Monday, December 26, 2022

SST BPS 16 Past Papers & preparatory Notes

SST BPS 16 Past Papers & preparatory Notes

SST BPS 16 Past Papers & preparatory Notes

1) When Bengal was partitioned 

Ans: 1905 

2) Who presented poor man budget 

Ans: Liaquat Ali 

3) When U.N.O was formed? 

Ans: 1945 

4) Who was editor of Zamindar ? 

Ans: Zafar Ali Khan 

5) How many members are in E.U ? 

Ans: 29 

6) Name the president of Cuba? 

Ans: Miguel Díaz-Canel

7) Name of the president of India? 

Ans: Ram Nath Kovind

8) Name the last Viceroy of India 

Ans: Mountbatten

9) When did Simon Commission arrive in India?

Ans: 1927 

10) Suez Canal connects which two seas 

Ans: Mediterranean and Red sea 

11) Who discovered Penicillin 

Ans: Alexander Fleming

12) Who wrote friends and masters? 

Ans: Ayub Khan 

13) Nouri-al-Malki is P.M of? 

Ans: Iraq from 2006 to 2014. 

14) Ban-ki-moon belongs to 

Ans: South Korea 

15) When national anthem played on 

Ans: 1954 

16) Where is International Court of Justice 

Ans: Hague 

17) When W.T.O founded 

Ans: 1985 

18) How many state are in USA 

Ans: 50

19) When Allahabad Address was delivered 

Ans: 1930 

20) Earth rotates the sun in

Ans: 23 hours 56 min 4 sec 

21) What man exhales 

Ans: Carbon dioxide 

22) War and Peace was written by 

Ans: Leo Tolstoy

23) Obama belongs to the state 

Ans: Illinois 

24) Origin of Species is written by 

Ans: Charles Darwin

25) Headquarters of SAARC

Ans: Kathmandu 

26) Who introduced the system of prisons in Islamic History 

Ans: Caliph Omer 

27) How many times is the mention of Namaz in Quran 

Ans: 700 

28) Currency of Kuwait? 

Ans: Dinar 

29) Head quarter of UNESCO 

Ans: Paris, France

30) What is the fourth state of matter 

Ans: Plasma 

31) Bats can also fly in dark because they are capable of taking the help of _________?

Ans: Ultrasonic Waves

32) How many players are in water polo? 

Ans: 7 

33) Deficiency of water causes 

Ans: Sterility 

34) Which acid is used in Battery 

Ans: HNO3 

35) The sun rays reach in the earth in _____ minutes? 

Ans: 8 

36) Who is the founder of Kirshair Perja Party? 

Ans: Moulvi Fazal Haq 

37) Shah Waliullah belongs to Silsila? 

Ans: Naqshbandia 

38) Al-Hilal was published by

Ans: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 

39) Towards new Pakistan has been written by 

Ans: Mohammad Ayub Khan

40) EU headquarters is in 

Ans: Brussels 

41) Baghdad Pact was signed? 

Ans: 1955 

42) Which is landlocked country 

Ans: Mongolia 

43) Water lily is symbol of 

Ans: Canada 

44) What is Obama's number as president? 

Ans: 46 

45) OIC 2nd Islamic Summit Conference held? 

Ans: 1974 

46) Panama Canal connects which two Ocean?

Ans: Pacific and Atlantic

47) Equator passes through 

Ans: Kenya 

48) Gobi desert is located in 

Ans: Mongolia 

49) Which is the biggest agency in FATA 

Ans: South Waziristan 

50) Which is the land of Golden Pagoda 

Ans: Myanmar

51) What is tornado 

Ans: Strong Wind 

52) What are scavengers? 

Ans: Who look food in rubbish 

53) What was the first living creature to travel in space? 

Ans: bitch 

54) What does term mantra means? 

Ans: a word with spiritual power 

55) Somnambulism means 

Ans: walk in sleep 

56) Macro economics means 

Ans: branch of economics that studies changes 

57) Chauvinism means? 

Ans: strong belief that your country is important 

58) Sphinx is located 

Ans: Egypt 

59) Martin Luther king belonged to 

Ans: Germany 

60) Socrates belongs to 

Ans: Greece 

61) Vienna city is in 

Ans: Europe 

62) Bonanza means 

Ans: situation where large profits are made 

63) Amicus curiae means 

Ans: A friend of court 

64) Resume is a pause in act 

Ans: a detailed account 

65) Portmanteau means 

Ans: Large box 

66) Matador is the name of player in the game 

Ans: Bull fighting 

67) Nom-de Plume means 

Ans: Anonymous 

68) Who is Amir Musa 

Ans: head of Arab league

69) Sir Creek channel is disputed are between Pakistan and India this is located 

Ans: Sindh and Indian Gujrat 

70) Ramallah city is located in 

Ans: Palestine 

71) Banana republic means 

Ans: Govt. of corrupt elite 

72) Hegemony means 

Ans: Supremacy of power 

73) Demography is science pertains to 

Ans: People 

74) An Anarchist is 

Ans: A person who does not like any system 

75) Suo moto means 

Ans: An action by court itself 

76) What does fossil fuel means 

Ans: Gas ,Oil ,Petroleum 

77) What is Tundra 

Ans: Area of land in the north of Asia, America, Europe 

78) 100/100000 = 

Ans: 0.001 

79) Sohail sold his car for Rs 45,000. He had earlier bought it for Rs. 80,000. What is his percentage of loss? 

Ans: 43.7% 

80) What is 2% of 400? 

Ans: 8 

81) General Dyers is known for 

Ans: Jallianwala Massacre 

82) The number of permanent members of Security Council are 

Ans: 15

83) Opposite of Democracy is 

Ans: Dictatorship 

84) Napoleon Bonaparte was 

Ans: French 

85) Tea can be best cultivated on 

Ans: Hill Slopes 

86) Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words 

Ans: Changeabble 

87) Richter Scale is used to measure the intensity of 

Ans: Earthquakes 

88) The country having the highest death rate due to disastrous typhoons and hurricanes is 

Ans: Japan 

89) How many Round Table Conferences were held in London between Indian Political leaders and the British government 

Ans: 3 

90) Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by 

Ans: Maulvi Fazal-ur-Rehman 

91) Diamer Bhasha Dam is being constructed in 

Ans: Gilgit Baltistan 

92) According to which constitution Pakistan became an Islamic republic? 

Ans: 1956 

93) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented his Fourteen Points in

Ans: 1929

94) Fiscal year is from 

Ans: July 1 to June 30 

95) Pakistan's single largest import category is 

Ans: Petroleum & Petroleum products 

96) What percentage of Pakistan's population is below the poverty line 

Ans: 39%

97) Peoples Republic of China was founded 

Ans: 1949 

98) According to Kerry-Lugar Bill how much aid Pakistan will get every year for next 5 years 

Ans: $3.5 Billion 

99) The number of administrative districts in Punjab is 

Ans: 36

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