Sunday, December 27, 2020

Science for PST & JEST

 ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ General Science MCQS ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธ

 (1) Which is the only planet in the solar system which is known to have living things?

Venus _Earth _Mars [Earth] 

(2) A tadpole grows into a .

kitten _puppy _frog [frog]

(3) All living things need to grow.

air _water _food [food] 

(4) Human beings eat .

plant sand animals _plants only_ animals only [plants and animals]

(5) Green plants make their own .

water_ food _air [food] 

(6) Plants that are not green cannot make their own food so they take food from . 

animals_ green plants _soil [green plants] 

(7) Plants take in air through small holes intheir leaves called .

gills_ lungs_ stomata [stomata] 

Science for PST and JEST Preparation

(8) A fish swims in water by its .

wings _legs_ fins [fins]

(9) Seeds grow to make new .

flowers_ leaves _plants [plants] 

(10) A baby kangaroo is called a .

nestling_ joey _calf [joey].      

(11) Animals have different colours which help them to . 

hide from their enemies _protect them from the sun

[hide from their enemies] 

(12) The body of a fish is covered with .

feathers_ scales_ shells [scales] 

(13) The soft body of a snail is protected by .

feathers _scales _a shell [a shell] 

(14) An animal that can live in very cold places is a .

crocodile_ polar bear _ostrich [polar bear] 

(15) An animal that lives in very hot places is a .

penguin _camel _polar bear [camel]

(16) A sea anemone looks like a .

star horse flower [flower] 

(17) An animal that lives on land and in the water is .

crocodile _dolphin_ jellyfish [crocodile] 

(h) An octopus has arms.

5 _7_ 8 [8]

(18) The body of a porcupine is covered with .

scales _fur _quills [quills] 

(19) A parrot can hide in the leaves of trees because its colour is .

blue _green _yellow [green].    


(20) Most plants are .

red _green _blue [green]

(21) of a plant sucks water from the soil.

Roots _Stem _Leaves [Roots] 

(22) Green leaves of a plant make for the plant.

water _food _ air [food] 

(23) Flowers help the plant to make .

seeds _stems _roots [seeds] 

(24) The stems of trees are .

short and branched _soft and weak _hard and woody [hard and woody]

(25) Plants that have soft, weak stems are called .

herbs_ shrubs_ trees [herbs] 

(26) Mosses do not have .

roots _stems_ leaves [stems]

(27) Special tubes carry water from the to all parts of the plant.

stems _roots _leaves [roots] 

(28) Special tubes carry food from the to all parts of the plant.

stems _roots l_eaves [leaves] 

(29) The venus flytrap catches .

insects_ birds _fish [insects].   

                                                                                 (30) Roots grow in the .

soil _sky_ air [soil] 

(31) Roots suck from the soil.

food_ air _water [water] 

(32) Roots which have one thick part are called .

fibrous roots _tap roots _fat roots [tap roots] 

(33) Small roots of the same size are called .

tap roots _cap roots _fibrous roots [fibrous roots]

(34) The tip of the root is protected by .

root hairs_ root tips _root cap [root cap]

(35) The root cap protects the .

root hairs_ root tips_ stem tips [root tips]

(36) The kind of root which stores a lot of food is .

tap root _fibrous root_ thin root [tap root] 

(37) The turnip is an example of a .

root hair _tap root _fibrous root [tap root] 

(38) Roots with many branches ofthe same size are called .

fibrous roots _tap roots _branched roots [fibrous roots]

(39) Water and salts are sucked up by the plant by .

root cap_ root hairs _tap root [root hairs].  

