Friday, July 9, 2021

Social Studies 6 Class for PST and JEST Preparation notes

 Social Studies

🔸Class Six🔹

              Unit 1
   🔸World-View, Society and Civilization🔸
    🔸Knowing  and  Understanding Past🔸

1.  History is  the  study  of  past, particularly  ……., ………  and  ……...?
     *People,  places  and  events*

2.  We  can  study history by using  two types  of  sources  called?
  *Primary Sources  and  Secondary  Source*

3.  History must  be  based  on?
*Evidence  and  logical  thought*

🔹Chapter  2 Origin  of  Human  Life🔹

Social Studies 6 Class for PST and JEST Preparation notes

4.  Which  book  was  published  by  Charles Darwin  in  1859?
*The Origin of Species*

5.  Modern  Human  beings are  known as?
     *Homo  Sapiens*

              🔹Chapter 3  Society🔹
6. When Hunting  and  gathering  society began?
*100,000 years ago*

7.   When  Postal  society  began?
*12,000 years ago*

8.  When  Horticultural  society began?
*12,000 years ago*

9.  When  Agricultural  society began?
*8, 000 years ago*

9.  When  Industrial  society began?

10.  When  Post industrial  society  began?

🔹Chapter 4 The  Beginning  of  Civilization🔹

11.  Theory  of Evolution  was  given  by?
*Charles  Darwin*

12.  Earth  is  about  ………  billion  years  old?
13.  Human  evolution took over  how many years ?
*6 Million Years*

14.  Human  evolution occurred  on the continent of?

15. A society  that  has  reached  an advanced  state  of  social development  and organization  is  called  a?

   🔹Unit  2🔸 Indus Valley  Civilization🔹
                        🔹Chapter  1🔹

Land  and  People  of  Indus Valley  Civilization

1. In  which  time  period  did  Indus Civilization  exist?
*3300 - 1300  BC*

2.  In  which  time  period  did  Indus Civilization  flourish?
*2600 - 1900  BC*

3.  Which  city  was  center  of  power  of Indus  Civilization?

4.  How much  area  was  covered  by Indus  Valley  Civilization?
*1.25  million  sq. km*

5.  Name  the  biggest  two  cities  of Indus Valley Civilization?
*Harappa and Moen Jo Daro*

6.  What  was  population  of  Indus Civilization?
*5 million  people*

                          🔹Chapter  2🔹
🔹Art and Architecture of Indus Civilization🔹

7.  Where  great  Bath  is  located?
*Moen Jo Daro*

8.  Dancing  Girl  is  found  at?
*Moen Jo Daro*

                       🔸Chapter  3🔸
🔹Tools,  Technologies,  Science and  Trade🔹

9. Wheel  was  invented  by  people  of?
*Indus  Civilization*

10.  Most  tools  were  made  of?

11.  The  economy  of Indus  Civilization depended  on?

                      🔸Chapter  4🔸
          🔹End  of  Indus  Civilization🔹
12.  Indus  Civilization  began  in?
*3300  BC*

13 . Indus  civilization ended  in?
*1300  BC*

14 . Which  event  is  considered  to  be responsible  to  end  Indus  Civilization?

        🔹Unit  3🔸Governing Ourselves🔹
                     🔹Chapter  2🔹
  🔹Organization  and  Functions  of Federal  Government🔹

1.  Which  form  of government  is provided  by constitution  of  1973  of Pakistan?
*Federal  and  Parliamentary*

2.  How many branches  does  Federal Government  have?

3.  Legislative  branch  of  Federal Government  consists  of  how many houses?
*Two  (National  Assembly  and  Senate)*

4. How many members  does  National Assembly  have?
*342 (60  Women  10  Minorities)*

5.  How many members  does  Senate have?
*100  updated*

6. Who  appoints  the  Chief  Justice  of  the Supreme  Court?

7. Chief  Justice  may  remain  in  office until  the  age  of?

8.  Who  is  the  head  of  province?

9.  Who  is  the  head  of  provincial government?
*Chief  Minster*

    🔹Chapter 3🔹Local  Government🔹

10. Which  is  lowest  level  of government?
*Local  Government*

11.  Which  three  tier  (systems)  are provided  to  local  government?
*District  Council,  Taluka  Council  and  Union Council*

