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JAMSHED  SOOMRO (0306 - 3269763)

1. What is the body temperature of a normal man?

A. 81.1°C

B. 36.9°C✓

C. 98.6°C

D. 21.7°C

2. Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?

A. Vitamin B1

B. Vitamin B2

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin K✓

3.Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is

A. 5-6 liters✓

B. 3-4 liters

C. 8-10 liters

D. 10-12 liters

4. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the

A. Liver

B. Bone marrow✓

C. Kidneys

D. Heart

5. How many bones are there in an adult human being?

A. 210

B. 260

C. 206✓

D. 300

6. The pancreas secretes

A. Insulin✓

B. Bile juice

C. Peptic juice

D. None of these

7. Tibia is a bone found in the

A. Skull

B. Arm

C. Leg✓

D. Face

8. The largest part of the human brain is the

A. Medulla oblongata

B. Cerebellum

C. Cerebrum✓

D. None of these

9. What is the main component of bones and teeth?

A. Calcium carbonate

B. Calcium phosphate✓

C. Calcium sulphate

D. Calcium nitrate

10. The main constituent of hemoglobin is

A. Chlorine

B. Iron✓

C. Calcium

D. None of these

11. The main function of the kidney is

A. To control blood pressure

B. To control body temperature

C. To remove waste product from the body✓

D. To help in digestion of food

12. The function of hemoglobin is

A. Transportation of oxygen✓

B. Destruction of bacteria

C. Prevention of anemia

D. Utilization of energy

13. Which of the following glands secrete tears?

A. Lachrymal✓

B. Pituitary

C. Thyroid

D. Pancreas

14. Which is the largest gland in the human body?

A. Thyroid

B. Liver✓

C. Pancreas

D. None of these

15. Which is the largest organ in the human body?

A. Liver

B. Heart

C. Skin✓

D. Kidney

16. A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?

A. O✓


C. A

D. B

17. Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?

A. Pancreas

B. Thyroid

C. Pituitary✓

D. Spleen

18. How many bones are there in a newly born infant?

A. 206

B. 230

C. 280

D. 300✓

19. Which of the following have maximum calorific value?

A. Carbohydrates✓    

B. Fats

 C. Proteins                   

D. Vitamins

20. Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?

A. Vitamin B            

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin A✓         

D. Vitamin D

21. The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is

A. 50                      

B. 70✓

C. 80                      

D. 100

22. A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group?

A. A-                              

B.  AB+✓

C. B+                               

D.  O-

23. Malaria is a disease which effects the

A. Heart                        

B. Lungs

C. Spleen✓                 

D. Kidneys

24. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

A. Small pox ✓                

B. Tuberculosis

C. Malaria                         

D. Cholera

25. Medulla oblongata is a part of human

A. Heart                      

B. Brain✓

C. Liver                        

D. Sex organ

26. Myopia is a disease connected with

A. Ears                      

B. Eyes✓

C. Lungs                     

D. Brain

27. Leukemia is a disease of the

A. Lungs                   

B. Blood✓

C. Skin                        

D. Nerves

28. Short-sightedness can be corrected by using

A. Convex lens                     

B. Concave lens✓

C. Convex-concave lens      

D. Concave-convex lens

29. Trachoma is a disease of the

A. Liver                        

B. Eyes✓

C. Lungs                       

D. Kidneys

30. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of 

A.Vitamin  A✓

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin C

D. Vitamin D

31. Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of

A. Infectious diseases                

B. Air-borne disease

C. Water-borne disease✓          

D. None of these

32. Pyorrhea is a disease of the

A. Nose                       

B. Gums✓

C. Heart                        

D. Lungs

33. Lack of what causes diabetes.

A. Sugar                    

B. Insulin✓

C. Calcium                  

D. Vitamins

34. Appendix is appendix is a part of

A. Small intestine                    

B. Large intestine✓

C. Stomach                                

D. Liver

35. Match the following columns

Column I                         Column II

A. Cataract                     1. Bones✓

B. Jaundice                    2. Eyes

C. Diabetes                    3. Liver

D. Arthritis                     4. Pancreas

36. Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organs?

