Thursday, December 24, 2020


 ➡General  Knowledge ⬅

1. Charge on Neutron?


2. Current flow means?

 (Flow of electron)

3. freezing  point of Water?


4. When Muslim league comes into being? (1906)

5. The first president of Pakistan Muslim League? 

Khaliquzzaman (1949)

6. Which melts at room temperature?


7. Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Sadiq Sanjrani

8. Who is Saudi King? 


9. Who put martial law in 1977? 

Zia ul Haq

10. Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? 

Sikandar Mirza

11. Who is chancellor of Germany? 

Angela Markel

12. Second prime minister of Pakistan?

 Nazim uddin

13. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam

14. Zakat obliged in?  

2 hijri

15. Battle of Trench?

 5 Hijri

16. Australia Capital?


17. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? 

Hazrat Abu Bakar

18. Evolution means? 


19. Zamzam means?

 Stop flowing

20. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief Minister of West Pakistan? 

(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)

21. Simon Commission report in the year of? 1930

22. Capital change to Delhi from Calcutta in? 1911

23. Indus Basin Treaty? 


24. Sheetan ko pebble Kaha many?


25. ILO? 

International Labour Organization

26. Kashgar is in? 


27. Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjerab Pass

28. Hormuz lies between? 

The Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf

29. Who abolished one unit?

 Yahya Khan

30. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre at? 

Amritsar 1919

31. Which is landlocked country?


32. New name of Burma? 


33. Thickest layer of the earth? 


34. CNG?

 Compressed Natural Gas

35. Quran Pak completed in? 

23 years

36. Janat UI Baqi?


37. Diamond is the form of? 


38. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad

39. Montague Chelmsford reforms?


40. Blood is cleaned by? 


41. Baqrah surah means? 


42. Animals Who kill other for food is called? Predator

43. SAARC has 8 members.

44. Compilation of Quran into a book: 

Hazrat Abu Bakar

45. 8th Amendment in the constitution:


46. First Commoner-In-Cheif:

 General mersery

47. Governor General of State bank of Pakistan: Dr. Reza Baqir

48. 2nd Governor General of Pakistan: Nazimun din

49. Daughter’s of Muhammad (PBUH): 


50. Mycology is a study of:


51. Surah without Bismillah: 

Surah Touba

52. President of Iran: 

Hassan Rohani

53. Current Unit: 


54. Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations: 

Maliha Lodhi

55. Iraqi President: 

Fuad Masum

56. Light year is measured: 


57. Simla deputation presented the memorial in front of Viceroy Lord Minto

58. Fateh Makkah. 

8th Hijri 

59. Pakistan area: 

796,096 km²

60. Egypt is situated in 


61. Suez Chanel: 

Connects red sea to Mediterranean

62. 1909 reforms Minto Morely

63. Carrot source of vitamin A

64. Vitamin A deficiency night blindness

65. Light year unit of length

66. Sun is star

67. Zunurain: Usman R.A

68. The event of Miraj 10 Nabvi

69. Prophet PBUH died 8 June 632 AD

70. Study of fungi mycology

71. Used in pencil graphite

72. Ozone prevents Ultra Violet  rays

73. 1973 constitution became effective on 14th August

74. First marshal law 7th oct 1958

75. One unit 1954

76. All India Muslim League founded in Dhaka

77. Annulment of Bengal partition in 1911

78. Cabinet palm had three members

79. Second government general of PAKISTAN Namzimudin

80. Plants intake O2 and produce CO2 at night

81. Al Aqsa mosque Jerusalem

82. Us states 50

83. Egypt in Africa

84. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Org

85. Without bismillah surah Tauba

86. NWFP became province under British rule 1901

87. Hazrat Khadija took Muhammad PBUH to; Warqa Bin Naufl

88. 1st compilation of Quran; Hazrat Abo-Bakar RA

89. Zunnorain; Hazrat Usman RA

90. Miraj incident; 10th Nabwi

91. Al-Aqsa mosque; Jerusalem

92. Al Aqasa moseque is in bait-ul-muqdas old city of jeruselum.

93. Quran PAK converted into a book in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique.

94. 8th Amendment in constitution Is ian the era of Gen.ziaulhaq in 1985 and excessively used by president Ghulam Ishaq khan.

