Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Science | CLASS V | Teaching Jobs


             🔸🔸Questions & Answers 🔸🔸

               🔸May help you for the Test🔸

                        🔸🔸Chapter 1🔸🔸

1. Classification of animals and plants is 

called taxonomy. 

2. Classification can be defined as the process 

of grouping the things into groups and 


3. All the living things are divided into five 

main kingdoms.

4. Five kingdoms are

A. Bacteria

B. Algae

C. Fungi

D. Plants

E. Animals

5. Bacteria are small organism which cannot 

see with our naked eyes.

6. In older classification, bacteria were 

considered as plants now they are kept in 

kingdom monera.

7. Algae are green in color but they do not 

have roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.

8. In older classification, algae were 

considered as plants now they are placed in 

kingdom Protista.

9. Mushroom is type of fungi.

10. Fungi are cotton like fluffy mass.

11. Animals are divided into two large sub 

groups called vertebrates and invertebrates.

12. Those organisms which have backbone in 

their body are called vertebrates.

13. Vertebrates are further divided into five 


a. Fishes

b. Amphibians

c. Reptiles

d. Birds

e. Mammals

14. Fishes are vertebrates, respire by gills.

15. Amphibians can live both in water and on 


16. Amphibian skin is mostly moist and 


17. Frog, toad etc. are examples of 


18. Reptiles are completely land vertebrates.

19. Reptiles skin is hard and rough and bears 

scales on it.

20. Examples of reptiles are Lizards, snakes, 

chameleon, crocodile, turtle, tortoise etc. 

21. Forelimbs of birds are modified into 

wings that are strong and large.

22. Running birds lost their ability of flight as 

they had no enemy in their environment 

hence need not to fly.

23. Snakes lost their legs due to their life style 

of living in burrow, cracks and crevices.

24. Ostrich is the largest bird in the world.

25. Bat is a unique mammal that can fly in air.

26. Those organisms which do not have 

backbone in their bodies are called 


27. Invertebrates are classified into two major 


1. Insects

2. Worms

28. The largest subgroup of invertebrate is 


29. Insects have three pairs of legs.

30. Generally insects have two antennas on 

their head.

31. Antenna is sense organs of insects.

32. Worms body are generally long, slender 

and mostly segmented.

33. Earthworm is a common worm found in 

damp soil.

34. Earthworms eat soil, absorb its food from 

it, convert it into fertile soil and excrete it.

35. Earthworms are called as living fertilizers 

or bio fertilizers.

36. Plants are classified into two groups.

1. Non flowering plants

2. Flowering plants

37. Examples of non-flowering plants are 

ferns and mosses.

38. Non flowering plants generally grow in 

damp soil places.

39. Flowers produce seeds and seed 

germinate into new plants.

40. Some flowers are large and conspicuous 

for example sunflower, pansy, rose, jasmine 


41. Some flowers are very small and 

inconspicuous for example wheat, grasses etc. 

42. Flowering plants are the largest group of 


43. Flowering plants are further subdivided 

into two subgroups.

1. Monocotyledonous plants

2. Dicotyledonous plants

44. Monocot plants can be differentiated from 

Dicot plants by the characteristics of number 

of cotyledons in the seed.

45. The plants having one cotyledon in their 

seeds are called monocot plants.

46. Example of monocots is maize, rice, 

wheat, oat, grasses etc. 

47. The plants having two cotyledons are 

called dicot plants.

48. Examples are mango, lemon, lemon, 

gram, beans, pea etc. 

49. Monocot leaves are narrow and pointed.

50. Dicot leaves are broad and wide.

51. In monocot levees, veins are parallel.

52. In dicot leaves, veins start from center, 

thick midrib and make a network in the leaf.

53. The flower of monocot has three floral 

parts or multiple of these numbers.

54. The flower of dicot has four or five floral 

parts or multiple of these numbers.

55. Monocot has fibrous root.

56. Dicot has tap roots.

Science for Teaching Jobs |

                  🔸🔸Chapter 2🔸🔸

1. Microscope was invented by Dutch 

scientist, Antony van Leeuwenhoek in 1667. 

2. Virus, bacteria, fungi are types of 


3. Microorganisms can only be seen with 

equipment called Microscope. 

4. Viruses are the smallest and simplest of all.

5. Viruses are seen only by electron 


6. Virus can survive only inside a cell of 


7. There is no nucleus in bacteria.

8. Some fungi are microscopic, but many are 

seen with naked eye.

9. Mushroom is umbrella like fungi.

10. Yeast is a microscopic fungus.

11. The edible fungi are called yeast.

12. Dough is raised due to the action of yeast.

13. The microorganism used in baking 

industry is yeast.

14. Benefits of bacteria are decomposition, 

nitrogen fixation and conversion of milk into 


15. Rust and smut are diseases of wheat and 


16. Rusts are commonly black in color and 

smuts are yellow.

17. First antibiotic penicillin was extracted 

from fungus called penicillium.

18. The power to control germs is called 

immunity. It is the natural ability of the body

to resist diseases.

19. To increase immunity of body vaccination 

is done.

20. Hepatitis and polio is caused by Virus.

21. Infection of microorganisms can be 

avoided by keeping ourselves clean.

                  🔸🔸Chapter 3🔸🔸

1. Seeds are of two main types: 

A. Monocot 

B. Dicot

2. The grain of maize is surrounded by a thin 

cover is called testa.

3. Seed coat is called testa.

4. Stored food is present in the cotyledons of 

the seed.

5. Endosperm is the stored food of seed.

6. The young plant present in the seed is 

called embryo. 

7. During germination the first part arises 

from the seed is radical. 

8. Cotyledon protects the baby plant or 

embryo inside the seed.

9. Cotyledon provides food to embryo.

10. We eat different seeds because they have 

stored food.

11. The coming out of a shoot and root from a 

seed is called seed germination.

12. Germination are of two types:

A. Hypogeal B. Epigeal

13. In hypogeal germination cotyledons 

remains below the soil and young plant comes 

out of the soil e.g. grain of maize, wheat, 

gram etc.

14. In epigeal germination cotyledons come 

above the soil e.g. French been seed, castor

oil seed, pea seed etc.

15. Conditions necessary for seed germination 

are air, soil, water and suitable temperature. 

16. A seed kept at low temperature does not 

grow because it does not get proper 

temperature to grow.

                        🔸🔸Chapter 4🔸🔸

1. Any harmful change in the environment is 

called pollution. 

2. The things which cause pollution are called 


3. There are three main types of pollution.

a. Water pollution

b. Air pollution

c. Land pollution

4. Water pollution is the contamination of 

lakes, oceans and groundwater mostly by 

human activities.

5. Sea water is polluted when oil leaks from 


6. Water pollution is mostly caused by 


7. Gases like sulpher dioxide and nitrogen 

dioxide are dissolved in rainwater they 

produce acid rain.

8. Cars and buses give off large amount of 

harmful gases.

9. The main cause of air pollution is burning 

of fuels.

10. Ozone is the upper layer of atmosphere.

11. Ozone prevents earth from most of the 

harmful sun rays.

12. Air pollution is the main cause of 

depletion of ozone layer.

13. Biodegradable materials are those, which 

are degraded by nature.

14. The examples of biodegradable materials 

are dead plants, animals and the leftover food.

15. Non-biodegradable materials are those, 

which are not degraded by nature.

16. The non-biodegradable materials are 

plastic, glass, plastic bags, empty cans, 

electricity wires, fused bulbs, broken parts of 

machine etc.

17. We need clean air for breathing. 

18. Planting trees is the best way to reduce 


                    🔸🔸Chapter 5🔸🔸

1. Anything that occupies space and has mass 

is called matter. 

2. Matter exists in three states. 

3. Solid has fixed shape and volume. 

4. In solid molecules are closely packed 

together it give it definite shape. 

5. In solids force of attraction between 

molecules are greater. 

6. Liquid has definite volume but does not 

have fixed shape. 

7. In liquids molecules are less closely 


8. Liquid adopts the shape of the container. 

9. The force of attraction between the liquid 

molecules is weaker as compared to solid.

10. A gas has neither shape nor a definite 


11. Gas fills all the volume available. 

12. Particles of gases are packed loosely.

13. The force of attraction between particles 

of gases is very weak.

14. Boiling point of water is 100°C.

15. Melting point of ice is 0°C, at this temp.it 

changes into water.

16. Freezing point of water is 0°C.

17. Evaporation is the change of converting 

liquid into gaseous state without boiling.

18. Condensation is the process by which 

vapors change into liquid on cooling.

19. Change of state from liquid to solid is 


20. The dew is moisture in air that settles on 

plants due to cold.

21. Moisture is tiny droplets of water. 

22. Fog is the droplet of water vapors 

suspended in the air and is much close to the 


23. When weather becomes cold and temp. 

Falls to the freezing point, frost is formed.

24. Snow is the frozen water falling from the 

sky in the form of white balls (flakes).

25. Rain is the falling of water drops from 

vapors condensed in the upper atmosphere. 

26. In water cycle, water is available in all 

three states.

27. In water cycle ' the sun plays important 

role in evaporation.

             🔸🔸Chapter 6🔸🔸

1. Friction is a force which opposes motion. 

2. Machines are devices which help us in 

doing our work easier. 

3. Because of contact force acting on the 

object which creates resistance in motion is 

called friction or frictional force. 

4. Friction acts when objects are in contact 

with each other. 

5. Friction stops a moving object because it 

opposes motion of one object over another. 

6. Friction forces are large on rough surfaces

and small on smooth surfaces. 

7. All solid materials have some degree of 


8. Air friction slows down the motion of 

parachutes when it moves through the air and 

drops the paratrooper safely down on earth. 

9. Friction between the tyros and roads 

prevents vehicles from skidding. 

10. Applying the brakes of a moving vehicle 

produces friction. 

11. Friction opposes motion therefore more 

energy is required to move an object. 

12. Moving objects slow down due to friction. 

13. Friction produces heat, which damages 

moving parts of machine. 

14. Friction is reduced by lubrication e.g. 

oiling sewing machine. 

15. Friction is reduced by use of ball bearings 

e.g. bicycle.

16. Ball bearing reduces friction because they 

roll on surface to reduce friction. 

