Saturday, December 31, 2022

Antonyms (Opposite) STBB

 *1000 Opposite Words in English*

about – exactly

above – below

absence – presence

abundance – lack

accept – refuse

accidental – intentional

active – lazy

add – subtract

admit – deny

adult – child

advanced – elementary

affirmative – negative

afraid – brave

after – before

against – for

alike – different

alive – dead

all – none

allow – forbid

already – not yet

always – never

ancient – modern

ancestor – descendant

agree – refuse

amateur – professional

amuse – bore

ancestor – descendant

angel – devil

animal – human

annoy – satisfy

answer – ask

answer – question

antonym – synonym

apart – together

approximately – exactly

argue – agree

arrest – free

arrival – departure

arrive – depart

artificial – natural

ascent – descent

ask – answer

asleep – awake

attack – defend

attack – defence

attic – cellar

autumn – spring

awake – asleep

awful – nice

back – in front of

background – foreground

backward – forward

bad – good

bad luck – fortune

beauty – ugliness

before – after

begin – end

beginning – end

behind – in front of

below – above

best – worst

better – worse

beautiful – ugly

big – small

birth – death

bitter – sweet

black – white

blunt – sharp

body – soul

bore – amuse

boring – exciting

borrow – lend

bottom – top

boy – girl

brave – cowardly

break – fix

broad – narrow

brother – sister

build – destroy

busy – lazy

buy – sell

calm – excited

careful – careless

careless – careful

catch – miss

ceiling – floor

cellar – attic

centre – outskirts

certainly – probably

changeable – constant

cheap – expensive

child – adult

children – parents

clean – dirty

clear – cloudy

clever – stupid

close – open

closed – open

cloudy – clear

cold – hot

cold – heat

come – go

comedy – drama

complicated – simple

compliment – insult

compulsory – voluntary

connect – separate

consonant – vowel

constant – changeable

construction – destruction

continue – interrupt

cool – warm

correct – wrong

courage – fear

courageous – cowardly

cowardly – brave

create – destroy

cruel – human

cry – whisper

cry – laugh

damage – repair

danger – security

dangerous – safe

dark – light

daughter – son

dawn – dusk

day – night

dead – alive

death – birth

deep – shallow

defeat – victory

defence – attack

defend – attack

delicious – awful

deny – admit

depart – arrive

departure – arrival

descendant – ancestor

descent – ascent

desperate – hopeful

destroy – build

destruction – construction

devil – angel

dictatorship – republic

die – live

different – alike

difficult – easy

dirty – clean

disease – health

distant – near

divide – unite

division – unity

divorce – marry

divorce – marriage

divorced – married

domestic – foreign

down – up

downstairs – upstairs

drama – comedy

dry – humid

dull – interesting

dusk – dawn

early – late

east – west

easy – difficult

elementary – advanced

emigrate – immigrate

emigration – immigration

empty – full

end – begin

end – beginning

ending – beginning

enemy – friend

enjoy – hate

enter – leave

entrance – exit

equal – different

even – odd

evening – morning

everybody – nobody

everything – nothing

exactly – approximately

excited – calm

exciting – boring

exclude – include

exit – entrance

expensive – cheap

export – import

exposure – shelter

extreme – moderate

fail – succeed

failure – success

false – true

far – near

fast – slow

fat – slim

fear – courage

female – male

few – many

final – first

find – lose

finish – begin

finish – start

first – final

fix – break

flat – hilly

floor – ceiling

follow – lead

forbid – allow

for – against

foreground – background

foreign – domestic

foreigner – native

forget – remember

form – destroy

fortune – bad luck

forward – backward

free – arrest

freeze – melt

frequently – occasionally

fresh – old/stale

friend – enemy

front – rear

in front of – back

full – empty

funny – serious

future – past

general – particular

generous – mean

gentle – violent

gentleman – lady

giant – tiny

girl – boy

give – take

go – come

good – bad

grown-up – child

guest – host

guilty – innocent

happiness – sadness

happy – sad

handsome – ugly

hard – easy

harvest – plant

hate – enjoy

health – disease

healthy – ill

heat – cold

heaven – hell

heavy – light

hell – heaven

here – there

high – deep

high – low

hilly – flat

hit – miss

hopeful – desperate

hopeless – hopeful

horizontal – vertical

host – guest

hot – cold

huge – tiny