95. First commander IN chief of Pakistan frank misservy.

96. Heptagon has seven sides.

97. Scalene Triangle: No equal sides, No equal angles

98. First marshal law 7thoct 1958.

99. Partition of Bengal was on 1911.

100. The freezing point of water is 32f.

101. Distillation is the process through which salt is removed from the water.

102. Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere.

103. Red green and blue are primary colures.

104. Electrons revolve around; Nucleus

105. Battery; converts chemical to electrical

106. Universal donor; O negative

107. Plants intake/out-take at night; Oxygen/Carbon dioxide

108. Laughing gas; Nitrous Oxide

109. Freezing point of Water; 32F

110. Pencil; Graphite

111. Light-year; Length/distance

112. Spider; 8 legs

113. Bronze; Cu- Tin

114. Meteorology; Study of atmosphere

115. Unit of current; Ampere

116. Franc’s President- François Holland

117. Turkey’s President- Tayyib Erdoğan

118. Iran’s President- Hassan Rouhani

119. Unit of Current- Ampere

120. Sound can’t travel through a vacuum.

121. Chemical to electricity is-Battery

122. Suez Canal Connects –Red Sea+ Mediterranean sea

123. 1st revelation took place in-610 AD

124. Lucknow pact was between- Muslim + Congress

125. Freezing point of water is 0 degree

126. Electrons revolve around- Nucleus

127. Ozone protects- UV Rays

128. One unit was initiated on 22th Nov & established/took place on-14th Oct, 1955

129. KPK was constituted to become a province by British in- 1946

130. Location of genes in body, DNA

131. NO of poles in magnet.. 2

132. Opposite charge .Attracts

133. Charge is store in…Capacitor

134. For survival of species. , reproduction is necessary

135. Study of medicine manufacturing is called,,, pharmacy

136. Saifullah is tittle of which sahabi,,,, Khalid bin Waleed R.A

137. Who translated Quran from Arabic into Persian,,,,, Shah Waliullah

138. Basic belief in Islam,,,, 5

139. All india Muslim league was founded in,,,, Dhaka

140. Quaid-e-Azam delivered 14 points in 1929

141. Last Viceroy of India,,,, Lord mount batten

142. Capital of Nepal (Kat Mando)

143. What is Moon? Satellite

144. Charge on Neutron? Neutral

145. Current flow means? Flow of electron

146. When Muslim league come into being?1906

147. First president of Pakistan Muslim League ?Ch.Khaliq uz zaman)

148. Which melts in room temperature? Mercury

149. Chairman of Senate of Pakistan?  Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani 

150. Who abrogated constitution in1958 and put martial law? Sikandar  Mirza 

151. Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel

152. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam

153. BattleofTrench?5Hijri

154. Australia Capital? Canbera

155. Evolution means ?Continuous

156. After one unit in1955 who become Chief Minister of West Pakistan? Dr   Khan Sahib


157. In1946 ministry of finance to ?Liaquat AliKhan

158. Simon Commission report in yearof?1930

159. Capital change to Delhi from Culcutta in?1911

160. Indus BasinTreaty?1960

161. Sheetan ko pebble kaha marty? Muzdalfa

162. ILO? International Labour Organization

163. Kashghar is in?China

164. Hormuz lies between ?Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf

165. Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan

166. Which is land locked country ?Nepal

167. P.M of Iraq? Adil Abdul-Mahdi

168. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by?  Governor General Malik Ghulam   Muhammad

169. Blood is cleaned by? Liver

170. President of France : Emmanuel Macron

171. Heptagon :7sides

172. Iraqi President : Barham Ahmed Salih

173. Vitamin A deficiency night blindness

174. Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere.

175. Normal body temperature is 98.6 °F which is 37.0°C

176. No of bones in human skeleton....206

177. For survival of species ,,,,,reproduction is necessary

178. 0n27th December 2007,,,,,,,,wasassinated .Benazir Bhutto

179. Gomal pass connected ,,,,,Pakistan and Afghanistan

180. Zia ul Haq was died in,,,,17thaugust 1988

181. Pakistan and Afghanistan border is called, ,,,duardline

182. ECO founding members ,,Pakistan, turkey,Iran                                                                    jamshedkhatti