16. Friction is reduced by rollers and wheels 

e.g. road rollers and pushcarts. 

17. Friction is reduced by shapes e.g. 

streamlined bodies of cars, aero planes and


18. Gravity or gravitational force is the force 

with which earth attracts all objects towards 

its center.

19. Gravity is responsible for falling of 

objects on earth. 

20. Force of gravity is a non-contact force by 

which earth attracts other objects towards 


21. Mass is the quantity of matter in an 


22. Mass of the object remains same 


23. Weight is the amount of gravitational 

force acting on an object.

24. Weight of an object does not remain same 


25. Balanced forces are equal and opposite in 


26. There will be no change if the forces are 


27. The SI unit of force is Newton (N).

28. Mass is measured in kg.

29. Inertia is a tendency of all objects to resist 

any change in their state of rest or motion.

30. Devices which make our work easier are 

called simple machines. 

31. Wedge, inclined plane and lever are xamples of simple machine.

32. Wedge is a simple machine, triangular in 

shape, thin on one side and thick on the other 


33. Wedge is use to separate two objects.

34. A sharpener is an example of wedge.

35. Inclined plane is simple machine use for 

lifting objects to a height.

36. It consists of a plane surface that’s 

making an acute angle with the ground 


37. Lever is a type of simple machine and 

consists of a rigid rod or bar which turns 

about a fixed point called the pivot or 

fulcrum. This rod turns when a force called 

effort is applied to overcome the resisting 

force called load.

38. Levers are classified into three classes 

based on relative position of fulcurum, the 

effort and load.

39. In first class lever, the fulcrum is between 

the effort and the load.

40. Examples of first class lever are pliers, 

scissors, claw hammer, sea saw.

41. In the second class lever, the load is 

between the fulcrum and the effort. Examples 

are bottle opener, wheelbarrow, nut cracker, 

paper cutter, tin opener etc. 

42. In the third class lever, the effort is 

between the fulcrum and the load. Examples 

are broom, tongs, human arm, stapler, fishing 

rod, etc.

                🔸🔸Chapter 7🔸🔸

1. Light is a form of energy, which comes to 

us from different natural and artificial 


2. Sun is the largest natural source of light. 

3. Sun emits light and makes things visible. 

4. Stars also emit light. 

5. Such objects which emit light are called 

luminous objects e.g are electric bulb, neon 

tube, and candle and torch etc. 

6. The objects that do not emit light or give 

off light are called non luminous objects. 

7. Non luminous objects can only be seen 

when light falls on them. That is why we 

cannot see them if there is no light. 

8. Light travel much faster than sound. 

9. There are three types of objects on the basis 

of optical properties. 

a. Opaque objects

b. translucent objects

c. transparent objects

10. If you cannot see through an object then 

the object is opaque because opaque materials 

do not allow light to pass through them.

11. When an opaque object blocks the light ' 

shadow is formed. 

12. If you can clearly see through the object 

then the object is transparent. Transparent 

materials let almost all the light to pass 

through them.

13. If you cannot clearly see through the 

object then the object is translucent.

14. Light travels in a straight line.

15. When the moon comes in between the sun 

and the earth then light from the sun to the 

earth is blocked by moon. The sun casts a 

shadow of the moon on the earth. This occurs 

when the sun, the moon and the earth are in 

straight line. This is called solar eclipse.

16. When the earth comes in between the sun 

and the moon, shadow of the earth can be 

seen on the moon, this is called lunar eclipse.

17. The pinhole camera works on the 

principle that light travels in a straight line.

18. Pinhole camera consists of a box with a 

small hole on one side and a screen on the 

opposite sides.

19. Pinhole camera works in the same way as 

eyes and real camera.

20. Image formed on screen of pinhole 

camera is a real and inverted image.

21. The moon of the first day of lunar month 

is very thin and the full moon will be 

observed on the 14th of that month.

22. The moon is non-luminous object and the 

sun is a luminous object.

23. Light of sun is reflected by the moon.

24. Moon orbits the earth.

25. An object which orbits a planet is called a 


26. Moon is a natural satellite.

27. The amount of light reflected by the moon 

and reaching the earth changes because of the 

changes in the position of the moon. This is 

the reason why we see the different phases of 

the moon.

28. New moon: The surface of the moon is

dark and invisible because the moon is 

between the sun and the earth.

29. Crescent moon: When we see only a 

silver of the moon's surface we call it crescent 

moon. It shows the start of the lunar month.

30. Quarter moon: When we can see half of 

the moon surface.

31. Waning moon: When the moon seems to 

be getting small. (full-gibbous half-crescent -


32. Waxing moon: When the moon seems to 

be getting big (new-crescent half-three 


33. Full moon: When the moon surface is 

fully lighted it is called full moon.

34. Gibbous moon: When we can see roughly 

three quarter of the moon surface.

               🔸🔸Chapter 8🔸🔸

1. The flow of charge is called current. 

2. Electric current is defined as the rate of 

flow of charge across conductor.

3. The unit of current is ampere.

4. The path through which electric current 

passes is called an electric circuit.

5. We use fuse to make a circuit safe.

6. Now day’s breakers are used in the circuit 

which is the advanced form of fuse.

7. Electrostatic is the branch of science that 

deals with the charges at rest.

8. Charges at rest are called static charges. 

9. Static electricity refers to the storage of 

electric charges on the surface of an object.

10. Lightning is the natural example of static 


11. A charged body produces electric field 

around it.

12. Electroscope is used for finding the nature 

of charge on the body.

13. The magnetic effect is stronger at poles 

than at center.

14. The space around a magnet in which its 

magnetic effect is felt is called magnetic field.

15. The magnetic field is not visible but its 

effect can be felt by using small test magnets.

16. The magnetic field around a magnet is in 

the form of concentric lines.

17. Magnetic field is strong at poles of 


18. The magnetism produced by electric 

current is called electromagnetism.

19. Electric bell is electromagnetic device. 

20. The earth is like a giant bar magnet with 

two poles.

21. The source so the earth magnetism is the 

liquid metal present in the outer core of the 


22. As the earth spin on its axis and due to 

heating effect of the inner core, the liquid 

metal is in motion.

23. The moving electrons present in the core 

produce current. This current in turn produces 

magnetic field.

24. Magnetic compass is a device used to find 

out the direction at any place on the earth.

25. Compass needle is also used to find out 

the magnetic effect of electricity.

26. Compass is also used for finding the 

direction of qibla.

27. Compass will always point towards 

North-South direction.

28. Sailors in the sea also use compass for the 

direction in sea.

29. Fuse is a device used to reduce the danger 

of short circuit or over flow of current.

30. Breakers is necessary in housing wiring. 

             🔸🔸ChapteBooks STBBr 9🔸🔸

1. There are three types of soil: 

A. Sand     B. Clay    C. Silt

2. Soil makes up the outer most layer of earth.

3. Soil is of different types such as clay, silt, 


4. Sand is made up of bigger particles of the 


5. Sand does not hold many nutrients.

6. Sand allows passage to air and water easily.

7. Clay is made up of tiny particles.

8. Clay is smooth when dry and sticky when 


9. Clay can hold a lot of nutrients.

10. The air and water does not pass through 

clay easily.

11. The size of particles of silt is between the 

size of particles of sand and clay.

12. Silt feels smooth and powdery.

13. When silt is wet it feels smooth not sticky.

14. Silt allows air and water to pass through.

15. Soil particles are formed from broken 

rocks and are of different sizes. Soil particles 

form the major part of the soil. 

16. There are five components of soil:

A. Particles

B. Nutrients

C. Decomposers

D. Water

E. Air

17. Microorganisms make the soil fertile.

           🔸🔸Chapter 10🔸🔸

1. Sun is the biggest object in the solar 


2. The solar system has 8 planets, revolve 

around the sun. 

3. Pluto declared as a "dwarf planet” in 2006. 

4. Stars have hot gases, make their own light. 

The light comes from stars due to hot gases. 

5. Sun is closest star to the earth. 

6. Sun is one million times bigger than the 


7. The light from the sun reaches the earth in 

8 minutes. 

8. A group of stars is called constellation. 

9. Earth is a planet.

10. Planets do not give their own light, 

reflects the light of sun.

11. We can see planet Venus clearly from the 


12. The Moon revolves around the earth. 

13. Moon complete one revolution in 28 days.

14. The moon is not a luminous body.

15. Earth has one moon.

16. Mercury and Venus have no moon.

17. Satellite revolves around a large object.

18. Earth is natural satellite of the sun.

19. Moon is natural satellite of earth.

20. The largest planet in the solar system is 


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Monday, December 28, 2020

IBA Sukkar

 Sukkur IBA Testing Service has shared Syllabus Model Papers of PST & JST.

     🔹Test comprising on FIVE parts (MCQs)

                           🔸Part 1

             (Mother tongue Sindhi/Urdu) 

                         15 Questions

                          🔸Part 2

   (Social Studies, G.K, Islamiat & Computer)

                       15 Questions

                          🔸Part 3

                 (English) 20 Questions

                          🔸Part 4

             (Mathematics) 25 Questions

                         🔸Part 5

          (General Science) 25 Questions

                        🔹Passing Criteria

    Minimum marks in each part to qualify test.

🔸Part_01: (Minimum 07 marks)

🔸Part_02: (Minimum 07 marks)

🔸Part_03: (Minimum 09 marks)

🔸Part_04: (Minimum 12 marks)

🔸Part_05: (Minimum 12 marks)

🔹Overall minimum marks to qualify test: (55 marks)

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🔘 http://jjbrothers-career.business.site/

                   🔸For PDF Material 

🔸 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1N134smpSBHOysoKIvn3VeDNelSbaBBfl

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🔸 ٽيسٽ جي تياري ڪرڻ لاء واٽس ايپ گروپ ۾ شامل ٿيڻ لاء واٽس ايپ تي نمبر سينڊ ڪيو .