human – animal

humane – cruel

humid – dry

hungry – thirsty

husband – wife

in front of – back

ignore – notice

ill – healty

immigrate – emigrate

immigration – emigration

import – export

in – out

include – exclude

increase – reduce

innocent – guilty

inside – outside

insult – compliment

intelligent – silly

intentional – accidental

be interested in – bore

interesting – boring

interrupt – continue

junior – senior

kind – cruel

lack – abundance

lady – gentleman

land – take off

land – water

large – small

last – first

late – early

laugh – cry

lazy – active

lead – follow

learn – teach

leave – arrive

left – right

lend – borrow

less – more

let – forbid

lie – stand

life – death

light – dark

light – heavy

like – hate

liquid – solid

little – big

little – much

live – die

long – short

lose – win

loser – winner

loud – quiet

love – hate

lovely – terrible

low – high

lower – raise

bad luck – good luck

good luck – bad luck

major – minor

male – female

man – woman

many – few

marriage – divorce

married – divorced

marry – divorce

master – servant

maximum – minimum

mean – generous

melt – freeze

men – women

mend – break

mess – order

midnight – noon

minimum – maximum

minor – major

miss – hit

miss – catch

moderate – extreme

modern – ancient

monarchy – republic

moon – sun

more – less

morning – evening

mountain – valley

much – little

narrow – broad

nasty – nice

native – foreigner

natural – artificial

near – distant

negative – affirmative

nephew – niece

never – always

new – ancient

nice – awful

niece – nephew

night – day

no – yes

nobody – everybody

noisy – quiet

noon – midnight

none of – al lof

normal – strange

north – south

not yet – already

nothing – everything

notice – ignore

now – then

occasionally – frequently

occupied – vacant

odd – even

off – on

often – seldom

old – modern

on – off

open – closed

open – closed

opponent – supporter

order – mess

ordinary – special

other – same

out – in

outside – inside

outskirts – centre

over – under

parents – children

part – whole

partial – total

particular – general

pass – fail

past – future

peace – war

permit – forbid

plant – harvest

plenty – lack

pleasant – awful

polite – rude

poor – rich

poverty – wealth

powerful – weak

presence – absence

present – past

pretty – ugly

private – public

probably – certainly

professional – amateur

protect – attack

protection – attack

public – private

pull – push

pupil – teacher

push – pull

question – answer

quick – slow

quiet – loud

raise – lower

rainy – sunny

rear – front

receive – send

reduce – increase

refuse – agree

regret – satisfaction

remember – forget

repair – damage

reply – ask

reply – question

republic – dictatorship

rest – work

rich – poor

right – left

right – wrong

rise – sink

rough – gentle

rough – smooth

rude – polite

rural – urban

sad – happy

sadness – happiness

safe – dangerous

safety – danger

salt – sugar

same – different

satisfaction – regret

satisfy – annoy

save – spend

scream – whisper

security – danger

seldom – often

sell – buy

send – receive

senior – junior

separate – connect

serious – funny

servant – master

set free – arrest

shallow – deep

sharp – blunt

shelter – exposure

short – long

shout – whisper

shut – open

sick – healthy

silent – noisy

silly – intelligent

simple – complicated

sink – rise

single – married

sister – brother

sit – stand

slim – fat

slow – fast

small – big

smooth – rough

soft – hard

solid – liquid

some – many

sometimes – often

son – daughter

soul – body

sour – sweet

south – north

special – general

spring – autumn

stand – sit

start – stop

start – finish

stop – start

stand – lie

strange – normal

stranger – native

strict – gentle

strong – weak

student – teacher

stupid – clever



*POLICE:* Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminals


*VIP:* Very Important Person.

*SHO:* Station House Officer.

*BBC:* British Broadcasting Corporation.

*CID:* Criminal Investigation Department.

*CSP:* Civil Service of Pakistan.

*CSS:* Central Superior Services.

*FANA:* Federally Administered Northern Areas.

*FATA:* Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

*GDP:* Gross Domestic Product.

*GHQ:* General Head Quarter.

*FIR:* First Information Report.

*IBM:* International Business Machines.

*ISPR:* Inter Services Public Relation.

*ISSB:* Inter Services Selection Board.

*NOC:* No Objection Certificate.

*OIC:* Organization of Islamic Conference.