183. 2nd world war was,,,,1939 to1945

184. Muslim  performed first hajj in supervision of Hazrat ABOUBAKARRA

185. 2nd Islamic summit was held in,,,,lahore

186. Babri masjid accident was happened in,,,,1992

187. Iran revolution was in....1979

188. Russia attacked on afghanistanin,,,,1979

189. Electron has negative charge

190. Guardian of holly prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)   

                        Hazrat Abu Talib 

191. Motion of an object moving straight line is called ,,,,,linear motion

192. null set is also called....empty set

193. Afghanistan president is ,,,, Ashraf Ghani

194. Capital of Nepal (Katmandu)

195. Capital of USA( Washington)

196. Capital of morocco(Rabat)

197. Kaaba first time construct ( Ibrahim a.s.)

198. Last railway station in KPK (Landikotal)

199. Devine Books 4

200. PLO Abrevation  Palestine Liberation Organization

201. Abdul kalam azad belong to (India congress)

202. Gomal pass (pak&afganistan)

203. Uhad battle(3hijri)

204. First mosque in Islam (MasjidQuba)

205. Madrassa name in masjid nabvis.a.w .(madrassa suffa)

206. Hazrat Ayesha father (Hazrat Abubakkar R.A)

207. Atom has charge (neutral)

208. Russia attack on Afghanistan(1979)

209. Fall of Dhaka took place (1971)

210. Obtuse angle....Greater than 90.

211. Geneva Accord....April16,1988

212. Ghazwa ohd.....3hijri

213. Allama Iqbal khutba in1930...aIlabad.

214. 2nd world war...1939-45

215. Fatima Jinnah contested....AyubKhan

216. Quran revealed...Ramzan.....

217. Turbat  in which province...Balochistan

218. Baro meter....air pressure

219. Circuit saver...Fuse

220. sound of thunder....Aftr light

221.  Speed of car when stops....Zero

222. sum of all angles of triangle...180

223. Two parallel lines.....never meet

224. Nervous system disease...Epilepsy

225. Cardiac diseases relate to........Heart

226. Lactometer is used for measuring milk

227. Mangla Dam is Located in Mirpur, AzadKashmir

228. Indian PM? Narindarmodi

229. Russia went back from afghanistan?Feb1989

230. Electron has ? -ve charge

231. Water has ratio of hydrogen &oxygen?2:1

232. Who is responsible for oil exploration in Pakistan? OGDCL

233. Now or never ? Ch.Rehmat Ali

234. Water agreement b/w Pak&India? Indus water treaty

235. Quaid14 points?1929

236. Used in thermometer? Mercury

237. Banu Hashim stayed at which place during social boycott?   ShibAbiTalib

238. First Ameere Hajj was? HazratAbuBakrR.A..

239. State bank of Pakistan established1949.

240. Ayat in quran6666.

241. Surah in quran114.

242. Longest suraha albaqra.

243. Shortest surah alkusar.

244. Resolution of pakistan1940 at lahore

245. Dialysis is related with disease of kidny.

246. Barack Obama is the president of USA?44th

247. China joined WTO in ? Dec2001

248. Pakistan joins 3G Generationon? 23April2014

249. Lahore Islamabad Motorway length? 376KM

250. Ramadan is which month of Islamic Calendar? 9th

251. Nemaze Istasqa is prayed for? Rain

252. Which metal catches fire when thrown in water? Sodium

253. Photosynthesis is involves? Chlorophyll

254. Population percentage of Punjab?55%

255. Hazrat Younus remained in abdomen of fish?40days

256. Total number of Ghazwath?27

257. Largest University of Punjab? Punjab University

258. Largest shipping Corporation ? Karachi Shipping Corporation

259. Fire Extinguishing Gas?CO2

260. Surah with  two Bismi'allah? SurahNahl

261. Converting Metal in to gold? Alchemy.

262. First book of Hadith? Imam Bukharie 

263. Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000

264. A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? Loss Rs. 40

265. A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40

266. Daily wages of a worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220

267. Hexagon? Six-sided

268. 4cm square area? 16cm2

269. 3% of 2000? 60

270. If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students? 1000

271. Four side equal? Square 

272. 16 men complete work in 10 days how much days required completing work by 8 men? 20 days.

273. Heptagon: 7 sides

274. Scalene Triangle : No equal sides, No equal angles

275. 5,8,11,?14

276. Two circle having radius of 3,5 and touching extremely ,,,,center distance between them is....8

277. 0.01 can be written as,,,,1/100

278. 25% can be written as,,,,,0.25

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1 comment:

JjBrothers (Jamshed Soomro) said...

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