Thursday, December 30, 2021

English Synonyms by Jamshed Soomro


*Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word


*1. remote*

a. automatic

b. distant

c. savage

d. mean

*2. detest*

a. argue

b. hate

c. discover

d. reveal

*3. gracious*

a. pretty

b. clever

c. pleasant

d. present

*4. predict*

a. foretell

b. decide

c. prevent

d. discover

*5. kin*

a. exult

b. twist

c. friend

d. relative

*6. pensive*

a. oppressed

b. caged

c. thoughtful

d. happy

*7. banish*

a. exile

b. hate

c. fade

d. clean

*8. fraud*

a. malcontent

b. argument

c. imposter

d. clown

*9. saccharine*

a. leave

b. sweet

c. arid

d. quit

*10. drag*

a. sleepy

b. crush

c. proud

d. pull

*11. jovial*

a. incredulous

b. merry

c. revolting

d. dizzy

*12. indifferent*

a. neutral

b. unkind

c. precious

d. mean

English Synonyms by Jamshed Soomro

*13. simulate*

a. excite

b. imitate

c. trick

d. apelike

*14. charisma*

a. ghost

b. force

c. charm

d. courage

*15. apportion*

a. divide

b. decide

c. cut

d. squabble

*16. generic*

a. general

b. cheap

c. fresh

d. elderly

*17. qualm*

a. distress

b. impunity

c. persevere

d. scruple

*18. wary*

a. calm

b. curved

c. confused

d. cautious

*19. distort*

a. wrong

b. evil

c. deform

d. harm

*20. sumptuous*

a. delirious

b. gorgeous

c. perilous

d. luxurious

*21. reel*

a. whirl

b. fish

c. hit

d. mistake

*22. inscrutable*

a. difficult

b. mysterious

c. inflexible

d. wary

*23. appall*

a. delirious

b. covered

c. dismay

d. confuse

*24. upright*

a. honorable

b. horizontal

c. humble

d. supine

*25. reverie*

a. palimpsest

b. phantom

c. daydream

d. curio

*26. loot*

a. destruction

b. waste

c. spoils

d. cavort

*27. loquacious*

a. talkative

b. thirsty

c. beautiful

d. complicated

*28. chimera*

a. chimney

b. protest

c. illusion

d. panache

*29. temerity*

a. audacity

b. fearfulness

c. shyness

d. stupidity

*30. educe*

a. demand

b. elicit

c. ideal

d. unlawful

Answers of Synonyms 

1. b. remote means faraway, or distant

2. b. to detest means to feel intense or violent dislike, or to hate

3. c. gracious means to be pleasant or considerate in social


4. a. to predict means to declare in advance or to foretell

5. d. kin means people with common ancestors, or relatives

6. c. pensive means moodily or dreamily thoughtful

7. a. to banish means to drive out from home or country, or to exile

8. c. a fraud is someone who is not what he or she pretends to be, or

an imposter

9. b. saccharine means overly sweet

10. d. to drag is to pull, or to cause movement in a direction with

applied force

11. b. jovial means good humored or merry

12. a. to be indifferent is to be marked by impartiality or to be


13. b. to simulate is to assume the outward appearance of, or to


14. c. charisma is magnetic charm or appeal

15. a. to apportion is to divide and share out

16. a. generic means having the characteristic of a whole group.

17. d. a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a


18. d. wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be


19. c. to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform

20. d. sumptuous means excessively costly, rich, or luxurious

21. a. one meaning of reel is to move round and round, or to whirl

22. b. inscrutable means not easily interpreted or understood, or


23. c. to appall is to overcome with shock, or to dismay

24. a. upright can mean either honorable or vertical; horizontal and

supine are both antonyms of upright

25. c. a reverie means the state of being lost in thought, or a


26. c. loot means goods seized in war, or spoils

27. a. loquacious means excessively talkative, or garrulous

28. c. a chimera is a fabrication of the mind, or an illusion

29. a. temerity means unreasonable contempt for danger or

recklessness, or audacity

30. b. to educe means to develop something potential or latent; to

elicit means to draw out something hidden or latent.

Maths Mock Test for IBA Screening Test with answers 

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