*PCS:* Public Srrvice Commission.

*SAARC:* South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation.

*SSG:* Special Services Group.

*UNICEF:* United Nation International Children Emergency Fund.

*WASA:* Water and Sanitation Agency.

*ISAF:* International Security Association Force.

*LPG:* Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

*CNG:* Compressed Natural Gas.

*ECG:* Electrocardiography.

*RAM:* Random Access Memory.

*LASER:* Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation.

*RADAR:* Radio Detection and Ranging.

*AIDS:* Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

*WWW:* World Wide Web.

*DNA:* Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

*SONAR:* Sound Navigation and Ranging.

*CPU:* Central Processing Unit.

*LCD:* Liquid Crystal Display .

*kHz:* Kilohertz.

*KV:* Kilo Volt.

*NADRA:* National Database and Registration Authority.

*LED:* Light Emitting Diode.                            Secondary School Teacher & Subject Specialist Syllabus


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Friday, December 30, 2022

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

 FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

  Federal Public Service Commission FPSC has announced its last advertisement of 2022 (FPSC Jobs 2022 Consolidated Advertisement No. 01/2023). FPSC Jobs 2022 Federal Public Service Commission through an online job portal Highly talented and dynamic professionals Pakistani nationals are invited to apply for the following posts on regular basis. Both males and females who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for these posts. Age limit, qualification, experience, and domicile prescribed for the posts are mentioned against each in the advertisement. As we know, the FPSC always invites applications across Pakistan. So, job seekers seeking opportunities in the federal government should apply for these new vacancies advertised in FPSC Advertisement No.01/2023.

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

FPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2023 – Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Advertisement No 1 2023

  The Federal Public Service Commission invites applications from highly qualified, dynamic, skilled, and experienced professionals for its latest appointment at vacant positions in various departments. Vacancies are posted for both genders (Males/Females). The FPSC Latest Jobs Advertisement also reserves quotas for Minorities. The FPSC Jobs Advertisement No. 01 2023 is available on the FSPC website at Visit our website on Daily Basis for all kinds of federal and provincial Jobs updates. For this Jobs Test Preparation MCQS and and Download Books in PDF  .
Interested candidates can apply online at the official website of FPSC the challan form which is available at FPSC’s official website.No hard copy of the online application is require from the applicants.The fee may be deposite on or before the closing date in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of the National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of the Government under the head “CO2101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY FPSC”.Bank draft / Cheque/ Postal Order is not acceptable.Please read general instructions regarding the application fee, written test, and interview on the FPSC website before applying online.Those applicants who do not have access to the internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications on or before the last date, addressed to Secretary FPSC on plain paper giving detailed particulars in the light of prescribed conditions for the post applied for, intimating difficulties in submission of online applications.Such applications will be accepted subject to the approval of the Commission.Last date to apply online for FPSC Jobs is 16.01.2023.



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I have created *WhatsApp Paid & Unpaid* group separate for *boys and girls for *IBA SCREENING TEST* Test preparation (SIBA Test, SPSC FPSC etc) where I will send you MCQs on daily basis. I recommend you that just join any one WhatsApp group and focus on it well and read it. I hope you will benefit a lot from all this.
*مختلف نوڪرين جي تياري ڪندڙ نوجوانن لاء رياضي سائنس ۽ عالمي معلومات جون موڪ ٽيسٽون بلاگ تي اپلوڊ ڪيون آھن.آئي بي اي طرفان گريڊ 5 کان 15 تائين اسڪرينگ ٽيسٽ، ٽيچنگ، ايف آء اي ، پوليس ايس ايس يو ، اسپيشل پروٽيڪشن يونٽ ، ائير پورٽ سڪيورٽي فورسز ،آرميءَ ۽ ائير فورس جي نوڪري لاءِ تياري ڪندڙ نوجوان ھي آنلائن ٽيسٽ ڏئي پنھنجي اھليت جو چڪاس ڪري سگھن ٿا. آن لائن ٽيسٽ ڏيڻ کانپوءِ اھا ٽيسٽ درست جوابن سميت پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾ پڻ ڊائونلوڊ ڪري سگهو ٿا.* ********************* **


 *Some Important Test Material that we have updated on our blog:* *1.Maths Mock Test.*
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Most Repeated MCQs | Arithmetic Maths Multiples Test Solved Questions

 *Basic Mathematics MCQs | Arithmetic Maths Multiples Test Solved Questions*

Basic Mathematics MCQs Test Questions with Answers and Complete Solutions (Arithmetic Maths Multiple Choice Quiz Test). FPSC Test, NTS Test Preparation Material. Basic Arithmetic (Algebra, Ratios, Percentages, Arithmetic Means).