A. Blood                            

B. Bladder

C. Liver                            

D. Respiratory tract✓

37. ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of

A. Brain                              

B. Heart✓

C. Kidneys                           

D. Lungs

38..Blood does not coagulate inside the body to the

presence of

1. Fi brin

2. Heparin✓

3. Haemoglobin

4. Plasma

39. Barium is used for

A. Checking blood group

B. X-ray of alimentary canal✓

C. X-ray of brain

D. None of these

40. Dialysis is used for the treatment of

A. Kidney failure✓                 

B. Heart weakness

C. Brain diseases                   

D. None of these

41. Insulin is injected into the intestines by

A. Pancreas✓                     

B. Liver

C. Stomach                           

D. Gall bladder

42. Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of

A. Cholera                            

B. Plague

C. Tetanus✓                     

D. Diphtheria

43. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

A. Plague-rats                        

B. Rabies-dog

C. Tapeworm-pig                 

D. Poliomyelitis monkey✓

44.What is the main purpose of white blood


A. To carry nutrients

B.  To combat infection✓

C. To carry oxygen

D. To give strength

45. Ricketts is a disease of the

A. Bones✓                     

B. Tissue

C. Muscles                     

D. Blood

46. Which of the following statements is correct

A. Pulmonary artery carries pure blood

B. Pulmonary artery carries impure blood✓

C. Pulmonary vein carries impure blood

D. None of these

47. Lungs are situated in the

A. Abdominal cavity

B. Pericardial cavity

C. Buccal cavity

D.  Thoracic cavity✓

48. The  human diploid cell contain

A. 44 chromosomes       

B. 48 chromosomes

C. 46 chromosomes✓    

D. 23 chromosomes

49. Enzymes help in

A. Respiration                 

B. Digestion of food✓

C. Immune system          

D. Reproduction

50. Food is normally digested in the

A. Liver                              

B. Stomach

C. Small intestines✓       

D. Large intestines.


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JAMSHED  SOOMRO (0306 - 3269763)

 Sindh Text Science 6

chapter 1

Cellular Organization of Plants and Animal.

1. It is outermost layer in animal cell while lies next to plant cell?

Ans. Cell membrane.

2 jelly like subatance where many chemical reactions take place is?

Ans. cytoplasm.

3.......controlls all chemical reactions of cell?

Ans. Nucleus

4. Thread like structure that transfers hereditary charachteristics from parents to offspring is?

Ans. Chromosomes

5. Chloroplast, large vacuole, cell wall are found in?

Ans. Plant cell.

6. Chloroplast contains green pigment called?

Ans. Chlorophyll.

7. It is thick permeable layer around cell, also gives support and regular shape to cell?

Ans. Cell wall.

8. Space containing bodies numerous in animal cell, single in plant cell is?


9. Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Chlamydomonas are?

Ans. Unicellulars.

10. Hydra is?

Ans. Multicellular

11. .....cell carries message aroud body?

Ans. Nerve cell

12. ....... cell contracts to bring about body movement?

Ans. Muscle cell

13. ....cell carries oxygen around body?

Ans. Red blood cell.

14. Name the tissue that protects structure beneath it?

Ans. "Epithelial tissues" animal tissues.

15. Tissues that protects plant againt injuiry and prevent it from drying up is?

Ans. Epidermal tissue

16. Whole plant body is divided into two systems, Root system, Shoot system. shoot system is consist on?

Ans. Stem, leaves,flowers,fruits.

 Sindh Text Science 6 

Chapter 2

1.An external information collected by sensory organ is called?

Ans. stimulus

2. Bulging part of an eye that bends light to lense is called?

Ans. Cornea

3. Coloured part of an eye is?

Ans Iris

4.Central hole of iris is calles?