    🔸سندھي انگريزي  سائنس ميٿ جا pdf نوٽس🔸https://www.facebook.com/JjBrothers.pk/

Sunday, December 27, 2020


 🔸شاھ عبداللطيف🔸(1165 - 1102 ھ)🔸

Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai Shrine

والد    : شاھ حبيب الله

ڏاڏو    : عبدالقدوس شاھ

پڙڏاڏو : جمال شاھ

تڙڏاڏو : شاھ عبدالڪريم

جنم ھنڌ : ھالا حويلي

وڏن جو تعلق : ھرات سان

1- شاھ لطيف ننڍڙو هيو تہ سندس والد ھالا مان لڏي ڪٿي وڃي رهيو ؟

جواب : ڪوٽڙي

2- ڳوٺ وائي ۾ شاھ لطيف کي ڪنهن جي درسگاه ۾ تعليم حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ موڪليو ويو ؟

جواب : آخوند نورمحمَّد ڀٽي جي درسگاه ۾

3- شاھ لطيف سنڌي ٻوليءَ کان علاوه ڪھڙين ٻولين جو عالم ۽ فاضل هيو ؟

جواب : عربي ، فارسي ، ھندي ۽ سرائيڪي

4- شاھ لطيف ھميشہ پاڻ سان گڏ ڪھڙا ڪتاب رکندو ھيو ؟

جواب : قرآن شريف ، مثنوي مولانا روم ، شاھ ڪريم بلڙيءَ واري جو ڪلام

5- سيد علي شير قانع ٺٽوي ، شاھ لطيف کي ڪھڙي ڪتاب ۾ ”اُمي“ سڏيو آھي ؟

جواب : تحفة الڪرام

6- تحفة الڪرام لطيف سرڪار جي وفات کان پوءِ ڪڏهن لکيو ويو ؟

جواب : سورنهن سالن کان پوءِ 1768ع ۾

6- شاھ لطيف کي ڪوٽڙيءَ ۾ ڪنهن سان عشق لڳو ۽ بعد ۾ ان سان شادي بہ ٿيس ؟

جواب : سعيده بي بي ڌيءَ مرزا بيگ ارغون (مغل نواب)

7- شاھ لطيف کي جڏهن مجازي عشق لڳو تہ ان وقت سندس ڪيتري عمر ھئي ؟

جاب : 20 سال

8- شاھ لطيف ، مرزا بيگ جي نياڻيءَ جي جسم جي ڪھڙي حصي کي جھلي دعا گهري ؟

جواب : آڱر

(جنهن جي آڱر سيد هٿ ۾ ، تنهنکي لهر نڪي لوڏو)

9- شاھ لطيف سڀ کان اول ڪٿان جو سفر ڪيو ؟

جواب : گنجي ٽڪر جو

10- شاھ لطيف  سامين ، جوڳين ۽ ڪاپڙين سان گڏ 1740ع ۾ ڪٿان جو سفر ڪيو ؟

جواب :  هنگلاج جو

11- شاھ لطيف  سامين ، جوڳين ۽ ڪاپڙين سان گڏ ڪيترا سال سفر ۾ رھيو ؟

جواب :  03 سال

12-  شاھ لطيف جا مريد ، بيبي سعيده بيگم کي ڇا سڏيندا ھيا ؟

جواب : تاج المخدرات (ستين جو ڇٽ)

13- مرزا بيگ پنهنجي ماڻھن سميت دَلَ ذات جي ڌاڙيلن هٿان ڪڏهن مارجي ويو ؟

جواب : 1124 ھ مطابق 1711ع

14- بيبي سعيده بيگم شادي وقت پاڻ سان گڏ ڪنهن کي وٺي آئي ھئي ؟

جواب : گولو (پنهنجي ننڍي ڀاءُ کي ، جيڪو جلد گذاري ويو)

15- ڪھڙي ڪلھوڙي حاڪم ، شاھ لطيف کي مارائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي ؟

جواب : ميان نور محمَّد ڪلھوڙو

16- دھليءَ جا ڪھڙا ٻہ مشھور گويا ، شاھ لطيف جي خدمت ۾ حاضر ٿيندا ھيا ؟

جواب : اٽل ۽ چنچل

17- شاھ لطيف وفات کان ٿورو اڳ ڪھڙي ڪافي چوندو رهندو ھيو ؟

جواب : ڪھڙي منجھ حساب ؟ ھئڻ منهنجو ھوت ري

18- شاھ لطيف ڪيتري عمر ۾ وفات ڪئي ؟

جواب : 63 سال (نبي سائين ۽ علي سائين جيتري عمر)

19- شاھ لطيف کي سندس وصيت موجب ڪنهنجي پيرانديءَ ۾ دفن ڪيو ويو ؟

جواب : محمود شاھ جي پيرانديءَ ۾

20- ڪلھوڙي حڪمران غلام شاھ ڪلھوڙي پنهنجي خرچ سان لطيف سرڪار جو روضو ڪڏنهن جوڙايو ؟

جواب : 1754ع

21- - شاھ لطيف جو روضو ڪھڙي نامياري رازي جوڙي راس ڪيو ؟

جواب : سکر جي مشھور رازي عيدن

22- ميرن جي صاحبيءَ ۾ ڪھڙي حڪمران شاھ لطيف جي روضي ۽ مسجد جي مرمت ڪرائي ؟

جواب : مير نصير خان ٽالپر

23- شاھ لطيف جي روضي جي قبي کي چانديءَ جو دروازو ڪنهن وجهرايو ؟

جواب : مير محمَّد خان ٽالپر

24- شاھ لطيف جي زماني ۾ ڪھڙي ٻاھرين حڪمران سنڌ تي ڪاھ ڪئي ھئي ؟

جواب : نادر شاھ

25- ان ھستيءَ جو نالو ٻڌايو جنهنجي شھادت شاھ لطيف جي حياتيءَ ۾ ٿي ؟

جواب : شاھ عنايت شھيد

26- ھڪ روايت موجب شاھ سائين سمورو ڪلام ڪراڙ ڍنڍ ۾ اڇليو ھو بعد ۾ سندس مريدن سمورو ڪلام ڪھڙي سگهڙ زال وٽان ھٿ ڪيو ؟

جواب : مائي نيامت (ملياڻي نعمت)

27- ”شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي دنيا جو وڏي ۾ وڏو شاعر آھي“ اھا ڳالھ سڀ کان پهرين ڪهڙي عالم ثابت ڪئي ؟

جواب : ايڇ ٽي سورلي

28- ”شاھ جو رسالو“ سڀ کان پهريون ڪنهن ڇپرائي پڌرو ڪيو ؟

جواب : ڊاڪٽر ارنيسٽ ٽرمپ

29-  شاھ لطيف جي مزار تي خاص طور تي ڪھڙي رات جو راڳ ٿيندو آھي ؟

جواب : جمعي جي رات

30- شاھ لطيف ننڍپڻ ۾ ڪھڙي راند جو شوقين هيو ؟

جواب : گز ڪمان

31- شاھ لطيف موسيقيءَ جو ڪھڙو ساز پاڻ ايجاد ڪيو ؟

جواب : تنبورو

32- ان ھندو شاعر جو نالو ٻڌايو جنهن سان شاھ لطيف جي گھري دوستي ھئي ؟

جواب : مدن ڀڳت

33- ڪھڙي شاعر کي نج سنڌي راڳ جو باني چيو وڃي ٿو ؟

جواب : شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي ؒ

34- شاھ لطيف ڪھڙي بزرگ جو مريد ٿيڻ لاءِ سوچيو ھيو ؟

جواب : مخدوم محمَّد زمان لنواري واري جو

35- شاھ لطيف ، محمَّد زمان لنواري واري جو مريد ڇو ٿي نہ سگھيو ؟

جواب : نقشبندي طريقي ۾ راڳ حرام آھي ۽ لطيف سائين راڳ نہ ڇڏيو ۔

36- شاھ لطيف جو ڪھڙي ڍنڍ سان انس ھيو ؟

جواب : ڪراڙ ڍنڍ

37- لطيف سائين جي ان ھمعصر جو نالو ٻڌايو جيڪو مولودن جو وڏو شاعر ۽ ڳائيندڙ ھيو ؟

جواب : مخدوم عبدالرئوف ڀٽي

38- شاھ لطيف جي ان ھمعصر جو نالو ٻڌايو جيڪو ڪافيءَ جو بهترين شاعر ھيو ؟

جواب : ميان صاحب ڏنو فاروقي

39- شاھ لطيف ڪھڙن حاڪمن جي دور کي سونهري دور سڏيو آھي ؟

جواب : سومرا ۽ سما

40- شاھ لطيف پنهنجي شاعريءَ ۾ گُجَرِ ڪنهن کي سڏيو آھي ؟

جواب : مومل کي

41- شاھ سائين جي شاعريءَ ۾ گھڻين سورمين جو ذڪر آھي ؟

جواب : ست

42- شاھ سائين جي شاعريءَ ۾ گھڻن سورمن جو ذڪر آھي ؟

جواب :

43- شاھ سائين جي شاعريءَ ۾ گھڻن سخي ڏاتارن جو ذڪر آھي ؟

جواب : ڏھ

44- شاھ سائين جي انهيءَ سورميءَ جو نالو ٻڌايو جنهنجو تعلق عمر ڪوٽ سان ھيو ؟

جواب : مارئي

45- شاھ جي رسالي ”گنج“ جو پراڻو نسخو ڪھڙي سن ۾ لکيو ويو ؟

جواب : 1800ع ۾

46- شاھ لطيف ، صوفي شاھ عنايت شھيد جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر رامڪلي

47- شاھ لطيف سير و سفر جو ذڪر ڪھڙن سرن ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر کاھوڙي ۽ سر رامڪلي ۾

48- نانگ بلائن جو گهڻو ذڪر شاھ سائين ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر ڪارايل ۾

49- سنڌي ادب جي انهن عالمن ۽ شاعرن جا نالا ٻڌايو جيڪي شاھ لطيف جي ارد گرد دفن ٿيل آھن ؟

جواب : مير عبدالحسين سانگي ، علامہ عمر بن دائود پوٽو ۽ شيخ اياز

50- ڪئمبرج يونيورسٽي مان شاھ لطيف تي PHD ڪندڙ خاتون جو نالو ٻڌايو ؟

جواب : ڊاڪٽر درشھوار ڌيءَ جي ايم سيد

51- ”لطائف لطيفي“ فارسي زبان ۾ لکيل ڪنهنجو ڪتاب آھي ؟

جواب : مير عبدالحسين سانگي

52- ”لطف اللطيف“ ڪنهنجو لکيل ڪتاب آھي ؟

جواب : دين محمَّد وفائي

53- شاھ لطيف جي شاعريءَ ۾ ڪاڪ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي ڪھاڻيءَ سان منسوب آھي ؟

