Monday, September 13, 2021

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur Dated: 13.9.2021..

 JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur  

Dated: 13.9.2021..


JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur  Today.. 13.9.2021..

After going through today's paper for JEST, it can be concluded that:

● #Science portion was not as difficult as expected. The paper was about basic general science totally, not in deep.

● #Islamiat portion was totally from books' exercises. (Class VII and VIII's Islamiat exercises have already been shared with you here in this group)

● #Computer was also from 9th book of computer especially from exercises and slightly from summaries given in the last of every chapter. (computer's exercises are also shared with you)

● #English and #Sindhi were almost conceptually and mostly from respective grammar. (main areas of concerns and topics have been shared)

● #Mathematics was surely from basic concepts of maths but totally from exercises and examples given in text books.

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur    Dated: 13.9.2021..

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur    Dated: 13.9.2021..


JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Today.. 13.9.2021..

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Today.. 13.9.2021..

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Today.. 13.9.2021..

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Today.. 13.9.2021..

JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Today.. 13.9.2021..

Official Keys of JEST Test Paper Conducted By IBA Sukkur    Dated: 13.9.2021..

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InshAllah in future we will prove that how you could make a good learning through our Website. 

🔸Science  Note

🔸English Synonyms and Antonyms 7th and 8th Class

🔸Computer Science MCQS 

🔸600 G.K, C.A  & Islamiyat 


🔸Online Mock Tests

              1.Maths Mock Test.

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