Sunday, December 27, 2020

Units of Measurement

 Units of Measurment

  1 horse power is 745.7 watts

• 1 horse power = work equal to lifting 550 lbs of weight to one foot for one second

• 1 calorie is equal to 4.2 Joules

• 1 barrel is equal to 159 liters

• 6 feet = 1 fathom

• 1 kwh = 3.6 x 10 power 6 joules

• A 100 watt bulb lights for 1 hour uses 100 watt hour of electricity

• -273 degree centigrade is called absolute zero temperature.

• Standard pressure is 760 mm or 14.7 lb/in2

• Gross is equal to 12 dozens

• Mach 2 = 500 miles per hour

• 1 nautical mile = 1825 meters

• Unit of pressure is Pascal

• Force is measured in Newton (SI), Dyne (CGS)

• At -40 deg F Fahrenheit scale is equal to centigrade scale

• Hertz and Angstrom are units of frequency

• Units of work and energy are Joule and Erg (CGS)

• Diopter is unit of power of lens Unit is density is kg/m3

• Unit of power is watt, BTU (Board of Trade Unit)

• Unit of electric charge is Coulomb

• Unit of voltage is volt

• Unit of electric resistance is ohm

• Unit of capacitance is Farad

• Unit of magnetic flux is Weber, Tesla

• Unit of radio activity is Becquerel

• Unit of luminous intensity is candle, lux • Unit of crude oil is Barrel

• Unit of volume of water is cusec, cubic/sec

• Unit of admittance is Mho

• Unit of intensity or loudness of sound is bel

• Unit of viscosity is Poise

• Unit of flight speed is Mach I

• Unit of atmospheric pressure is milli bar • Unit of wave length of light is Angstrom • Unit of energy is Electron volt

• Unit of brightness is Lambert

• Unit of luminous flux is Lumen

• Intensity of illumination or unit of luminosity is Lux, Candela and Candle power

• Unit of magnetic pole strength is Weber.

  Unit of RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) is Gray

• Unit of Electric Current is Ampere

• Unit of inductance is Henry

• Unit of conductance is siemens.

• Unit of heat is Joule, Calorie, BTU (British Thermal Unit)

• Radio activity is measured in currie

• Rutherford : strength of radioactivity

• Torr: pressure

• Fermi : length [A unit of length equal to one femtometer (10-15 meter)]

• Sved berg unit:sedimentation rate

• Dioptre: power of lense

• Mho : conductivity

• Henry: inductance

• Maxwell: magnetic flux

• Becquerel: radioactivity

• Kilo watt hour: power

• Coulomb: unit of electrical charge

• Weber: unit of magnetic flux

• Tesla: unit of magnetic flux density

• Siemen: unit of conductance

• Rutherford: unit of rate of decay of radioactive material

• Faraday: unit of electric charge

• Angstrom: unit of length, used especially to specify radiation wavelengths

• Parsec: unit of astronomical length

• Degree: unit of measurement of an angle • Steradian: Unit of solid angle measurement

• Dyne is a unit of Force.

• SI unit of pressure is Pascal.

• Curie is a unit of : radioactivity

• Pascal Sound Pressure

• Torr Pressure

• Curie Intensity of radioactivity

• Angstrom Unit of length

• Light year The distance light travels in a year

• Dioptre Lens refractive power

• Horse power Unit of Power

• Radian Unit of angular measure

• Candela Unit of luminous intensity

• Mole unit of amount of substance

• What is measured in units called phon- Sound 192

• What is measured in grains – four grains to a carat- Pearls

• Unit of electromotive force in Volt. What is the SI unit of illumination -Lux

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