جواب : مومل راڻو

54- شاھ لطيف جي شاعريءَ ۾ ڪيچ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي قصي سان منسوب آھي ؟

جواب : سسئي پنهون

55- شاھ لطيف جي شاعريءَ ۾ ملير جو ذڪر ڪھڙي داستان سان منسوب آھي ؟

جواب : عمر مارئي

56- شاھ سائين جي ڪھڙي فقير جو اولاد سندس درگاه جي مجاوري ڪندو اچي ٿو ؟

جواب : تمر فقير

57- ڊاڪٽر ارنيسٽ ٽرمپ جرمني مان شاھ جو رسالو 1866ع ۾ شايع ڪرايو ، ان ۾ ڪل ڪيترا سر ڏنل آھن ؟

جواب : 22

58- ڪتاب مقالات الشعراءَ ، جنهن ۾ شاھ سائين جو اوائلي احوال ملي ٿو ، ڪنهنجو لکيل آھي ؟

جواب : مير علي شير قانع ٺٽوي

59- شاھ لطيف جي نالي پٺيان ڪھڙي شھر ۾ يونيورسٽي ٺھيل آھي ؟

جواب : خيرپور

60- شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي چيئر ڪٿي واقع آھي ؟

جواب : ڪراچي يونيورسٽي

61- شاھ لطيف ٻہ ڪتا پاليا ھيا ، انهن کي ڪھڙن نالن سان سڏيندا ھئا ؟

جواب : موتي ۽ کينهو

62- شاھ لطيف جو وصال ڪھڙي حالت ۾ ٿيو ؟

جواب : راڳ ٻڌندي

63- شاھ لطيف راڳ جو سچو قدر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سورٺ

64- ”شاھ عبدالطيف سنڌي سماج جو محافظ آھي ۽ سندس رسالو سنڌي سماج جو عڪس آھي“ ، اھي ڪنهنجا لفظ آھن ؟

جواب : عثمان علي انصاري

65- شاھ جو رسالو ڪھڙي سُرَ کان شروع ٿئي ٿو ؟

جواب : ڪلياڻ

66- سر ڪاموڏ ۾ ڇا جو بيان آھي ؟

جواب : نوري ڄام تماچي

67- سر ليلا چنيسر ۾ ٽيون ڪردار ڪنهنجو آھي ؟

جواب : ڪئنرو

68- ”پيغام لطيف“ ڪنهنجو لکيل ڪتاب آھي ؟

جواب : جي ايم سيد

69- ”سائينم سدائين ڪرين مٿي سنڌ سڪار“ ڪھڙي سر مان کنيل شعر آھي ؟

جواب : سر سارنگ

70- ڪھڙي سر ۾ مورڙي ميربحر جو ذڪر آھي ؟

جواب : سر گهاتو

71- شاھ جي رسالي ۾ طنز و مزاح وارو ڪلام وڳنڌ فقير بابت بيان ڪھڙي سر ۾ اچي ٿو ؟

جواب : سر بلاول

72- ”شاھ جون سورميون“ ڪنهنجو لکيل ڪتاب آھي ؟

جواب : نارائڻ داس ڀمڀاڻي

73- موکي ۽ متارن جو قصو ڪھڙي سر ۾ آھي ؟

جواب : سر يمن ڪلياڻ

74- ڪونج ۽ ماروي جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ آھي ؟

جواب : سر ڏھر

75- شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گهڻن بيتن وارو ڪھڙو سر آھي ؟

جواب : سر حسيني

76- شاھ سائين سج ، چنڊ ، تارن ، ڪتين ۽ چانڊوڪيءَ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر کنڀات

77- شاھ لطيف جي مجازي عشق ۾ ڪھڙو سر ڀائنجي ٿو ؟

جواب : سر کنڀات

78- سر ڪلياڻ جو مکيہ موضوع ڇا آھي ؟

جواب : وحدانيت ، ثنا ۽ وحدت الوجود

79- ارنيسٽ ھيمنگوي جي مشھور ناول ”پوڙھو ۽ سمنڊ“ جي ھيرو سانتياگو جو ڪردار کي شاھ جي ڪھڙي سورمي سان ڀيٽيو ويندو آھي ؟

جواب : پنهون

80- ڪلاچيءَ جي ڪن جو ذڪر شاھ صاحب ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر گهاتو

81- سر رپ کي ٻي ڪھڙي نالي سان سڏيو ويندو آھي ؟

جواب : سر کيپ

82- شاھ لطيف جي ڪھڙي سر کي سر ماتمي سڏيو ويندو آھي ؟

جواب : سر ڪيڏارو

83- ڪلياڻ لفظ جي معنيٰ ڇا آھي ؟

جواب : سک ، خير

84- ڪلياڻ ڪھڙي ٻوليءَ جو لفظ آھي ؟

جواب سنسڪرت

85- شاھ لطيف سر ڪلياڻ ۾ ڪامل مرشد کي ڇا سڏيو آھي ؟

جواب: ”مھيسر“

86- شاھ سائين جي رسالي جو ڊگھي ۾ ڊگھو بيت ڪھڙي سر ۾ آھي ؟

جواب : سر سارنگ

87- ڀٽ تي رکيل قديم نسخي ”گنج“ جو پهريون سر ڪھڙو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سسئي

88- عالمن جي خيال موجب سر کنڀات شاھ سائين ڪھڙي عمر ۾ چيو هوندو ؟

جواب : جوانيءَ ۾

89- سھڻي ڪهڙي شيءِ تي چڙھي ميهار سان ملڻ ويندي ھئي ؟

جواب : گهڙي تي

90- سر معذوريءَ ۾ ڪنهنجو ذڪر ٿيل آھي ؟

جواب : سسئي پنهون

91- سر ديسي ۾ ڪھڙو لوڪ قصو ڳايو ويو آھي ؟

جواب : سسئي پنهون

92- شاھ لطيف لوڪ قصي سسئي پنهون کي گهڻن سرن ۾ ڳايو آھي ؟

جواب : 5

🔻 سر سسئي آبري

🔻 سر معذوري

🔻 سر ديسي

🔻 سر ڪوهياري

🔻 سر حسيني

93- سر کاھوڙيءَ ۾ ڪنهنجو ذڪر ٿيل آھي ؟

جواب : سيلاني فقيرن ۽ جوڳين جو

94- لطيف سائين ڄام جکري جي سخاوت ۽ بهادريءَ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر بلاول

95- شاھ سائين پنهنجي ڪھڙي سر ۾ نبي اڪرم صہ جي حسن و اخلاق جو ذڪر ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر کنڀات

96- ”سنڌ جو حافظ“ ڪنهن کي سڏيو وڃي ٿو ؟

جواب : شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي ؒ

97- شاھ لطيف سر يمن ڪلياڻ ۾ ڪھڙي پرڏيهي شاعر جو نالو پنهنجي شعر ۾ آندو اٿس ؟

جواب : رومي

98- شاھ لطيف سر سھڻيءَ ۾ هڪ پارسي مصرع ، سنڌ جي ڪھڙي درويش شاعر جي کنئي آھي ؟

جواب : صوفي شاھ عنايت شھيد 

99- شاھ لطيف پنهنجي سموري شاعريءَ ۾ نهايت مختصر پارسي پنهنجي ڪھڙي سر ۾ چئي آھي ؟

جواب : سر يمن ڪلياڻ

100- شاھ لطيف چرخي چورڻ جو پرچار ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر ڪاپائتي

101- شاھ لطيف ساري عالم جي آباديءَ ۽ آسودگيءَ لاءِ ڪھڙي سر ۾ دعا گهري آھي ؟

جواب : سر سارنگ

102- شاھ لطيف چين ، ترڪي ، روم ، قنڌار ۽ ٻين شھرن ۽ ملڪن جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سارنگ

103- ”سو نہ ڪنهن شيءِ ۾ جيڪي منجھ تراب“ جيڪي خاڪ (مٽيءَ) ۾ آھي اهو ٻي ڪنهن شيءِ ۾ ناهي ۔ ڪھڙي سر جو بيت آھي ؟

جواب : سر سھڻي

104- شاھ لطيف خاڪ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سھڻي

105- سمنڊ جي خوف ۽ خطرن جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ آھي ؟

جواب : سر سريراڳ

106- ڪلاچيءَ جي ڪن جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ آھي ؟

جواب : سر گهاتو

107- شاھ لطيف سر سريراڳ ۾ سمنڊ جو ذڪر ٻيو ڪھڙي نالي سان ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : ديوانو درياءُ

108- شاھ لطيف لوهيڙي جي وڻ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سريراڳ

109- شاھ لطيف ڪينجهر ڍنڍ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر ڪاموڏ

110- شاھ لطيف سنڌ جي مخملي آسمان جي سونهن ڏانهن اشارا ڪھڙن سرن ۾ ڪيا آھن ؟

جواب : سر کنڀات ۽ سر مومل راڻو

111- شاھ لطيف گلن ڦلن ، ميون ، اَنَ ۽ گاھن جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر مارئي

112- شاھ لطيف ، ”ٻاٻيهو“ پکيءَ جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر مارئي

113- شاھ جون سورميون ؟

🔻 سسئي 

🔻 سھڻي 

🔻 مومل  

🔻 ليلان 

🔻 نوري   

🔻 مارئي  

🔻 سورٺ

114- شاھ جا سورما ؟

🔻 پنهون  🔻 ميھار  🔻 راڻو     🔻 چنيسر

🔻 ڄام تماچي 🔻 مورڙو ميربحر🔻 ٻيجل

۽ ٻيا

115- شاھ لطيف لسٻيلي جي سخي حاڪم جي واکاڻ ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪئي آھي ؟

