Sunday, October 16, 2022

Google announces special 15000 scholarships

 Google announces special 15000 scholarships for Pakistanis

Whether you have matriculation or inter pass or graduates , masters, MPhil or PhD, you can try your luck by filling the form in this Google program.

Google announces special 15000 scholarships

Google Scholarship

 Through Google Career Certificate, you can study online for only ten hours a week for six weeks during your job and get jobs in IT support and automation, project management, UX design, data analytics, digital marketing and e-commerce and many other fields. can 

Google will distribute scholarships to the needy through IRM and Ignite.

Please complete the form through the above link and Google will contact the successful candidates.

Complete the Google Career Certificate online today and build your life.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


 *Types of the Family*   

The family is the most important primary group in a society. It is the simplest and the most elementary form of society. The family as an institution is universal. It is the most permanent and the most pervasive of all social institutions. In case of the west family is defined as an economic and social unit. In case of India, China and Japan family is a cultural religious unit.

Sociologists have spoken of different forms or types of family. Differrent sociologists have different ways to type the family.

*Types of Family in Sociology*              Matriarchal Family

The matriarchal family known as mother centered or mother dominated family. The mother or the woman is the head of the family. She exercises authority and manages the property. The descent is traced through the mother hence it is matrilineal in descent. Daughters inherit the property of the mother. The status of the children is decided by the status of the mother. Matriarchal family is matrilocal in residence. After the marriage the wife stays back in her mother's home. The husband pays occasional visits to the wife's home. In theory mother exercises authority and power in the matriarchal family. She is the head of the family and her decisions are final. But in practice some relatives of the family, her brother exercises authority in the family. The maternal family brings together the kinsmen and welds them in a powerful group.

           Patriarchal Family

The patriarchal family is also known as father centered or father dominated family. The father is the head of the family and exercises authority. He is the administrator of the family property. The descent, inheritance and succession are recognized through the male line. Patriarchal families are patrilineal in character because the descent is traced through the male line. Only the male children inherit the property. Patriarchal family is patrilocal in residence. Sons continue to live with the father in his own house even after their marriages. Only the wives come and join them. Women have secondary position in these families. Children are brought up in their father's family.

Nuclear Family

The individual nuclear family is a universal social phenomenon. It can be defined as a small group composed of husband and wife and children that constitute a unit apart from the rest of the community. The nuclear family is a characteristic of all the modern industrial societies in which a high degree of structural and functional specialization exists.The nuclear family comprises a cohabiting man and woman who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and have at least one child. The traditional nuclear family is a nuclear family in which the wife works in the home without pay while the husband works outside the home for money. This makes him the primary provider and ultimate authority according to Popenoe.         Joint Family

The joint family is also known as undivided family or extended family. It normally consists of members belong to two-three generations: husband and wife, their married and unmarried children and their married or unmarried grandchildren. The joint family system constituted the basic social institution in many traditional societies particularly Asian societies like Indian. The joint family is considered as bedrock on which Hindu values and attitudes are built. The joint family is a mode of combining smaller families into larger family units through the extension of three or more generations. In joint family the members are related through blood and spread over several generations living together under a common space and work under common head. According to Iravati Karve, the joint family may be defined as a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common and who participate in common family worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred. There are two forms of joint family.

*Problems in Education of Pakistan*

Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. Though 62 years have been passed and 23 policies and action plans have been introduced yet the educational sector is waiting for an arrival of a savior. The government of Pervaiz Musharraf invested heavily in education sector and that era saw a visible positive educational change in Pakistani society. Now a days, the economic situation in Pakistan is under stress and education is the worse effected sector in Pakistan. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan says,

“The state of Pakistan shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.”

In Human development Report Pakistan is placed at 136th position for having just 49.9%educated populace. The primary completion rate in Pakistan, given by Date Center ofUNESCO, is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males, which shows that people in the 6th largest country of the world are unable to get the basic education.

Problems in Education

Following are the problems in education in Pakistan.

1.Education System is based on

Unequal Lines

The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. Medium of education is different in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments.

2.Regional Disparity

Regional disparity is also a major cause. The schools in Baluchistan (The Largest Province Of Pakistan By Area) are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (The Largest Province Of Pakistan By Population). In FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting 29.5% in males and 3% in females.

3. Ratio of Gender Discrimination

The ratio of gender discrimination isa cause which is projecting the primary school ratio of boys & girls which is10:4 respectively. For the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools. That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among haves and has not.

4.Lack of Technical Education

The lack of technical education is a biggest flaw in the educational policy that has never been focused before. Therefore, less technical people mean less.


The allocation of funds for education is very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total GDP. It should be around 7% of the total GDP.

6.Untrained Teachers.            The teachers in government schools are not well trained. People who do not getjob in any other sector, theytry their luck in educational system. They are not professionally trained teachers so they are unable to train a nation.


Poverty is also another factor that restricts the parents to send their children to public or private schools. So, they prefer to send their children to madrassas where education is totally free.

Recently,minister of education announced a new Education policy for that next 10 years. The interesting thing is that the previous educational policy from 1998 to 2010 is still not expired. Although it is projected to give new plans and to make more promises with the nation. It is said in this policy that all the public schools will be raised up to the level of private schools. No plan of action have been discussed, yet a notice is issued to private schools to induct government course in 5th and 8th class and these classes will bound to take board exams. This disturbed thestudents of private sector also.

