Monday, April 10, 2023

1659 Lecturer & other jobs have been announced by SPSC

 Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police, etc.

  Announcement of more than 1500 vacancies of lecturers of 17th grade in new hundreds of different subjects in Education College Education Department.

See the subject in the chart below.

English:  15 posts

Sindhi:  240 posts

Urdu:  36 posts

Pakistan Study:  155 posts

Computer Science:  300 posts

Chemistry:  13 posts

Physics:  85 posts

Mathematics: 109 posts 

Zoology:  134 posts

Botany: 154 posts

Economics 37 Posts 

Education:  87 Posts

Islamiat:  106 Posts

 Muslim History: 27 Posts 

 Political Science: 35 Posts

 Psychology: 13 Posts

 Sociology 43 Posts

Statics 88  Posts

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police

Sindh Public Service Commission has announced the recruitment of thousands of jobs including lecturers in college department, subject specialists in schools, anti-corruption department, ASI in Sindh Police


Educational Qualification

Only Masters in relevant subject with 16 years of education. (Bachelors Honors is equivalent to Masters) They can also apply..

In the Wing of Schools Education Department

Subject Specialist/ Instructor Grade 17 June 205 Vacancies

Education: 16 years Master's degree in relevant subject

with minimum 50% marks.

Note :(No BED required) 

Age Limit: 21 to 30 years (15 years general relaxation under Sindh Government Policy) 

In the anti-corruption department

13 Posts of Assistant BPS 16

10 Posts of Inspector BPS-16

31 Posts Sub Inspector BPS - 14  

48 Posts ASI BPS-11  

For CPEC Project in Sindh Police in Home Department

Announcement of 94 Posts of SSI Grade 9/11

Note: No age relaxation will be given in anti-corruption police and home department.

Note: Apply for all jobs online.

Last date fixed 5 May 2023.

Don't wait for the deadline, apply now.

In the evening on the last date; There will be time till 5 o'clock.

*Quota reserved for disabled and minorities*

Young men and women who meet the above qualifications and requirements are encouraged to apply.

500 rupees from any branch of Challan National or State Bank and the form will be submitted online on the official website of Sindh Public Service Commission

For any guidance and complete preparation, 

 Contact Us 

Bring this post to every young man and woman so that they can get out of frustration and do something related to the new environment.

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*مختلف نوڪرين جي تياري ڪندڙ نوجوانن لاء رياضي سائنس ۽ عالمي معلومات جون موڪ ٽيسٽون بلاگ تي اپلوڊ ڪيون آھن.آئي بي اي طرفان گريڊ 5 کان 15 تائين اسڪرينگ ٽيسٽ، ٽيچنگ، ايف آء اي ، پوليس ايس ايس يو ، اسپيشل پروٽيڪشن يونٽ ، ائير پورٽ سڪيورٽي فورسز ،آرميءَ ۽ ائير فورس جي نوڪري لاءِ تياري ڪندڙ نوجوان ھي آنلائن ٽيسٽ ڏئي پنھنجي اھليت جو چڪاس ڪري سگھن ٿا. آن لائن ٽيسٽ ڏيڻ کانپوءِ اھا ٽيسٽ درست جوابن سميت پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾ پڻ ڊائونلوڊ ڪري سگهو ٿا.*      




                 *Syllabus of S.S.T & S.S*



*Some Important Test Material that we have updated on our blog:*

                   *1.Maths Mock Test.*


2.*Science Mock Test.*


3.*General Knowledge Mock Test* 


4. *IBA JEST Past Paper.*

5. *Preparation Materials  for Maths, English, Science and Computer*.

6. *How to earn online?*

*Please go & and take benefit of above mentioned material at our blog*: 


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