جواب : سر پرڀاتي

116- ڪيڏارو سنسڪرت جي ڪھڙي لفظ جي بگڙيل صورت آھي ؟

جواب : ”ڪيدار“

117- ”ڪيدار“ جي معنيٰ ڇا آھي ؟

جواب : جنگ جو ميدان

118- ميھار کي ٻين ڪھڙن نالن سان سڏيو ويو آھي ؟

جواب عزت بيگ ۽ ساھڙ

119- شاھ عنايت جي شھادت وقت شاھ لطيف جي عمر ڪيتري ھئي ؟

جواب : 28 سال (ڪٿي 31 سال بہ اچي ٿي)

120- شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي ؒ جو 276 هون عرس مبارڪ ڪھڙي سال ۾ ملهايو ويو ؟

جواب : 2019

121- ارنيسٽ ٽرمپ واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 26

122- تارا چند واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 37

123- ڊاڪٽر گربخشاڻي واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 22

124- ڊاڪٽر غلام المصطفيٰ قاسمي واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 36

125- علامہ آءِ آءِ قاضي واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 29

126- علامہ آءِ آءِ قاضي ، شاھ جي رسالي مان ڪھڙو سر ڪڍي ڇڏيو ؟

جواب : سر ڪيڏارو

127-  ٻانهي خان شيخ واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ گھڻا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 31

128- الهداد جهجهي جي گنج ۾ ڪيترا سر آھن ؟

جواب : 36

129- سڀ کان پهريون شاھ لطيف ايوارڊ ڪھڙي فنڪار کي مليو ؟

جواب : استاد محمَّد يوسف

130- استاد محمَّد يوسف کي پهريون شاھ لطيف ايوارڊ ڪڏهن مليو ؟

جواب : ايڪٽيھ مارچ 1980ع

131- ٻہ مارچ 1941ع ۾ مرڪزي صلاحڪار بورڊ طرفان شاھ لطيف جي ورسي ڪٿي ملھائي وئي ؟

جواب : خالق ڏني ھال ڪراچيءَ ۾

132- شاھ لطيف جو عرس ھر سال ملھائڻ جي روايت ڪنهن قائم ڪئي ؟

جواب سيد ميران محمَّد شاھ

133- شاھ لطيف جي ڪھڙي عرس جي موقعي تي پهريون ڀيرو عبدالستار پيرزادو عام موڪل جو اعلان ڪيو ؟

جواب : 201 عرس جي موقعي تي

134- شاھ جو رسالو چئن ٻولين ( اردو ، سنڌي ، انگريزي ۽ فارسي) ۾ ڪنهن سهيڙي ڇپرايو ؟

جواب : ڊاڪٽر در شھوار سيد

135- سڀ کان پهريان الف -- ب وار شاھ جو رسالو ڪنهن ترتيب ڏنو ؟

جواب : ڊاڪٽر محمَّد عالم سومرو

136- قاضي فقير محمَّد قانع واري شاھ جي رسالي ۾ ڪيترا سر ڏنل آھن ؟

جواب : 36

137- ڊاڪٽر نبي بخش بلوچ سال 2000ع ۾ تحقيق مڪمل ڪري شاھ جو رسالو گهڻن جلدن ۾ ترتيب ڏنو ؟

جواب : 10 جلد

138- ڊاڪٽر فضل رحيم سومرو جو عربي ۾ ترجمو ڪيل شاھ جو رسالو 251 عرس جي موقعي تي ڪھڙي سال ۾ شايع ٿيو ؟

جواب : 1400 ھ ، 1980ع

139- شاھلطيف جو رسالو ڪڇ وارو گنج شريف ٻارنهن سالن عرصي ۾ سال 1336 ھ ڪنهن لکي پورو ڪيو ؟

جواب : عبدالمطلب جت

140- سر ڪيڏاري ۾ لطيف سرڪار قرآن پاڪ جون ڪيتريون آيتون آنديون آھن ؟

جواب : پنج

141- شاھ لطيف نار جي وهڪري جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب سر ڏھر

142- شاھ لطيف گنگا جي وهڪري جو ذڪر ڪھڙي سر ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر بلاول

143- شاھ لطيف جنت عدن جو ذڪر ڪھڙن ٻن سرن ۾ ڪيو آھي ؟

جواب : سر سورٺ ۽ رامڪلي

شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي ؒ جا سر (ڪلام)

1- سر ڪلياڻ (وحدانيت ، ثنا ۽ وحدت الوجود)

2- سر يمن ڪلياڻ (موکي ۽ متارا جو ذڪر)

3- سر کنڀات (نبي سائين جي حسن و اخلاق ، مجازي عشق ، سج ، چنڊ ، ڪتين ۽ چانڊوڪيءَ جو ذڪر)

4- سر سريراڳ (ٻيڙن ۽ سمنڊ جو ذڪر)

5- سر سامونڊي (وڻجارن جو ذڪر)

6- سر سھڻي

7- سر سسئي آبري

8- سر معذوري

9- سر ديسي

10- سر ڪوهياري

11- سر حسيني

12- سر ليلان چنيسر

13- سر مومل راڻو

14- سر مارئي

15- سر گهاتو (مورڙي ميربحر ۽ مانگر مڇ جو ذڪر)

16- سر ڪاموڏ (نوري ڄام تماچي جو ذڪر)

17- سر ڪيڏارو

18- سر سورٺ

19- سر آسا (اکين جو ذڪر)

20- سر سارنگ

21- سر کاھوڙي

22- سر رپ (سر کيپ)

23- سر رامڪلي (جوڳين جو ذڪر)

24- سر بروو سنڌي

25- سر ڪاپائتي

26- سر پورب

27- سر ڪارايل ( پکين جو ذڪر)

28- سر پرڀاتي

29- سر ڏهر (ڪونج جو ذڪر)

30- سر بلاول (وڳنڌ بابت مذاق ، ڄام جکري جي سخاوت)

🔸شاھ لطيف جا شايع ٿيل رسالا


1- شاھ جو رسالو - ارنيسٽ ٽرمپ - 1866

2- شاھ جو رسالو - تاراچند شوقيرام - 1900

3- رسالہ شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي عليه الرحمة - مرزا قليچ بيگ - 1913

4-  شاھ جو رسالو - ڊاڪٽر ھوتچند مولچند گربخشاڻي - ٽي جلد - (1931-1924-1923)

5- شاھ جو رسالو - غلام محمَّد شاھواڻي - 1950

6- دفتر لطيفي وارو رسالو - محمَّد عثمان ڏيپلائي - 1951

7- رسالو (پيغام) شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي گهوٽ - غلام مصطفيٰ قاسمي - 1951

8- رسالو (پيغام) شاھ عبداللطيف - علامہ آءِ آءِ قاضي - 1961

 9- شاھ جو رسالو - ڪلياڻ آڏواڻي - 1966

10- شاھ جو رسالو - شاھ جو ڪلام - ڊاڪٽر نبي بخش بلوچ - 1989 - ڏھ جلد

11- شاھ جو رسالو - الف - ب وار - ڊاڪٽر محمَّد عالم سومرو - 1994

12- الف - ب وارو شاھ جو رسالو ۽ رسالي جي ڏسڻي - عبدالغفار گوھر دائود پوٽو - 1994

13- شاھ جو رسالو - عثمان علي انصاري - 1997

14- شاھ جو رسالو - ٻانهون خان شيخ - 2002

🔸شاھ لطيف جو ذڪر مختلف ڪتابن ۾


1- مقالات الشعراءَ - مير علي شير قانع ٺٽوي - 1761ع - 1174 ھ (شاھ لطيف جي وصال کان ڇھ سال پوءِ)

2- تحفة الڪرام - مير علي شير قانع ٺٽوي - 1768ع - 1181 ھ (فارسي) - سنڌي ترجمو - مخدوم امير علي

3- معيار سالڪان طريقت - مير علي شير قانع ٺٽوي - فارسي - 1787 - ترجمو - شيخ محمَّد حسن ٿريچاڻوي - 2010

4- سنڌ ۽ سنڌو ماٿري ۾ رهندڙ قومون - رچرڊ برٽن - 1871

5- احوال شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي - مرزا قليچ بيگ (انگريزي 1877) (سنڌي 1897)

6- لطائف لطيفي - مير عبدالحسين سانگي (فارسي 1887)

7- شاھ تي تحقيق - ليلا رام وطڻ مل - 1889

8- مرغوب الاحباب - نظر علي بلوچ - 1945

9- شاھ سچل سامي - ڪلياڻ آڏواڻي - 1951

۔10- Shah Latif Of Bhit مرتب - ڪريم بخش خالد - 1962 - (210 عرس تي ڇپيو)

11- پنج گنج - قادر بخش بيدل - (فارسي) - (سنڌي ترجمو - صوفي سبحان بخش -1977)

12- شاھ سچل سامي - مرتب : اي جي اتم - 1982 - ٻيو ڇاپو 1984

13- شاھ سچل ۽ خليفو قاسم - محمَّد حسين ڪاشف - 2012

14- لطيفي لهرون - (مضمون) - پروفيسر علي نواز جتوئي

🔸شاھ جي رسالي تي تحقيق

1- شاھاڻو شاھ - لعل چند امر ڏنو - 1914

2- مقدمہ لطيفي - ڊاڪٽر گربخشاڻي - 1923

3- لطيفي سير - ڀيرو مل آڏواڻي - 1928

4- شاھ جي رسالي جو رهبر عرف ککر ۾ کڙو - محمَّد عثمان ڏيپلائي

5- پيغام لطيف - جي ايم سيد - 1952

6- ڀٽ ڌڻي عرف فڪر لطيف - مولوي عبدالحيءُ - 1962

7- احوال شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي - مرزا قليچ بيگ - 1972ع - 1392 ھ