Ans. Pupil

5 .....lies behind pupil?

Ans. lens

6. .....Focuses light?

Ans. lens

7. Screen of an eye is?

Ans. Retina

8. Nerve that transfers visual information is?

Ans. optic nerve

9. Outer part of an ear that collects sound is called?

Ans. Pinna

10. Middle ear is consist on three small bones called?

Ans. Malleus, Incus, Stape

11. Inner ear contains a coiled structure is called?

Ans. cochlea

12. Name the nerve transfers sound to brain?

Ans. cochlea/ auditory nerve

13. When smell receptors are stimulated signals travel along olfactory nerve to?

Ans. olfactory bulb.

14. Rough surface of tongue is due to structure called?

Ans. Papillae

15.Inner ear contains three semi-circular canals help to?

Ans. To keep our body balance

16. A fish that has taste receptors spread all over its body, enables it to detect prey is?

Ans. cat fish

17. There are .......layers of our skin?

Ans. Three

18. Outer layer of skin is Epidermis, under it is Dermis, next to dermis is?

Ans. Hypodermis

19. Which layer of skin is is sensitive to touch, pain?

Ans. Dermis

Hypodermis stores?

Ans. fats

20. Name the part of inner ear is considered sensitive to sound?

Ans. cochlea

 Sindh Text Science  6

chapter 3.

1. Lower layer of leaf contains small pores for exchange of gases called?

Ans. stomata

2. Which part of plant is called food factories?

Ans. leaf

3. Carbondioxide reacts with water to plants?

Ans.Glucose, oxygen.

4.Plants convert glucose into?

Ans. starch

5. Photosynthesis become slow above?

Ans.45 centigrade.

6. The process through which oxygen,glucose is formed is called photosynthesis, while carbondioxide,w

ater is formed during.....process?

Ans. Respiraton.

7. Stomata helps in?

Ans. Evaporation, exchange of gases.

8. Green pigment in plant leaf is?

Ans. chlorophyll.

9. Material requited for photosynthesis is?

Ans. water,Carbondioxide,


 Sindh Text Science 6

chapter 5

1. name the atomic particles?

ana. electron, proton,neutron

2. proton has +charge, electron has _charge and neutron has?

ans. neutron is chargless/ neutral.

3. who designed atomic model?

ans. rutherford

4. the most common and lighest element on earth is?

ans. hydrogen

5. when two or more same atoms combine to form?

ans. molecule smallest component of a compound made up of same atoms?

ans. molecule

7. when two or more elements combine they form?

ans. compound it true that a compound is made of two or more molecules of different elements?

ans. yes

9. h2o is?

ans. compound.

10. h,n,o are?


11. is it true that "h" is an element made of single atom?


12. symbol for sodium is "na", potassium is "k" and for iron?

ans. fe

13. metals are good conductors of heat, electricity while non-metals are?

ans. poor conductors of heat and electricity.

14. the ratio of element and their atoms are always equal in a compound?

ans. no

15. combination of substances madu up of two or more substances which are not chemically combined is called?

ans. mixture

16. atoms of mixtures are not chemically combine but compunds are?

ans. chemically combined

17. components of mixture are not in fixed ratio, while compound?

ans. compund components are in fixed ratio.

18. green house effect means global warming causd by?

ans. carbondioxide

19. a process of separating insoluble solids from mixture is called?

ans. filtration.

20.a process of vaporizing solid substance and condensing vapour to form solid directly is called?

ans. sublimation

21. a process of puryfying liquid., water is boiled it turns into steam and evaporates leaving behind solid substance, steam can be changed into water by cooling is called?

ans. distillation.

22. ......method is used to separate coloured chemicals?

ans. paper chromatography

23. the process of cooling a hot saturated solution to obtain crystals is called?

ans. crystallization.


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