(40) All leaves grow on the of plants.

roots _stems _leaves [stems] 

(41) Chlorophyll is the coloured substance in the leaf.

yellow _red_ green [green]

(42) The flat, green part of the leaf is called .

leaf stalk_ leaf blade _midrib [leaf blade] 

(43) The midrib and veins in the leaf carry .

food only _water only _food and water [food and water] 

(44) When one leaf grows on a leaf stalk the leaf is called a .

leaflet _simple leaf _compound leaf [simple leaf]

(45) When two or more leaves grow on a leaf stalk the leaf is called .

compound leaf _simple leaf _leaflet [compound leaf] 

(46) The process by which green leaves make food is called .

respiration _photosynthesis _excretion [photosynthesis] 

(47) The food of the plant is .

rice_ butter_ glucose [glucose] 

(48) A leaf makes food with the help of . 

air, water, sunlight_

water, sunlight, and chlorophyll_

water, air, sunlight, chlorophyll [air, water, sunlight, chlorophyll] 

(49) Air enters a leaf by small holes called .

pores _holes_ stomata [stomata].   


(50) A fruit is made from a .

leaf _stem _flower [flower] 

(51) A mango is a fruit.

dry_ juicy_ hard [juicy] 

(52) Seeds are made inside the .

fruit_ flower _roots [fruit] 

(53) A...... has many seed.

papaya _mango_ banana [papaya] 

(54) A seed has a hard outer covering called .

skin _seed coat _shell [seed coat]

(55) A seed has a tiny hole through which go into the seed.

air and water _air and soil _air and food [air and water] 

(56) The seed has a inside it.

leaves_ flowers_ baby plant [baby plant] 

(57) The seed leaves have for the baby plant to grow.

air _water _food [food] 

(58) A bean seed has seed leaves.

2_ 3_ 4 [2] 

(59) A maize seed has seed leaf.

1_ 2 _3 [1].    


 (60) A push or a pull is called .

force _work_ energy [force] 

(61) To push a heavy thing we need force.

no _more _less [more] 

(62)...... help us to do work.

Machines _Cars _Aeroplanes [Machines] 

(63) A bottle opener is a small .

machine_ car _crane [machine] 

(64) The food of a machine is called .

food _fuel _water [fuel] 

(65) Fuel gives to the machine to do work.

work_ energy_ petrol [energy] 

(66) Small machines make our work .

difficult _easy_ hard [easy] 

(67) The fuel of our body is .

petrol_ gas _food [food] 

(68) A machine that helps us to lift heavy things is .

train_ crane_ screw driver [crane] 

(69) The fuel of a steam engine is .

petrol_ oil _coal [coal].    


(70) We can see things when.... 

falls on them.

electricity _light _crane [light]

(71) All the light on the Earth comes from .

bulbs_ candles _the Sun [the Sun]

(72) Something which gives outlight by itself is called .

non-luminous_ luminous _dark [luminous]


(73) The moon is a body.

luminous_ non-luminous_ burning [non-luminous] 

(74) Things which let light pass through them are called .

transparent _translucent _opaque [transparent]

(75 ) We cannot see through objects.

transparent _translucent_ opaque [opaque]

(76) A beam of light travelsin a line.

curved _wavy _straight [straight] 

(77) The shadow of an object is of the same as the object.

size _shape_ colour [shape]

(78) If the object is near the light its shadow is . 

bigger than the object _smaller than the object_

of the same size as the object [bigger than the object]

(79) When the Sun is over our heads, our shadow is made .

on our left _on our right _under our feet [under our feet].     


(80) Heat makesus feel .

warm _cold _cool [warm] 

(81) Heat is a kind of .

energy _power_ fuel [energy] 

(82) Animals have hair or fur on their bodies to keep .

cold _warm _wet [warm]


(83) Heat energy comes from things.

washing _burning _blowing [burning] 

(84) Metals through which heat can pass are called .

poor conductors _good conductors_ semi-conductors [good conductors]

(85) Plastic is a conductor of heat.

good _poor_ weak [poor] 

(86) Handles of cooking pots are made of..... conductors of heat.

good_ poor _weak [poor]

(87)..... is produced by rubbing our hands.

Water_ Electricity _Heat [Heat] 

(88) We sit under a tree to protect ourselves from the heat of the .

Sun _Moon_ stars [Sun] 

(89) We feel.... when we are close the source of heat.

cold _wet _warm [warm].

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