8- شاھ لطيف جي شاعري - تنوير عباسي - 1976

9- شاھ ، سچل ، سامي - محمَّد ابراهيم جويو - 1978

10- لطيف جو پيغام - ميمڻ عبدالمجيد سنڌي - 1979

11- سنڌي ثقافت ۽ شاھ لطيف - ڊاڪٽر شاھنواز سوڍر - 1988

12- شاھ لطيف جي شاعريءَ ۾ علامت نگاري - ڊاڪٽر غلام النبي سڌايو - 1990

13- شاھ جي ٻولي - آفتاب ابڙو - 1990

14- شاھ جي شاعري ۾ عورت جو روپ - ڊاڪٽر فهميده حسين - 1993

15- ڀٽ جو گهوٽ - ڊاڪٽر بشير احمد شاد - 1993

16- عرفان لطيف - ڊاڪٽر بشير احمد شاد

17- پيھي منجھ پاتال - ڊاڪٽر بشير احمد شاد

18- شاھ لطيف ھر دور جو شاعر - ڊاڪٽر بشير احمد شاد

19- شاھ جون آکاڻيون - ڄيٺمل پرسرام گلراجاڻي - 1994

20- شاھ جي شاعري ۾ استعارا ۽ تشبيھ نگاري - ڊاڪٽر ام ڪلثوم - 2004

21- ڀٽائي جو مطالعو - ڊاڪٽر اسد جمال پلي - 2006

22- شاھ لطيف جي ٻولي جو تحقيقي جائزو - ج ع منگهاڻي - 2006

23- سوز وساز لطيف - حيدر علي - 2009

24- مون مطالع سپرين - اياز قادري

25- سنڌ جو شاھ - بدر ابڙو

26- ڀٽ جو شاھ - ايڇ ٽي سورلي - سنڌيڪار عطا محمَّد ڀنڀرو

27- لطيف جو پيغام - ڊاڪٽر ميمڻ عبدالمجيد سنڌي

28- فڪر لطيف - ڊاڪٽر ميمڻ عبدالمجيد سنڌي

29- لات جا لطيف جي - آغا سليم

30- اديون آءُ اڄاڻ - ڊاڪٽر فهميده حسين

31- لطيفي لات - ممتاز مرزا

32- موکي متارا - استاد لغاري

33- جھڙي سونهن سندياس - ڊاڪٽر محمَّد علي مانجهي

34- مون ۾ تون موجود - ڊاڪٽر محمَّد علي مانجهي

35- شاھ جي رسالي جي نباتات - پريتم پياسي

🔸شاھ لطيف جي رسالي جا ڪي ترجما

1- رسالہ شاہ عبداللطیف بھٹائی (اردو) - شيخ اياز - 1963

2- رسالہ شاہ عبداللطیف بھٹائی (اردو) - آغا سليم - 2000

3- کلام شاه عبداللطيف - (اردو - نثري ترجمو) - اياز قادري ۽ وقار احمد - 1993

۔4- Shah Jo Risalo alias Ganj Latif - محمود يعقوب آغا شاھ - 1985

۔5- Risalo of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Translated in Verses - پروفيسر آمنہ خميساڻي - 1994

۔6- Risalo of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

 ايلسا قاضي (Selction) - 1965

۔7- Selection From Risalo - جي الانا

8- السيد عبداللطيفرحمة اللہ عليه اشاعرالڪبير في ال باڪس ٽانڪڻ - (عربي) - ڊاڪٽر فضل رحيم سومرو - 1989

9- شاھ ڀٽائی دا رسالہ - (پنجابي) - ڪرتار سنگھ عرش

وارو - 1996

 سنڌي ٻولي جي شروعات 

1) سنڌيءَ ۾ صرف ونحو (گرامر) تي پهرن ڪتاب 1850ع ۾ لکيو ويو.

(2) انگريزن 1851ع ۾ حڪم نامو جاري ڪيو ته انگريز آفيسر لازمي طور تي سنڌي پڙهن.

(3) سنڌ ۾ سنڌي ٻولي 1852ع ۾ فارسيءَ جي جاءِ ورتي.

(4) سنڌي ٻوليءَ جي هاڻوڪي رسم الخط 1853ع کان آهي.

(5) سنڌيءَ ۾ پهريون درسي ڪتاب 1853ع ۾ لکيو ويو.

(6) سنڌيءَ ۾ پهريون قصو 1854ع سن ۾ ڇپيو.

(7) سنڌيءَ ۾ مضمون نويسيءَ جي شروعات 1860ع ۾ ٿي.

(8) سنڌيءَ ۾ قانون تي پهريون ڪتاب 1863ع ۾ لکيو ويو.

(9) سنڌيءَ ۾ پهريون ناول 1868ع ۾ ڇپيو.

(10) سنڌ جو پهريون نقشو 1870ع ۾ شايع ٿيو.

(11) ڊاڪٽر ارنيسٽ ٽرمپ 1872ع ۾ سنڌي گرامر لکيو.

(12) سيمور 1884ع ۾ سنڌي گرامر لکيو.

(13) ديوان نارائڻ جڳن ناٿ وسناڻي 1892ع ۾ سنڌي گرامر لکيو.

(14) ديوان ڏيارام وسومل مير چنداڻي 1904ع ۾ سنڌي گرامر لکيو.

(15) سنڌيءَ ۾ آتم ڪهاڻي جي شروعات 1946ع کان ٿي آهي.

انهيءَ طرز عمل تي پهريون ڀيرو فقير محمد سنڌي عمل پيرا آهي. اچو ته “پهريون“ هجڻ جي شرف حاصل ڪندڙ عامل و حامل کي شامل ڪريون، انهيءَ لاءِ اقتباسات جي معلومات پيش نظر رکجي ٿي؛

(1) سنڌي ادب جو پهريون دور سومرن جو دور کان آهي.

(2) سنڌي نثر جو پهريون قصو سسئي پنهون آهي.

(3) سنڌي نظم جو پهريون شاعر قاضي قاضن آهي.

(4) سنڌي ۾ ترائيل جو پهريون شاعر نارائڻ شيام آهي.

(5) سنڌيءَ ۾ غزل تي پهريون ڪتاب آخوند گل محمد جو آهي.

(6) سنڌيءَ جي پهرين درسي ڪتاب “سنڌي ٻاراڻو” ڪتاب آهي.

(7) سنڌي ٻوليءَ ۾ پهريون درسي ڪتاب ننديرام مير چنداڻي لکيو.

(8) سنڌيءَ ۾ پهريون صاحب ديوان شاعر آخوند گل محمد هو.

(9) سنڌيءَ ۾ لکيل پهرين اصلي آتم ڪهاڻي “سائو پن ۽ ڪارو پن“ آهي.

(10) سنڌ ۾ باقاعده تعليمي ادارا سڀ کان پهرين يونانين قائم ڪيا.

(11) شاهه جي رسالي جو پهريون انگريزيءَ ۾ ترجمو ڊاڪٽر سورلي ڪري ڇپايو.

(12) سنڌ جي ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو کي برطانيه جي ڪنهن يونيورسٽيءَ ۾ بين الاقوامي قانون جو پهريون ايشيائي استاد مقرر ڪيو ويو.

(13) سومرن جي دور جو پهريون شاعر پير صدر الدين شاهه هو.

(14) سومرن جي دور ۾ پهرين شاعري گنان صنف کان شروع ٿي.

(15) جديد سنڌي گيت جو پهريون شاعر صوفي نيڀراج آهي.

(16) ارغونن ۽ ترخانن جي دور جو پهريون سنڌي شاعر شاهه عنايت رضوي هو.

(17) لوگ (لوڪ) گيت تي پهريون ڪتاب ڊاڪٽر نبي بخش بلوچ لکيو.

(18) شاعريءَ جي صنف “هجو گوئي” جو پهريون مؤجد سيد ثابت علي شاهه هو.

(19) شاعريءَ ۾ مدح جي صنف جو پهريون مؤجد جمن چارڻ هو.

(20) سنڌي مرثيي جو پهريون بنياد سيد ثابت علي شاهه رکيو.

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Units of Measurement

 Units of Measurment

  1 horse power is 745.7 watts

• 1 horse power = work equal to lifting 550 lbs of weight to one foot for one second

• 1 calorie is equal to 4.2 Joules

• 1 barrel is equal to 159 liters

• 6 feet = 1 fathom

• 1 kwh = 3.6 x 10 power 6 joules

• A 100 watt bulb lights for 1 hour uses 100 watt hour of electricity

• -273 degree centigrade is called absolute zero temperature.

• Standard pressure is 760 mm or 14.7 lb/in2

• Gross is equal to 12 dozens

• Mach 2 = 500 miles per hour

• 1 nautical mile = 1825 meters

• Unit of pressure is Pascal

• Force is measured in Newton (SI), Dyne (CGS)

• At -40 deg F Fahrenheit scale is equal to centigrade scale

• Hertz and Angstrom are units of frequency

• Units of work and energy are Joule and Erg (CGS)

• Diopter is unit of power of lens Unit is density is kg/m3

• Unit of power is watt, BTU (Board of Trade Unit)

• Unit of electric charge is Coulomb

• Unit of voltage is volt

• Unit of electric resistance is ohm

• Unit of capacitance is Farad

• Unit of magnetic flux is Weber, Tesla

• Unit of radio activity is Becquerel

• Unit of luminous intensity is candle, lux • Unit of crude oil is Barrel

• Unit of volume of water is cusec, cubic/sec

• Unit of admittance is Mho

• Unit of intensity or loudness of sound is bel

• Unit of viscosity is Poise

• Unit of flight speed is Mach I

• Unit of atmospheric pressure is milli bar • Unit of wave length of light is Angstrom • Unit of energy is Electron volt

• Unit of brightness is Lambert

• Unit of luminous flux is Lumen

• Intensity of illumination or unit of luminosity is Lux, Candela and Candle power

• Unit of magnetic pole strength is Weber.

  Unit of RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) is Gray

• Unit of Electric Current is Ampere

• Unit of inductance is Henry

• Unit of conductance is siemens.

• Unit of heat is Joule, Calorie, BTU (British Thermal Unit)

• Radio activity is measured in currie

• Rutherford : strength of radioactivity

• Torr: pressure

• Fermi : length [A unit of length equal to one femtometer (10-15 meter)]

• Sved berg unit:sedimentation rate

• Dioptre: power of lense

• Mho : conductivity

• Henry: inductance

• Maxwell: magnetic flux

• Becquerel: radioactivity

• Kilo watt hour: power

• Coulomb: unit of electrical charge

• Weber: unit of magnetic flux

• Tesla: unit of magnetic flux density

• Siemen: unit of conductance

• Rutherford: unit of rate of decay of radioactive material

• Faraday: unit of electric charge

• Angstrom: unit of length, used especially to specify radiation wavelengths

• Parsec: unit of astronomical length

• Degree: unit of measurement of an angle • Steradian: Unit of solid angle measurement

• Dyne is a unit of Force.