Basic Mathematics (Arithmetic) Multiple Choice Questions Test Page-1. The following Maths quiz are from Decimals, Average, Percentage, Ratios and Proportion, Geometry and word problems. Find answers and solutions to the Math questions at the bottom of the page.


1. What is the average of first 150 natural numbers?

(A) 70

(B) 70.5

(C) 75

(D) 75.5

1.0.003 × 0.02 = ?

(A) 0.06

(B) 0.006

(C) 0.0006

(D) 0.00006

What is the average of the numbers: 0, 0, 4, 10, 5, and 5 ?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

3. What is the rate of discount if a car which price was $4,000 was sold for $3,200 ?

(A) 14%

(B) 16%

(C) 18%

(D) 20%

4. |–4| + |4| – 4 + 4 = ?

(A) 0

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 8

5. What is the value of x in the equation 3x – 15 – 6 = 0 ?

(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) –9

 (Find solutions below link )

Jj Tuition Centre Tando Muhammad Khan

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Beginning To Excellence

(1) If A={0,1,6} then number of proper subsets will be 

A) 8      

(B) 7  ✓    

(C) 6    

(D) N.O.T

(2) Smallest four digit number made from 4,0,3 and 2 is

(A) 2034        

(B) 0234 ✓      

(C)  2340     

(D) N.O.T

(3) In exam 1100 boys and 900 girls appeared 50% of the boys and 40% of the girls passed the examination. What will be the percentage of failed candidate?

(A) 54.5% ✓  

(B)  45%    

(C)  45.5%   


(4) 2 [-2 { 4 × 9 ÷ 8( 5-3-4 ) } ]


(B) -79 

(C) -24  

(D) N.O.T

(5) Jj bought 6 Kg onions in Rs 300. If rate of potatoes is 3 times than onions, find the rate of potatoes?





(6) If sum of two angles is 180⁰ than angles are

(A) Right Angles

(B)Supplimentry Angles✓

(C) Complimentry Angles

(D) Reliable Angles

(7) 5 + 9 × 2 - 8 ÷ 8 + 6 = ?

(A) 16

(B) 18

(C) 28✓

(D) 29

(8) 5x - y = 3

   3x + y = 4 Find the value of x and y

(A) x = 3 , y = 4

(B) x = 3/8 , y = 5

(C) x = 8/3 , y = 5/7

(D) N.O.T✓

(9) If 60 men can consume 40 Kg sugar in 12 days then 90 men can consume 200 Kg sugar in

(A) 20 days

(B) 40 days✓

(C) 90 days

(D) N.O.T

(10) If A={a,e,I,o,u} and B={e,o} then B is

(A) Sub set of A✓

(B) A and B are overlapping

(C) Both A and B options are Correct

(D) N.O.T

(11) A line segment which connect two points of circumference of circle ⭕ without passing from center point of circle.

(A) Diameter

(B) Chord✓

(C) Arc

(D) N.O.T

(12) Square root of 1.44 is 

(A) 1.2✓

(B) 12.2

(C) 7.2

(D) 1.22

(13) Sum of all the angles in a quadrilateral is always

(A) 180⁰

(B) 280⁰

(C) 160⁰

(D) 360⁰✓

(14) Aftab left property of 1,520,000. He had a mother, a wife (widow), 3 sons and 4 daughters. 30,000 was expense on his funeral and 50,000 was debt on him. Find the share of each daughter's.

(A) 102,000✓

(B) 204,000

(C) 117,000


(15) 10 of (30 ÷ 3 of 2) =

(A) 30

(B) 40

(C) 47

(D) 50✓

(16) An angle whose measure is greater than 90⁰ but less than 180⁰ is called

(A) Acute Angle

(B) Right Angle

(C) Obtuse Angle ✓

(D) Straight Angle

(17) HCF of 32, 80 and 112 is

(A) 32

(B) 24

(C) 18

(D) 16✓

(18) LCM of 4,6 and 12 is 

(A) 8

(B) 12✓

(C) 24

(D) N.O.T

(19) The place value of 2 in 342,567,345 is 

(A) Million

(B) Ten Millions

(C) Hundred Millions

(D) Billion

(20) 1 KM is      meters.

