic – foreign

down – up

downstairs – upstairs

drama – comedy

dry – humid

dull – interesting

dusk – dawn

early – late

east – west

easy – difficult

elementary – advanced

emigrate – immigrate

emigration – immigration

empty – full

end – begin

end – beginning

ending – beginning

enemy – friend

enjoy – hate

enter – leave

entrance – exit

equal – different

even – odd

evening – morning

everybody – nobody

everything – nothing

exactly – approximately

excited – calm

exciting – boring

exclude – include

exit – entrance

expensive – cheap

export – import

exposure – shelter

extreme – moderate

fail – succeed

failure – success

false – true

far – near

fast – slow

fat – slim

fear – courage

female – male

few – many

final – first

find – lose

finish – begin

finish – start

first – final

fix – break

flat – hilly

floor – ceiling

follow – lead

forbid – allow

for – against

foreground – background

foreign – domestic

foreigner – native

forget – remember

form – destroy

fortune – bad luck

forward – backward

free – arrest

freeze – melt

frequently – occasionally

fresh – old/stale

friend – enemy

front – rear

in front of – back

full – empty

funny – serious

future – past

general – particular

generous – mean

gentle – violent

gentleman – lady

giant – tiny

girl – boy

give – take

go – come

good – bad

grown-up – child

guest – host

guilty – innocent


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happiness – sadness

happy – sad

handsome – ugly

hard – easy

harvest – plant

hate – enjoy

health – disease

healthy – ill

heat – cold

heaven – hell

heavy – light

hell – heaven

here – there

high – deep

high – low

hilly – flat

hit – miss

hopeful – desperate

hopeless – hopeful

horizontal – vertical

host – guest

hot – cold

huge – tiny

human – animal

humane – cruel

humid – dry

hungry – thirsty

husband – wife

in front of – back

ignore – notice

ill – healty

immigrate – emigrate

immigration – emigration

import – export

in – out

include – exclude

increase – reduce

innocent – guilty

inside – outside

insult – compliment

intelligent – silly

intentional – accidental

be interested in – bore

interesting – boring

interrupt – continue

junior – senior

kind – cruel

lack – abundance

lady – gentleman

land – take off

land – water

large – small

last – first

late – early

laugh – cry

lazy – active

lead – follow

learn – teach

leave – arrive

left – right

lend – borrow

less – more

let – forbid

lie – stand

life – death

light – dark

light – heavy

like – hate

liquid – solid

little – big

little – much

live – die

long – short

lose – win

loser – winner

loud – quiet

love – hate

lovely – terrible

low – high

lower – raise

bad luck – good luck

good luck – bad luck

major – minor

male – female

man – woman

many – few

marriage – divorce

married – divorced

marry – divorce

master – servant

maximum – minimum

mean – generous

melt – freeze

men – women

mend – break

mess – order

midnight – noon

minimum – maximum

minor – major

miss – hit

miss – catch

moderate – extreme

modern – ancient

monarchy – republic

moon – sun

more – less

morning – evening

mountain – valley

much – little

narrow – broad

nasty – nice

native – foreigner

natural – artificial

near – distant

negative – affirmative

nephew – niece

never – always

new – ancient

nice – awful

niece – nephew

night – day

no – yes

nobody – everybody

noisy – quiet

noon – midnight

none of – al lof

normal – strange

north – south

not yet – already

nothing – everything

notice – ignore

now – then

occasionally – frequently

occupied – vacant

odd – even

off – on

often – seldom

old – modern

on – off

open – closed

open – closed

opponent – supporter

order – mess

ordinary – special

other – same

out – in


outside – inside

outskirts – centre

over – under

parents – children

part – whole

partial – total

particular – general

pass – fail

past – future

peace – war

permit – forbid

plant – harvest

plenty – lack

pleasant – awful

polite – rude

poor – rich

poverty – wealth

powerful – weak

presence – absence

present – past

pretty – ugly

private – public

probably – certainly

professional – amateur

protect – attack

protection – attack

public – private

pull – push

pupil – teacher

push – pull

question – answer

quick – slow

quiet – loud

raise – lower

rainy – sunny

rear – front

receive – send

reduce – increase

refuse – agree

regret – satisfaction

remember – forget

repair – damage

reply – ask

reply – question

republic – dictatorship

rest – work

rich – poor

right – left

right – wrong

rise – sink

rough – gentle

rough – smooth

rude – polite

rural – urban

sad – happy

sadness – happiness

safe – dangerous

safety – danger

salt – sugar

same – different

satisfaction – regret

satisfy – annoy

save – spend

scream – whisper

security – danger

seldom – often

sell – buy

send – receive

senior – junior

separate – connect

serious – funny

servant – master

set free – arrest

shallow – deep

sharp – blunt

shelter – exposure

short – long

shout – whisper

shut – open

sick – healthy

silent – noisy

silly – intelligent

simple – complicated

sink – rise

single – married

sister – brother

sit – stand

slim – fat

slow – fast

small – big

smooth – rough

soft – hard

solid – liquid

some – many

sometimes – often

son – daughter

soul – body

sour – sweet

south – north

special – general

spring – autumn

stand – sit

start – stop

start – finish

stop – start

stand – lie

strange – normal

stranger – native

strict – gentle

strong – weak

student – teacher

stupid – clever

suburb – centre

succeed – fail

success – failure

subtract – add

sugar – salt

summer – winter

sun – moon

sunny – cloudy

supporter – opponent

suspect – trust

sweet – bitter

synonym – antonym

take – give

take off – land

tall – small

teach – learn

teacher – pupil

then – now

terrible – oks 

there – herefh

thick – thin

thin – thick

thirsty – hungry

throw – catch

tight – loose

tiny – giant

together – apart

tomorrow – yesterday

top – bottom

total – partial

town – village

tragedy – comedy

true – false

trust – suspect

ugliness – beauty

ugly – beautiful

under – over

unite – divide

unity – division

up – down

upstairs – downstairs

urban – rural

useful – useless

useless – useful

vacant – occupied

valley – mountain

vertical – horizontal

victory – defeat

village – town

violent – gentle

visitor – host

voluntary – compulsory

vowel – consonant

war – peace

warm – cool

waste – save

water – land

weak – powerful

wealth – poverty

wealthy – poor

wedding – divorce

well- ill

west – east

wet – dry

whisper – scream

white – black

whole – part

wide – narrow

wife – husband

win – lose

winner – loser

winter – summer

work – rest

woman – man

women – men

worse – better

worst – best

wrong – correct

yes – – no

yesterday – tomorrow

young – old

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