Tuesday, June 13, 2023

7 Continents Info

All about 7 Continents information 


✓ Asia is the largest continent.

✓ The land area of Asia is 44.58 million km2

✓ Asia population is equivalent to 59.76% of the total world population.

✓ The population density in Asia is 150 per km2

✓ The Total land area of Asia is 31,033,131 km2

✓ According to United Nations, there are 48 countries in Asia.

✓ There are three dependencies in Asia ( Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macao)

✓ There are 12 landlocked countries are Asia.

✓ There is one double land-locked country is Asia (Uzbekistan)

✓ Uzbekistan is surrounded by Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan & Turkmenistan.

✓ The Largest country of Asia by Area is Russia.

✓ The Largest country of Asia by population is China.

✓ The Smallest country of Asia by area and population is the Maldives.

✓ The largest city in Asia by population is Tokyo (Japan)

✓ The largest Island in Asia is Borneo Island (Shared by Indonesia, Malaysia & Burnei).

✓ The smallest Island in Asia is Maldives (North Central Indian Ocean)

✓ The Longest River is in Asia Yangtze (China). 

✓ The highest mountain in Asia is Mount Everest (B/w Nepal & Tibet Autonomous region of China) 

✓ The lowest point in Asia is Dead Sea (B/w Israel & Jordan).

✓ The Biggest Lake in Asia is Caspian Sea (shared by five countries: Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan & Iran). 

✓ The largest desert in Asia is Gobi desert (Across the borderlands of Northern China & Southern Mongolia).


✓ Africa is the 2nd largest continent in size and population.

✓ According to United Nations estimate, the population of Africa 1,347,597,144.

✓ Africa population is equivalent to 16.72% of the total world population.

✓ The population density in Africa is 45 per km2

✓ The total land area is approximately 11,721,000 square miles (30,365,000 square km)

✓ According to UN there are 54 countries in Africa.

✓ There are 16 land locked countries are in Africa. 

✓ The largest country of Africa by population is Nigeria.

✓ The smallest country of Africa by population & Area is Seychelles.

✓ The largest city of Africa by population is Lagos (Nigeria)

✓ The smallest city of Africa by Population is Disuq (Egypt)

✓ The largest island of Africa is Madagascar (Indian Ocean)

✓ The longest river of Africa is Nile.

✓ The highest mountain of Africa is Mt Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). It is also highest point of Africa.

✓ The largest lake of Africa is lake Victoria (Tanzania & Uganda)

✓ The Largest desert of Africa is Sahara.

✓ The largest canyon of South Africa is Fish River Canyon.

✓ The Lowest point on Land in Africa is Lake Assal.

✓ Tugela Falls is the second highest waterfall in the world lies in Africa.

North America 

✓ North America is 3rd largest continent of the World.

✓ The area of North America is 9,355,000 square miles (24,230,000 square kms)

✓ Northern America population is equivalent to 4.73% of the total world population.

✓ According to UN, there are 23 countries are in North America.

✓ There is no land-locked in North America.

✓ The largest of North America by area is Canada.

✓ The largest country of North America by Population is USA.

✓ The smallest country of North America by are & Population is St Kitts and Nevis.

✓ The largest city of North America by area and population is Mexico city (Mexico).

✓ The biggest island of North America is Greenland (B/w the Arctic Ocean & the North Atlantic Ocean.

✓ The longest river of North America is Missouri River.

✓ The highest mountain in North America is Denali (South-Central Alaska) also its highest point of North America.

✓ The Biggest Lake in North America is Lake Superior.

✓ The lowest point in North America is Badwater Basin in Death Valley.

South America 

✓ South America is 4th largest continent of the World.

✓ The area of South America is (17,461, 112 square kms)

✓ Northern America population is equivalent to 5.53% of the total world population.

✓ According to UN, there are 12 countries are in South America.

✓ There are two land-locked in South America. (Bolivia & Paraguay)

✓ The largest country of South America by Population is Brazo.

✓ The smallest country of South America by Population is Suriname

✓ The Smallest country of South America by Area is Guyana.

✓ The largest city of South America by population is Paula (Brazil)

✓ The biggest island of South America is Isla Grande Tierra del Fuego.

✓ The longest river of South America is Amazon River.

✓ The highest mountain in South America is Aconcagua (Argentina)

✓ The Biggest Lake in South America is by surface area & volume is Lake Titicaca.

✓ The highest waterfall of South America is Angel Falls (Venezuela) 

✓ The Driest place in South America is Atacama Desert.


✓ Europe is the second smallest continent.

✓ Northern America population is equivalent to 9.78% of the total world population.

✓ The European continent is located completely in Northern Hemisphere.

✓ There are 44 countries in Europe.

✓ There are 4 dependencies in Europe (Channel Islands (UK), Isle of Man (UK), Gibraltar (UK) and Faeroe Islands (Denmark).

✓ There are 14 land locked countries in Europe. 

✓ The longest river of Europe is River Volga (Russia).

✓ The largest port of Europe is the port of Rotterdam (Netherlands).

✓ The largest lake of Europe is Lake Ladoga (Russia).

✓ The largest waterfall of Europe is the Rhine Falls (Switzerland).

✓ Norway has longest coastline in Europe.


✓ Oceania is a region made up of thousands of island throughout the Central & South Pacific Ocean.

✓ Oceania includes pacific islands & Australia.

✓ Oceania Population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population. 

✓ Oceania includes more than 10,000 islands excluding Australia, but including Papua New Guinea & New Zealand.

✓ The largest Island of Oceania is Australia.

✓ The biggest city of Oceania by population is Sydney. 

✓ The tallest point in Oceania is Puncak Jaya (Indonesia)

✓ The longest river of Oceania is River Murray (Australia)

✓ The largest lake of Oceania is lake Eyre (Australia)


✓ Antarctica is the 5th largest continent.

✓ Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth.

✓ Antarctica is the least populated continent.

✓ Antarctica is an ice-covered continent surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

✓ Antarctica is the windiest place.

✓ Antarctica is the highest elevation of all continents.

✓ The highest mountain in Antarctica is Mount Vinson.

✓ Antarctica contains more than 90% of the world’s ice.

✓ Antarctica contains more than 90% of our planet’s fresh water.

✓ British Explorer James Cook and his crew crossed the Antarctic Circle for the first time in 1773.

✓ Norwegian Explorer Ronald Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole in 1911.

✓ 7 countries have territories in Antarctica (France, UK, New Zealand, Norway, Australia, Chile & Argentina).

✓ The Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 countries on December 01, 1959.

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