• SI unit of pressure is Pascal.

• Curie is a unit of : radioactivity

• Pascal Sound Pressure

• Torr Pressure

• Curie Intensity of radioactivity

• Angstrom Unit of length

• Light year The distance light travels in a year

• Dioptre Lens refractive power

• Horse power Unit of Power

• Radian Unit of angular measure

• Candela Unit of luminous intensity

• Mole unit of amount of substance

• What is measured in units called phon- Sound 192

• What is measured in grains – four grains to a carat- Pearls

• Unit of electromotive force in Volt. What is the SI unit of illumination -Lux

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Historical Events upto 2008

 Historical Events (1882/10/14 - 2008/08/18)

Historical Events (1882/10/14 - 2008/08/18)

1882-10-14 - University of the Punjab is founded in present day Pakistan.

1887-07-04 - The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, joins Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam, Karachi.

1893-11-12 - The treaty of the Durand Line is signed between present day Pakistan and Afghanistan - the Durand Line has gained international 

recognition as an international border between the two sister nations.

1906-12-30 - The All India Muslim League is founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India Empire, which later laid down the foundations of Pakistan.

1931-05-31 - 7.1 magnitude Earthquake destroys Quetta in modern-day Pakistan: 40,000 dead.

1933-01-28 - The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhary Rehmat Ali Khan and is accepted by the Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence.

1935-05-31 - Quake kills 50,000 in Quetta Pakistan

1940-03-23 - The Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan or the then Qarardad-e-Lahore) is put forward at the Annual General Convention of the All India Muslim League.

1947-06-03 - British viceroy of India lord Mountbatten visits Pakistan

1947-07-10 - Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is recommended as the first Governor General of Pakistan by then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Clement Attlee.

1947-08-08 - Pakistan's National Flag is approved.

1947-08-14 - Pakistan gains independence from Britain

1947-08-15 - India declares independence from UK, Islamic part becomes 


1947-08-15 - Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan) declares independence 

from UK

1947-08-17 - The Radcliffe Line, the border between Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan is revealed.

1948-01-01 - After partition, India declines to pay the agreed share of Rs.550 million in cash balances to Pakistan.

1948-09-12 - Invasion of the State of Hyderabad by the Indian Army on the day after the Pakistani leader Jinnah's death.

1951-10-16 - The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, is assassinated in Rawalpindi.

1952-10-16 - Pakistan's 1st Test starts, v India at Delhi

1952-10-18 - Vinoo Mankad takes 13 Pakistan wkts to win 1st India-Pak clash

1952-10-25 - Nazar Mohammad scores Pakistan's 1st Test century 124* v India

1952-10-26 - Pakistan's 1st Test Cricket win Fazal Mahmood 12 wkts v India

1952-12-14 - R H Shodhan scores 110 on Test Cricket debut v Pakistan, Calcutta

1953-11-02 - Pakistan becomes islamic republic

1954-07-02 - Denis Compton scores 278 in 290 minutes v Pakistan

1954-08-04 - The Government of Pakistan approves the National Anthem, written by Hafeez Jullundhry and composed by Ahmed G. Chagla.

1954-10-23 - Pakistan governor-general Ghoelan Mohammed disbands parliament

1955-03-01 - Pakistan v India 5 Test Cricket series ends in a 0-0 draw

1955-09-23 - Pakistan signs Pact of Baghdad

1955-11-09 - NZ all out for 70 v Pakistan at Dacca

1956-02-29 - Islamic Republic forms in Pakistan

1956-03-23 - Pakistan proclaimed an Islamic republic in Commonwealth 

(Natl Day)

1956-05-12 - East Pakistan struck by cyclone & tidal waves

1956-10-11 - 1st Pakistan v Australia Test 95 runs scored on 1st day

1956-10-17 - Pakistan defeat Australia by nine wickets at 1st attempt

1956-10-22 - A concrete girder weighing 200 tons kills 48 in Karachi, 


1957-09-29 - 300 die as express train hits stalled train (Montgomery W 


1957-09-29 - Passenger train & oil train crash in Gambar West Pakistan, 

300 die

1957-10-17 - II Tsjoendrigar becomes premier of Pakistan

1957-12-16 - Sir Feroz Khan Noon replaces Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar as 

Prime Minister of Pakistan.

1958-02-05 - Test Cricket debut of Lance Gibbs, WI v Pakistan, Port-of-Spain

1958-02-28 - West Indies 1-504 in reply to Pakistan 328, day 3 of 3rd 

Test Cricket

1958-03-01 - West Indies cricket declare at stumps score of 3-790 decl v 


1958-03-19 - Sobers completes a century in each innings v Pakistan

1958-09-08 - Oman turns over Gwadur (on Baluchistan coast) to Pakistan

1958-10-27 - Gen Ayub Khan succeeds Iskander Mirza as president of 


1959-03-07 - West Indies all out 76 v Pakistan at Dacca, Fazal Mahmood 


1959-03-29 - Wes Hall takes Pakistani cricket hat-trick at Lahore

1959-12-08 - President Eisenhower watches Pakistan v Aust Test Cricket 

at Karachi

1959-12-16 - Snow falling in Lowarai Pass West Pakistan kills 48

1960-02-14 - Marshal Ayub Khan elected president of Pakistan

1960-06-11 - House packed with wedding celebrants collapses killing 30 


1960-08-01 - Islamabad declared as the federal capital of the Government 

of Pakistan.

1960-10-11 - Hurricane ravages East-Pakistan (6,000 die)

1964-01-02 - Ayub Khan elected president of Pakistan

1964-10-29 - Bobby Simpson completes cricket century in each innings v 


1964-12-04 - Test Cricket debut of Ian Chappell, v Pakistan MCG, 11, 

0-49, 0-31

1965-04-07 - Bevan Congdon makes a stumping as 12th man NZ v 


1965-04-09 - India & Pakistan engage in border fight

1965-05-20 - Pakistani Boeing 720-B crashes at Cairo Egypt, killing 121

1965-05-25 - India & Pakistan border fights

1965-07-21 - Pakistan, Iran & Turkey sign Regional Co-Operation pact

1965-08-06 - Indian troops invade Pakistan

1965-09-01 - India & Pakistan border fights

1965-09-06 - India invades West Pakistan

1965-09-22 - India & Pakistan ceases-fire goes into effect

1965-12-06 - Pakistan's Islamic Ideology Advisory Committee recommends 

that Islamic Studies be made a compulsory subject for Muslim students from 

primary to graduate level.

1966-01-10 - India & Pakistan sign peace accord

1966-02-02 - Pakistan suggests a six-point agenda with Kashmir dispute 

as number one item for the proposed Indo-Pak ministerial talks after 1965 


1967-11-30 - The Pakistan Peoples Party is founded by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 

who becomes its first Chairman later as the Head of state and Head of 

government after the 1971 Civil War.

1968-09-05 - 21 killed by hijackers aboard a Pan Am jet in Karachi Pakistan

1969-03-25 - Pakistan Gen Agha Mohammed Jagja Khan succeeds Ayub Chan as pres

1969-04-14 - Tornado strikes Dacca East Pakistan killing 540

1970-11-12 - 240 KPH cyclone hits East Pakistan (Bangladesh); 3-500,000 


1971-03-26 - Bangladesh (East Pakistan) declares its independence

1971-11-21 - Indian troops partly aided by Mukti Bahini (Bengali guerrillas) 

defeat the Pakistan army in the Battle of Garibpur.

1971-12-03 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: India invades West Pakistan and 

a full scale war begins claiming hundreds of lives.

1971-12-04 - The UN Security Council calls an emergency session to 

consider the deteriorating situation between India and Pakistan.

1971-12-04 - The Indian Navy attacks the Pakistan Navy and Karachi.

1971-12-16 - Bangladesh (East Pakistan) declares independence from 


1971-12-16 - India's army occupies Dacca, West Pakistani troops 


1971-12-17 - Cease fire between India & Pakistan in Kashmir

1971-12-20 - Pakistan president Yahya Khan resigns

1972-01-05 - West-Pakistani sheik Mujib ur-Rahman freed

1972-01-10 - Sheik Mujib ur-Rahman arrives in Dacca, East-Pakistan

1972-01-11 - East-Pakistan becomes independent state of Bangladesh

1972-01-30 - Pakistan withdraws from Commonwealth

1972-07-02 - India & Pakistan sign peace accord

1972-12-17 - New line of control agreed to in Kashmir between India & 


1972-12-29 - Test Cricket debut of Jeff Thomson & Max Walker v Pakistan 

at MCG

1973-01-07 - Johnny Watkins bowls six overs 0-21 v Pakistan Never again

1973-01-08 - Greg Chappell's best Test bowling, 5-61 v Pakistan at SCG

1973-01-11 - Famous victory at the SCG Pakistan chasing 158 all out 106

1973-02-02 - Test Cricket debut of Richard John Hadlee, NZ v Pakistan, Wellington

1973-02-11 - 1st one-day international for Pakistan & NZ

1973-02-17 - Rodney Redmond scores 107 on debut v Pakistan, his only 

Test Cricket

1973-03-27 - Dennis Amiss out for 99 v Pakistan, 3rd 99 in Test Cricket

1973-04-10 - Pakistan suspends constitution

1973-08-28 - India & Pakistan sign POW accord

1974-02-24 - Pakistan officially recognizes Bangladesh

1974-08-23 - Zaheer Abbas scores 240 Pakistan v England at The Cricket 


1974-12-28 - 6.3 earthquake strikes Pakistan: 5200 killed

1975-02-20 - Leonard Baichan scores 105* on Test Cricket debut, v 

Pakistan Lahore

1975-06-07 - Dennis Lillee takes 1st one-day 5WI, 5-34 v Pakistan World 


1975-08-14 - -15] Pakistani military coup against president Mujib 


1975-12-28 - Earthquake in Pakistan, 4,000 die

1976-10-09 - Test Cricket debut of Javed Miandad (Pakistan), scores 163 

on 1st day

1977-01-18 - Imran Khan takes 12 wickets in match for Pakistan win at 

the SCG

1977-02-18 - Test Cricket debuts of Colin Croft & Joel Garner v Pakistan 


1977-03-04 - Colin Croft takes 8-29 against Pakistan at Port-of-Spain

1977-03-07 - Ali Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party wins elections

1977-07-05 - Pakistan's army, led by Gen Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, seizes 


1977-10-02 - Pakistan general Zia ul-Haq bans all opposition

1978-03-18 - Pakistani former premier Ali Bhutto sentenced to death

1978-06-01 - Cricket Test debut of David Gower, v Pakistan, Edgbaston, 

scores 58

1978-06-19 - Ian Botham takes 8-34 v Pakistan, his best Test cricket 


1978-10-16 - Test debut of Kapil Dev, India v Pakistan at Faisalabad

1979-03-29 - Andrew Hilditch given out handled the ball v Pakistan at 


1979-04-04 - President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan is executed.