(A) 10

(B) 100

(C) 1000 ✓

(D) N.OT

(21) Find the value of 3.5% of 450

(A) 11.25

(B) 13.75

(C) 14.25

(D) 15.75✓

(22)First Prime number is

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2✓

(D) 3

(23) Tenth odd number is

(A) 18

(B) 19✓

(C) 20

(D) 21

(24) Divide 27.5 by 5

(A) 5.25

(B) 5.5✓


(D) 5.05

(25) Length of rectangular field is 30 meters and it's breadth is 20 meters. Find the perimeter of the rectangular field.

(A) 50 m

(B) 100 m✓

(C) 150 m

(D) 200 m

(26) A square ground has each side 36 meters. What distance will a boy cover by cycling around the ground three times?

(A) 72 m

(B) 144 m

(C) 288 m

(D) 432 m✓

(27) Find the average of 44, 40, 37, 42, 35 and 36.

(A) 38

(B) 39 ✓

(C) 40

(D) 42

(28) The original price of a cycle is Rs 1,650. During a sale, it is sold at 9% discount. What is the price of a cycle?

(A) 1205.5

(B) 1405.75

(C) 1401.25

(D) 1501.5✓

(29) Ten digit numbers represent 

(A) Trillions

(B) Billions ✓

(C) Millions

(D) N.O.T

(30) The numbers which are exactly divisible by 2 are 

(A) Even numbers✓

(B) Odd numbers

(C) Prime numbers

(D) N.O.T


Q.1: ------ is used to pressurize hydrogen fuel in rockets and the air in diver air tanks?






Q.2: What caused Napoleon death?

Heart Attack

Arsenic goisoning


None of These


Q.3: Which treaty was signed for establishing peace with England?

RAR Sivino

Restory of Hanres

Treaty of Amiens

None of These


Q.4: In federal government the chief Executive of the federation shall be -----?


Chief Minister

Prime Minister

Chairman Senite


Q.5: Father of Botany is -------?

Hanry George

Thomas Nosina


None of These


Q.6: The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation is the new name of the ------?




None of These



Q.7: Muhammad All Bogra who took over after the dismissal of -----?

Haroon Khadim

Azhar Nihal

Gulam Mustafa

Khawaja Nazim ud Din



Q.8: Binet was the founder of ------- Test?







Q.9: Who built the world first film studio?

Hanlena Thomas

George Candy

Thomas Alva Edison

Hanery Nickson



Q.10: Government College Lahore was established in ------?




None of These



Q.11: Who was the mother of Castor and Pollux?



Helen of Troy

None of These


Q.12: What were the first false teeth made from?




None of These


Q.13: Who created the animated characters Wallace and Grommet?

Parker Shen

Nick Parks


None of These


Q.14: First Camp David Accord was signed in ------ between Israel and Egypt?






Q.15: Which country invented the concentration camp?



Britain - Boer war

None of These



Q.16: The place known as the Garden of ------ is Kent?

New Zeeland



None of These


Q.17: Which American state has the longest borders with Canada?


St Mary

Green Town

None of These


Q.18: Name the first web browser publicly introduced the Jail Department?

Hazraty available NCSA Mosaic



None of These


Q.19: in which city was the first public opera house opened?

New York



None of These



Q.20: Punjab University Lahore was established in -----?






*Most repeated mcqs of islamiayat in past papers #spsc #IBA  #ppsc #nts #educators #fpsc*

