Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Deprived Talukas written test schedule of PST & JEST announced by IBA

*Test date has been announced !!!!*


Deprived Talukas written test schedule of PST & JEST announced by IBA 

*All those candidates (deprived)/of 18taulkas who applied for JEST and PST for written.*

Deprived Talukas written test schedule of PST & JEST announced by IBA


1.Sicily is the largest island in which Sea?

A. Mediterranean Sea✔

2.The Black forest is located in which European country?

A. Germany✔

3.Catalonia is a region of which country?

A. Spain✔

4.Where do you find St. Peter’s Basilica?

A. Vatican city✔

5.What body of water separates Saudi Arabia from Africa?

A. Red sea ✔

6.After many years Cinema houses were opened in Saudi Arabia?

A. 35 Years ✔

7.Which Country and its territories cover the most time zones?

A. France✔

8.Which of the following straits separate Asia from Africa?

A. Bab-ul-Mandab✔

9.When was the Famous children’s television show “Ainak Wala Jinn” broadcasted by PTV?

A. 1993✔

10.Yerevan, one of the world’s continuously inhabited cities, is the Capital of what Country?

A. Armenia✔

11.Capital of Chechnya is___________?

C. Grozny✔

12.The Kyoto Protocol was established in ________ at the in _________?

A. 1997 . . . Japan ✔

13.Kingston is the capital of____________?

A. Jamaica✔

14World Polio Day observed every year on___________?

A. October 24✔

15.When FBI of America was established?

A. 1908✔

16.Where the First ASEAN summit was held in February 1976?

A. Indonesia✔

17.Sheikh Mujib-u-Rahman was born in__________?

A. Tungipara Upazila✔

18.From when Pakistani soldiers have been stationed in Saudi Arabia to protect the Kingdom?

A. since the 1960s✔

19.The World Radio Day (WRD) is observed every year on ___________?

A. 13 February✔

20.Which of the the following is considered as 8th Continent?

A. Zealandia✔

21.What are the Coldest months in Australia?

A. July and August✔

22.Scientific Name of Human is____________?

A. Homo sapiens✔

23.What “Enrico Fermi” invented?

A. Nuclear reactor✔

24.FATF has its headquarter in______________?

A. Paris✔

25.Abida Parveen was honored with President of Pakistan award in_________?

A 1984✔

26.Samara was built by_________?

A. Muta’sam‍✔

27.Al-Beruni died in the year__________?

A. 1048✔

28.Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by______________?

A. Walid bin Abdul Malik✔

29.How many Countries Are the Members Of NATO? 

A. 30✔

30.Reuters News Agency belongs to which country?

A. UK✔

31.Paristan Lake is in district?

A. Skardu✔

32.Maiden Tower is in_________?

A. Azerbaijan✔

33.The tallest man of Pakistan is__________?

A. Zia Rasheed✔

34.The Currency of Maldives is___________?

A. Rufiyaa✔

35.Park Güell is in__________?

A. Spain✔

36.Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) founded in___________?

A. 1975✔

37.The oldest Intelligence agency of Pakistan is_____________?

A. IB✔

38.Eden of Sindh is called_________?

A. Larkana✔

39.Twelve Apostles are in___________?

A. Australia✔

40.Minaret of Jam is in_______________?

A. Afghanistan✔

41.Lake Ness is freshwater lake in________?

A. Scotland✔

42.Abu Simbel Temples is in_____________?

A. Egypt✔

43.Tilicho Lake is in__________?

A. Nepal✔

44.Millau Bridge is in__________?

A. France✔

45.Mount Eden Crater is in________?

A. New Zealand✔

46.Hagia Sophia Museum is in___________?

A. Turkey✔

47.Leaning Tower of Pisa is in_________?

A. Italy✔

48.Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was founded in which year?

A. 1989✔

49.The “Tiger of Mysore” is called____________?

A. Tipu Sultan✔

50.In Indus Valley “Alluvial Soil” was used for making?
A. Bricks✔

*مختلف نوڪرين جي تياري ڪندڙ نوجوانن لاء رياضي سائنس ۽ عالمي معلومات جون موڪ ٽيسٽون بلاگ تي اپلوڊ ڪيون آھن.آئي بي اي طرفان گريڊ 5 کان 15 تائين اسڪرينگ ٽيسٽ، ٽيچنگ، ايف آء اي ، پوليس ايس ايس يو ، اسپيشل پروٽيڪشن يونٽ ، ائير پورٽ سڪيورٽي فورسز ،آرميءَ ۽ ائير فورس جي نوڪري لاءِ تياري ڪندڙ نوجوان ھي آنلائن ٽيسٽ ڏئي پنھنجي اھليت جو چڪاس ڪري سگھن ٿا. آن لائن ٽيسٽ ڏيڻ کانپوءِ اھا ٽيسٽ درست جوابن سميت پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾ پڻ ڊائونلوڊ ڪري سگهو ٿا.*      



*Some Important Test Material that we have updated on our blog:*

*1.Maths Mock Test.*

2.*Science Mock Test.*

3.*General Knowledge Mock Test* 

4. *IBA JEST Past Paper.*

5. *Preparation Materials  for Maths, English, Science and Computer*.

6. *How to earn online?*

*Please go & and take benefit of above mentioned material at our blog*: 

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