Solutions forEducational System

Estimating the value of education, the Government should take solid steps on this issue. Implementation instead of projecting policies should be focused on. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. Workshops must be arranged for teachers. Foreign states are using LSS system. This should be inducted in Pakistani schools to improve the hidden qualities of children. Technical education must be given to all the classes. The education board of Punjab has projected a plan to give tech- education to the children of industrial workers. Promotion of the primary education is the need of time. Teachers, professors and educationists should be consulted while devising any plan, syllabus or policy. The state seems to give upher responsibility and totally relying on private sector. The need of time is to bring education in its original form to masses. Burdening students with so much books will not work as he will not understand what the world is going to do next moment. Education is the only cure of the instability in the state and can bring revolution through evolution,by eradicating the social evils. This ishow to remove illiteracy in Pakistan.

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

 SU announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results


 The Controller of Examinations (Annual), University of Sindh, Jamshoro has announced the result of M.A. Final college side annual examinations 2020.

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Sindh University announces M.A. Final annual examinations 2020 results

Thursday, October 13, 2022

SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh

 #SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh 

Health professionals 1800+ Regulars Jobs in Health Department govt of Sindh through #SPSC

SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh

SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh

SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh

SPSC Announces 1800+ Regular Jobs In The Health Department Government Of Sindh

1. 50 posts of Dental Surgeon (BPS-17)

2. 1541 posts of Medical officers (BPS-17) 

3. 183 posts of Staff Nurse (BPS-16).

Last Date 10-Nov-2022

Age: up to 45 years (Including 15 years of age relaxation)

Apply online 

SPSC portal

Tuesday, October 11, 2022




We are recruiting qualified teachers for distinctive classes. Join the BFC-TMK Team and furnish your educational skills/experience to acquire a well-decorated career under the supervision of highly qualified staff. Walk-in interviews and first sight demonstrations have been commenced to be conducted. Therefore, grasp the opportunity by dropping or bringing your CV/Resume in the visiting hours, i.e., 0900 to 1300 hours.

Subject Teachers currently in need:

 * Montessori-II

 * Social Studies for Elementary

 * Maths for Primary and Elementary

 * Computer Teacher for Primary and Elementary

 * Sports' Teacher


Please Note: The Minimum Education required to apply for the above mentioned jobs is Bachelor or 14 years of education.

*مختلف نوڪرين جي تياري ڪندڙ نوجوانن لاء رياضي سائنس ۽ عالمي معلومات جون موڪ ٽيسٽون بلاگ تي اپلوڊ ڪيون آھن.آئي بي اي طرفان گريڊ 5 کان 15 تائين اسڪرينگ ٽيسٽ، ٽيچنگ، ايف آء اي ، پوليس ايس ايس يو ، اسپيشل پروٽيڪشن يونٽ ، ائير پورٽ سڪيورٽي فورسز ،آرميءَ ۽ ائير فورس جي نوڪري لاءِ تياري ڪندڙ نوجوان ھي آنلائن ٽيسٽ ڏئي پنھنجي اھليت جو چڪاس ڪري سگھن ٿا. آن لائن ٽيسٽ ڏيڻ کانپوءِ اھا ٽيسٽ درست جوابن سميت پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾ پڻ ڊائونلوڊ ڪري سگهو ٿا.*
*Some Important Test Material that we have updated on our blog:*

*1.Maths Mock Test.*

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4. *IBA JEST Past Paper.*

5. *Preparation Materials  for Maths, English, Science and Computer*.

6. *How to earn online?*

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*Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) Registration Slip* Aspirants in Pakistan Rangers Sindh had applied online. The shortlisted candidates are being informed about the dates of the tests by Sindh Rangers in a phased manner through SMS. Candidates download the registration form through ID card or roll and appear for the test as per the given instructions. Click on the link given below to download the registration slip

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Sindh Public Service Commission Latest Jobs

 Sindh Public Service Commission Latest Jobs

Sindh Public Service Commission latest Jobs

Sindh Public Service Commission latest Jobs

Sindh Public Service Commission latest Jobs

 Advertisement 03/2022 in Fishiries departments of the Government of Sindh.

Deputy Director Fisheries (BPS 18) 

Assistant Director Fisheries (BPS 17) 

Biologist (BPS 17) 

Bio Chemist (BPS 17) 

Technical Officer (BPS 17) 

Programmer (BPS 17) 

Assistant (BPS 16)

Education: 16 years (Relevant) 

Age: Upto 45 Years (Including 15 years age relaxation) 

Last Date 28-10-2022

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education SBA (Nawabshah) (BISESBA) JOBS

 Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education SBA (Nawabshah) (BISESBA) JOBS

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education SBA (Nawabshah) (BISESBA) JOBS

01. Deputy Secretary (BPS-18)

02. Deputy Controller of Examinations (BPS-18)

03. Computer Programmer (BPS-17)

04. Assistant Secretary (BPS-17)

05. Assistant Controller of Examination (BPS-17)

06. Secrecy Officer (BPS-17)

07. Director Physical Education (BPS-17)

08. Research Officer (BPS-17)

09. Public Relation Officer (BPS-17)

10. Care Taker (BPS-16)

11. Stenographer (P.S to Chairman) (BPS-16)

12. Assistant Computer Programmer (BPS-16)

13. Assistant (BPS-16)

14. Senior Data Entry Operator (BPS-16)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.

Females are eligible only for FMT(Female Medical Technician).

Last date to enroll is 16th OCt 2022.

Registration details available at official website (registration starting from 2nd Oct 2022).

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.

Join Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in Technical as well as well as in Non Technical Branches through 2023 A(S) Batch.


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