1979-11-21 - Crowd at Islamabad, Pakistan attack US embassy, 1 dies

1979-12-12 - President of Pakistan, Zia-ul-Haq, confers Nishan-e-Imtiaz 

on Nobel laureate Dr Abdus Salam.

1979-12-25 - Opening day of 4th Test Cricket, India 8-112 v Pakistan at 


1980-03-23 - Border completes 150 in each inning of Test Cricket v 


1981-01-02 - Sylvester Clarke knocks out spectator with brick, WI v 


1981-03-02 - Aircraft hijacked by 3 Pakistani terrorists

1981-11-14 - Pakistan all out 62 v Australia at WACA, Lillee 5-18

1981-11-29 - Greg Chappell scores 201 v Pakistan at Gabba

1981-12-10 - The United Nations General Assembly approves Pakistan's 

proposal for establishing nuclear free-zone in South Asia.

1982-09-20 - Jalaluddin takes a one-day hat-trick Pakistan v Australia

1983-11-11 - Wayne Phillips scores 159 on Test Cricket debut, v Pakistan 


1983-12-26 - Test Cricket debut of Gregory Richard John Matthews, v 

Pakistan MCG

1983-12-29 - Graeme Yallop completes 268 v Pakistan at cricket MCG

1985-03-10 - India beat Pakistan to win "World Championship of Cricket"

1985-10-28 - Ravi Ratnayeke takes 8-83 for Sri Lanka v Pakistan

1985-12-30 - Pakistan restores constitution

1986-04-10 - Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan

1986-08-14 - Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto arrested

1986-09-05 - Karachi Pakistan army storms hijacked US B-747, 19 killed

1986-10-29 - West Indies all out for 53 v Pakistan (Abdul Qadir 6-16)

1986-11-09 - Pakistan all out for 77 v West Indies at Lahore

1987-07-04 - Imran Khan takes 300th Test Cricket wicket, only Pakistani 

to do so

1987-07-06 - Pakistan score their 1st innings win over England, at Leeds

1987-08-08 - Pakistan all out 708 v England at The Oval, Botham 3-217

1987-12-18 - Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's future pres, marries Asif Ali Zardari

1988-04-02 - Test Cricket debut of Curtly Ambrose, WI v Pakistan, 


1988-04-14 - USSR, US, Pakistan & Afghanistan sign Afghanistan treaty

1988-05-29 - President Zia ul-Haq fires government/disbands parliament in 


1988-08-17 - Pakistani President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq and U.S. 

Ambassador Arnold Raphel are killed in a plane crash.

1988-09-15 - Test Cricket debut of Ian Healy, vs Pakistan at Karachi

1988-10-02 - Pakistan's Supreme Court orders free elections

1988-11-03 - Pakistan claims it downed Afghan warplane

1988-11-16 - Benazir Bhutto wins 1st free Pakistani elections in 11 years

1988-11-16 - Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto's PPP wins parliamentary election

1988-12-01 - Benazir Bhutto named 1st female PM of a Moslem country 


1989-02-12 - 5 Pakistani Moslem rioters killed protesting "Satanic Verses" 


1989-10-20 - Pakistan win Sharjah Trophy over India & WI on round-robin

1989-11-01 - Pakistan beat West Indies by 4 wickets to win Cricket's 

Nehru Cup

1990-01-23 - Dean Jones scores twin Test tons v Pakistan at Adelaide 


1990-02-25 - Australia beat Pakistan 2-0 to win the Cricket World Series 


1990-05-04 - Pakistan beat Aust by 36 runs to win Austral-Asia Cup, 


1990-08-06 - Pres Ghulam Ishaq Kahn dismisses premier Benazir Bhutto in 


1990-10-31 - Pakistan make 3-0 drubbing of NZ, Waqar Younis 29 series 


1991-02-01 - Afghanistan/Pakistan hit by earthquake, 1,200 die

1991-12-25 - Last day of a washout Pakistan v Sri Lanka at Gujranwala

1992-03-21 - Pakistan scores 6-264 to overhaul NZ in exciting World Cup 


1992-03-25 - Pakistan defeats England by 22 runs to win World Cup

1992-08-20 - England get 7-363 in 55 overs vs Pakistan, then world ODI 


1992-09-16 - 900 die in flood in Pakistan

1992-09-28 - Pakistani Airbus A-300 crashes into mountain at Kathmandu, 

167 dies

1993-02-25 - Pakistan all out 43 v West Indies, world one-day int record 


1993-06-05 - Somali warlord Aidids murders 23 Pakistani

1993-11-13 - Pakistan minister of Foreign affairs Faruk Leghari elected 


1994-02-20 - 3 Afghans take 70 Pakistani children hostage

1994-10-02 - Pakistan defeat Australia by one wicket in Karachi Test

1995-02-02 - Henry Olonga no-balled for throwing in Zimbabwe-Pakistan 

Test Cricket

1995-02-04 - Zimbabwe's 1st Test Cricket victory, over Pakistan by an 


1995-09-26 - Sri Lanka complete 2-1 Test Cricket series win in Pakistan 

from 0-1

1995-09-29 - Saleem Elahi scores century on ODI debut, Pakistan v Sri 


1996-04-02 - Sri Lanka 9-349 in 50 overs beat Pakistan 315 all out, 

Singapore Jayasuriya hits ton in 48 balls, world ODI record at Singapore

1996-04-07 - Pakistan beat Sri Lanka to win Singer Cup in Singapore

1996-04-19 - South Africa defeat Pakistan to win the Pepsi Cup in Sharjah

1996-08-20 - India defeat Pakistan in Under-15 World Challenge Final at 


1996-09-16 - 1st one-day international in Canada, India v Pakistan at 


1996-10-04 - Shahid Afridi scores century in 37 balls for Pakistan v Sri 


1996-10-24 - Hasan Raza makes Test Cricket debut for Pakistan age 14 

yrs 238 days

1996-11-24 - Mohammad Wasim scores 109 on Test Cricket debut, 

Pakistan v NZ Lahore

1996-12-21 - Pakistan all out 67 to lose to Tasmania by an inning

1997-01-16 - Anthony Stuart takes ODI hat-trick, Aus v Pakistan, MCG

1997-01-20 - Pakistan defeat West Indies 2-0 to win Aust one-day Series

1997-02-28 - Earthquake in Pakistan, kills 45

1998-04-06 - Pakistan tests medium-range missiles capable of hitting 


1998-05-28 - Nuclear testing: Pakistan responds to a series of Indian 

nuclear tests with five of its own, prompting the United States, Japan, and 

other nations to impose economic sanctions.

1998-08-28 - Pakistan's National Assembly passes a constitutional 

amendment to make the "Qur'an and Sunnah" the "supreme law" but the bill 

is defeated in the Senate.

1999-10-12 - Pervez Musharraf takes power in Pakistan from Nawaz Sharif 

through a bloodless coup.

2000-02-07 - Bahria University is established through Presidential 

Ordinance No. V of 2000 by the Government of Pakistan.

2002-01-23 - Reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped in Karachi, Pakistan. He 

was subsequently murdered .

2002-03-21 - In Pakistan, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh along with three 

other suspects are charged with murder for their part in the kidnapping and 

killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

2002-04-30 - A referendum in Pakistan overwhelmingly approves the 

Presidency of Pervez Musharraf for another five years.

2002-07-15 - Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan hands down the death 

sentence to British born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and life terms to three 

others suspected of murdering Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

2003-06-05 - A severe heat wave across Pakistan and India reaches its 

peak, as temperatures exceed 50°C (122°F) in the region.

2003-12-14 - President of Pakistan Pervez Musharaf narrowly escapes an 

assassination attempt.

2004-01-01 - In a vote of confidence, General Pervez Musharraf wins 658 out of 1,170 votes in the Electoral College of Pakistan, and according to Article 41(8) of the Constitution of Pakistan, was "deemed to be elected" to the office of President until October 2007.

2004-07-02 - ASEAN Regional Forum accepts Pakistan as its 24th member.¨

2006-07-10 - Pakistan International Flight PK-688 crashes in Multan, Pakistan shortly after takeoff, killing all 45 people on board.

2007-05-12 - 2007 Karachi riots , which killed over 50 people in Karachi and above 100 injured, on the arrival of Chief Justice of Pakistan; Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in Karachi city.

2007-09-10 - Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif returns to 

Pakistan after seven years in exile, following a military coup in October 1999.

2007-09-18 - Pervez Musharraf announces that he will step down as army chief and restore civilian rule to Pakistan, but only after he is re-elected president.

2007-10-18 - After 8 years in exile, Benazir Bhutto returns to her homeland Pakistan. The same night, suicide attackers blow themselves up near Bhutto's convoy, killing over 100 in the cheering crowd, including 20 police officers. Bhutto escaped uninjured.

2007-11-03 - Pervez Musharraf declared emergency rule across Pakistan. He suspended the Constitution, imposed State of Emergency, and fired the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

2007-12-27 - Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated by a suicide bomber.

2008-06-10 - The Gora Prai airstrike by the United States reportedly kills 11 Pakistani paramilitary troops.

2008-08-18 - President Of Pakistan Pervez Musharaf resigned due to pressure from opposition.

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