☣Kalima Tayyaiba Is Mentioned In Quran For 2 Times.
☣The word Quran means “read one”.
☣ 114 total number of Surah
☣Surah means city of Refuge.
☣86 Makki Surah.
☣28 Madine Surah.
☣558 Rukus.
☣Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah.
☣Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah.
☣Al-Nass is the last surah.
☣14 bows are in Quran.
☣First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah.
☣Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran.
☣Five verses were reveled in the first wahy.
☣Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times.
☣Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah.
☣Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah.
☣Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah.
☣Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs.
☣Three surah starts with curse.
☣6666 is the number of Ayats.
☣29 total number of Mukata’t.
☣Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran.
☣Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy.
☣12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran (total 27).
☣Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quaran.
☣ In surah Al-Saf, Hoy prophet is addressed as Ahmed.
☣Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba.
☣5 Surhas start with Qul.
☣Hazrat Umar proposed the compilation of Holy Quran.
☣Al- Nasr is known as Surah Widah.
☣Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran.
☣Hajjaj bin yousuf applied diacritical points in Quaran.
☣37 total number of surah in last parah.
☣Al- Baqrah and Surah Al-Nissa is spread over 3 Parahs.
☣Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time.
☣City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran.
☣Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran.
☣Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran.
☣First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement
☣Complete revelation in 23 years.
☣Subject of Holy Quran is human.
☣Risalat means to convey message.
☣26 prophets mentioned in holy Quran.


       *Currencies in Brackets*

⚪ Russia = Moscow *(Ruble)*

⚪ Canada= Ottawa *(Dollor)*

⚪ Hungry= Budapest *(Forint)*

⚪ Japan= Tokyo *(yen)*

⚪ Italy= Rome *(Euro)*

⚪ France = Paris (Euro)

⚪  USA= Washington *(Dollor)*

⚪ Germany= Berlin *(Deutsche mark)*

⚪ Pakistan = Islamabad *( Rupee)*

⚪ New Zealand = Wellington *( Dollor)*

⚪ England= London *(Pound)*

⚪ Australia = Canberra *(Dollor)*

⚪ China = Beijing *(Yaun)*

⚪ Qatar = Doha *(Riyal)*

⚪ Indonesia = Jakarta *(Rupiah)*

⚪ Malaysia = Kaula lampur *(Ringgit)*

⚪ Nepal = *Kathmandu*

⚪ Dubai = Abu Dhabi *(Dirham)*

⚪ Saudi = Riyadh *(Riyal)*

⚪ Iran = Tehran *(Riyal)*

⚪ Iraq = Baghdad *(Dinar)*

⚪ Turkey = Ankara *(Lira)*

⚪ South Africa = Cape Town *(Rand)*

⚪ Bangladesh = Dhaka *(Taka)*

⚪ Finland = Helsinki *(Euro)*

⚪ Greece = Athens *(Euro)*

⚪ Austria = Vienna *(Euro)*

⚪ Kenya = Nairobi *( Shilling)*

⚪ Israel = Jerosholam *(Sheqel)*

⚪ Palestine = *(Ramaullah)*

⚪ Libya = Tripoli *(Dinar)*

⚪ Bhutan = Thimphu *(Franc)*

⚪ Oman = Mascot *(Dinar)*
⚪Afghanistan = Kabil *(Afghani)*

⚪ Italy = Rome *(Euro)*

⚪ Yemen = San'aa *( Riyal)*

⚪ Venezuela = Carcass *(Bolivar)*

⚪  Brazil = Brasilia *(real)*

⚪ Switzerland = Bern *(Swiss Franc)*

⚪ Spain = Madrid *(Euro)*

⚪ Thailand =  Bangkok *(Baht)*

⚪ Sudan = Khartoum *(Sodani Pound)*

⚪ Norway = Olso *(Krone)*

⚪ Poland = Warsaw *( Zloty)*

⚪ Singapore = Singapore City *(Dollar)*

⚪ Mexico = Mexico City

⚪ Chile = Santiago *(Rupee)*

⚪ Cuba = Havana *(Rupee)*

⚪ Ireland = Dublin *(Euro)*

⚪ Zimbabwe = Harare *( Dollar)*

⚪ Kuwait = Kuwait City *( Dinar)*

⚪ Jordon = Aman *( Dinar)*

⚪ Kazakhstan = Astana *(Tenge)*

⚪ Kyrgyzstan = Bishkek *(Som)*

⚪ Tajikistan = Dushanbe *(Ruble)*

⚪ Philippines = Manila *(Peso)*

⚪ Iceland = Reykjavik *(Krona)*

⚪ Syria = Damascus *(Pound)*

⚪ South Korea = Seoul *(Won)*

⚪ Sri Lanka = Colombo *(Rupee)*

⚪ Nigeria = Abuja *(Naira)*

⚪ North Korea = Pyongyang *(Won)*

⚪ Panama = Panama City *(Balboa)*

⚪ Denmark = Copenhagen *(Krone)*



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