12.  Which  is  the  basic  tier  of  local government?
*Union  Council*

13.  Which  tier  of local  government approves  development  plans?
*District  Council*

           🔹Chapter  4🔹Elections🔹
14.  ECP  stand  for?
*Election Commission  of  Pakistan*

15. How many members  are  there  in ECP?

16. CEC  stands  for?
*Chief  Election  Commissioner*

17. Who  is  chairman  of  ECP?

18.  Members  of  ECP  are  chosen  from?
*High  Courts  of  Provinces*

19.  Chief  Election  Commissioner  must  be former  judge  of?
*Supreme  Court*

20. CBO stands  for?
*Community Based  Organization*

Unit  4.  Media
Chapter 1.  The  Media,  Forms  and  Roles

*Print  Media* include Newspapers,  Magazines
*Electronic  Media* include Radio,  TV
*Digital  Media* include Websites,  blogs
*Social  Media* include Twitter,  WhatsApp,  FB

                         🔹Chapter  2🔹
         🔹Media  in Democratic society🔹
1. Which  article  of 1973  constitutions gives  freedom  of expression?

2.  Which  article  of  1973  constitutions guarantees  “Right  to  Information?
*19  (A)*

3.  PNNABRO  stands  for?
*Pakistan  Press,  Newspaper,  News Agencies  and  Book Registration  Ordinance*

4. PNNABRO was  set  up  in  order  to regulate?

5.  PEMRA stands  for?
*Pakistan  Electronic  Media  Regulatory Authority*

6.  When  PEMRA was  regulated?

  🔹Chapter 3🔹Imperfections  of  Media🔹
7.  Which  is  tendency to  favor  one  side?

8.  Which  is  judgement  about  particular group  without  knowing  it  properly?

9. Systematic  efforts  to  spread  beliefs often  by deception is  called?

                            🔹Unit  5🔹
       🔹Land and People of  South Asia🔹
   🔹Chapter  1🔹Region  of  South  Asia🔹

1.  How many countries  are  there  in South  Asia?

2.  What  separates  the  South  Asia  from rest  of  the  Asia?
*Mountain  Ranges*

3.  What  lies  to  the  South  of  Pakistan?
*Arabian  Sea*

4.  What  lies  to  the  South  of Bangladesh?
*Bay of  Bengal*

5.  An  area  of  land  that  shares  common features  is called?

    🔹Chapter  2 🔹Land  of  South  Asia🔹

6. Mount  Everest  lies  in  which mountain  range?

7.  K2  lies  in  which  mountain  range?

8.  Rakaposhi  lies  in  which  mountain range?

9.  How many plateaus  are  there  in South  Asia ?
*Three (two  in  Pakistan  one  in  India)*

10.  Name  the  only  plateau  of  India?
*Deccan  Plateau*

11. Name the  plains  of  South  Asia?
Indus  (Pakistan)
Ganges  (India)
Brahmaputra  (Bangladesh)

  🔹Chapter  3  People  of  South  Asia🔹

12.  Name  the  official  languages  of India?
*Hindi  and  English*

13.  Old  name  of  Sri  Lanka  is?

14.  Which  country of  South  Asia  consists of  group  of islands?

  🔹 Chapter  4🔹The  Work  People  Do🔹
15. How many types  of  work  structures are  there?

                      🔹Unit  6  Population🔹
                 🔹Chapter  1🔹Population🔹

1.  Most  populated  country in  the  world is?

2.  Which  is  most  populated  Muslim country in  the  world?

3.  Which  country is  most  populated  in South  Asia?

4.  Which  country has  reduced  birth rate?

                          🔹Unit  9🔹 
🔹Individual,  Community  and Group in South Asia🔹

5.  The  language  spoken  in  Bhutan  is?

6.  The  main  festival  in  Nepal  is?

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